Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Serf, GOP and Bloomie sink to new low

Here you see part of a mailing that went out to voters in the 15th Senate District. The word "perverted" is rather eye-catching, no? This was sent out last week in advance of primary day by the NYS Republicans. They left their name off of it. When called by a reporter, they admitted it was them. It's too bad the reporter failed to ask Serf what he thought of it. Since he has not denounced this, he must approve of it. How desperate are Serf and the Senate GOP that they have to resort to this? And remember this comes thanks to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's money, so therefore he must approve of this, too.


Anonymous said...

those GOP rats should have put out a mailing like this for one of
their own TRULY PERVERTED political party brothers former C.M./rapist Dennis P. Gallagher!

Anonymous said...

How are you connecting this language to Bloomberg's approval? You are really stretching on that one. It's these types of things, among many others, that result in most people considering Crapper a total hack.

Anonymous said...

Rather easy to explain. Bloomie donates gobs of money to GOP because he's said time and again that he wants to keep them in power. GOP comes up with this hit piece and mails it to the whole district. Bloomie therefore approves GOP tactics.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - has Bloomberg denounced the flier, thereby denouncing the GOP? If not, I'd say he approves it. Maybe someone can ask him when he comes to the district to campaign for Maltese.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg certianly must have been aware when he donated his money to the GOP that they would do something like this. It's what they're known for.

Queens Crapper said...

"It's these types of things, among many others, that result in most people considering Crapper a total hack."

You must have me confused with KingofNYCabbies. I don't drive a cab.

Anonymous said...

At least he is not semi-senile like George the Bricklayer, who is doddering around telling his community (actually he just stand there with a vacant grin - its his redoubable wife that speaks) that he cannot deliver funds (to anyone except developer projects like HANAC of course) because the 'Republicans control the Senate'

What bullshit. What a moron!

Then if only the Republicans can bring back our taxes, lets vote for them. What is the point of voting in someone who can't bring home the bacon.

Oh yes, I expect him to step down so the machine can put another non entity in like they did for Sabini.

Anonymous said...

This is the blog that Baldeo or his supporters put together before he made the deal with the Queens corrupt machine not to run.


Read it quick before he takes it down

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is a low blow to use the quote. I just find it a little strange that Addabbo takes the endorsement from a guy that actually did call him reckless and perverted. Also, I remember seeing a youtube clip where Baldeo was in a crowd of people that were holding up signs that said Addabbo is a Racist. We should ask Joe why he takes support from a guy that clearly said some hateful things less than a year ago.

georgetheatheist said...

You want Serfin' Safari to roll over and play dead? Against the Manton boy-chick Crowley-led machine?

Politics is war.

All's fair in love and war.

Avanti Maltese! Forza!

Anonymous said...

Here's what the worst part of this is. The "perverted" quote attributed to Baldeo was meant to be taken out of context. It's has a sexual connotation. It was said in response to Addabbo's refusal to believe that an incident between a Guyanese family and an Italian family in Howard Beach was racially motivated. Serf would have taken the Addabbo position on that. But he never took a position at all. Mr. Sit on the Fence is now using this against Addabbo when that is exactly the hand Serf would have played had he been forced to play one. Shame that no one forced him to.

Anonymous said...

Serf is famous for sitting on the fence... he's been there for over 20 years.

Here's his campaign song:

I'm just sittin' on a fence
You can say I got no sense
Trying to make up my mind
Decision making is too horrifyin'
So I'm sittin on a fence

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

"Serf is famous for sitting on the fence... he's been there for over 20 years"

He's been sittin there so long, he fell asleep. And if you fall asleep on a fence, you'll probably fall off.

Anonymous said...

When we get someone we believe in to vote for?
They all Bums
Baldeo is a sell out
How can Addabbo take the endorsement of someone who called him a pervert

Anonymous said...

Nasty, misleading, inflamatory anonymous mailings..

The hallmark of Dennis P. Gallagher. Maybe his white trash former staff has been lent to Serf by their new employer, Anthony McMansion Como.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on this one, Lauinger. Sure, you should have done more like interviewed Serf, but at least you let the cat out of the bag.

I want to buy this guy a preppy sweater for his good work.

Anonymous said...

If Baldeo said it then it's fair use. if he neevr said it, then that's wrong. That's the only issue.

Anonymous said...

Baldeo will never get the judgeship that he wanted now that he is in the middle of this

what a jerk to make a deal with the machine to drop out

Anonymous said...

Vote for Baldeo all you want - he would still have to accept the Democratic nomination in order to be the official candidate.

Anonymous said...

"Vote for Baldeo all you want - he would still have to accept the Democratic nomination in order to be the official candidate."

What makes you think he wouldn't? If elected in the primary, he's the candidate in the general. He's going to back at at that point?

Anonymous said...

He already did back out. You think a liar will play well to the masses?

Anonymous said...

Baldeo already accepted the Democratic Nomination by petiting for the office. There is no way for him to pull out if he wins except to die.

Anonymous said...

You have to sign a consent in order to be certified the winner of the election. Otherwise, Mickey Mouse could win as a write in candidate.

Anonymous said...

You should hear what Baldeo said about Serf....stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

For the record: Baldeo won't win the primary, but it would be cool if he did, just to show Crowley and co. that their ploy didn't work.

Anonymous said...

what ploy? the one he participated in? and mr. maltese is very good friends with mr. crowley when it comes to screwing the community. more on this soon.

Anonymous said...

note how this flyer has the tiny union label on it.

Anonymous said...

Baldeo said it. He was wrong to use the word perverted. Maltese repeated it. Maltese's doing so makes him just as wrong. Maybe Mr. Christ the King the family values party guy does not grasp the concept behind Thou shalt not bear false witness. Cheap political shots are one thing, taking that sentence and using it is just a clear indication of Serf's willingness to personally smear someone for political gain. Shame on Serf. He lost my vote the day I received this.

Anonymous said...

"He lost my vote the day I received this."

Oh Please - he never had your vote!

Anonymous said...

Au contraire, but he did.

Anonymous said...


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