Sunday, September 7, 2008

Serf is Bloomie's new baby

Mayor Bloomberg is backing former political foe Republican Queens Sen. Serph Maltese in his tough re-election - a move that could soothe the senate GOP as it battles to hang onto its one-vote majority, The Post has learned.

Bloomberg heaps praise on Maltese as "the best person to represent Queens and New York City....(he has) a long record of delivering," in a letter set to be sent to voters in the district, where the 20-year incumbent is facing a hard fight from Democratic City Councilman Joe Addabbo.

Maltese "has one of the finest records of any state senator in Albany," the letter says, adding that he "works tirelessly" on immigrant and other issues.


Yes, we all remember when Serf said that only "swarthy" individuals should be screened at the airport and that he makes other very closed-minded decisions. Expect more gems like this in the next two months - and remember that they come with mayoral approval and admiration.


Anonymous said...

I like how after almost losing to a Guyanese guy, Serf ran out and hired a bunch of Indians to work in his office. I guess swarthy folks are all right if they'll help you win an election.

Anonymous said...

YES! This is a classic example of tweeding. Hire folks who look like your target demographic, send them out to make promises, sway their votes. Don't think it's going to work in this case, it's really sad what Serf has lowered himself to.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg allowed Maspeth, Middle Village and Glendale to be destroyed by greedy developers and flooded and Maltese was complicent in it. One more reason to vote Addabbo.

Anonymous said...

Hey, can someone tell that story again about how Mattone, Serf and Joe Crowley came to an agreement to start work on a Home Depot in Elmhurst (the future site of Gas Tank Park) and the community had to step in to stop it?

Anonymous said...

Sad that he has hired people over the years to represent the diversity in the district? I bet he is pandering to white voters because he has white staff members too!

Anonymous said...

No he always had whites in his office. It was his "oh, shit!" moment in 2006 that led to the hiring of Boo-yah and the rest of the crew. We ain't dumb.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all know Serf is all about diversity. LOL LOL LOL!

Anonymous said...

So who cares if he has white people in his office. Baldeo, who now supports Addabbo, accused Addabbo of having a very white office. So Serf and Joe are equal on that.

Anonymous said...

Bloombucks couldn't buy Addabbo's vote on Congestion Pricing. This is payback. We all know Serf can be bought. Serf can afford his many staffers. Us taxpayers dole out close to a million bucks a year to staff Serfie's kingdom. How does his payroll compare to Onorato's or Markey's? Bet they are nowhere close.

Anonymous said...

Serf and Mike hate each other - this is pure politics, strange bedfellows and all that. Stop bitching about it and do something other than blog and write snarky comments - should - when - if Serpf loses you'll be writing the same things about Adabbo - unless Baldeo's supporters vote for him in the primary - now that would be hysterical.

Anonymous said...

Yep, strange bedfellows and both hopelessly out of touch with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Baldeo sold out to the machine. He get a good job soon, like Sabini and Lafayette.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's just horrible that a politician would take note of changing demographics and hire people from those ethnic groups.

Some of you give "stupid" a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Neversleep must have been sleeping because he missed the comment that it was his "oh, shit!" moment in 2006 that led to the hiring of Boo-yah and the rest of the Indian crew. It has nothing to do with wanting to meet the needs of his constituents and everything to do with collecting their votes.

Anonymous said...

Bloomie is just like any other
loose moralled horny queen
in a gay bath house.

He'll bend over for anyone who'll
"deliver" politically to his wants and desires!

His knee joint are well oiled too!

Anonymous said...

If the whiners on this blog don't like Maltese, he must be doing something right.

Anonymous said...

If Serf's defenders feel they must comment, then we must be saying something that hits home on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Well that settles it. Bloomberg is definitly running for Governor in 2011.
Bloomberg hates Serf's politics and despises him personally.
The only reason why he would back Maltese (and the rest of the corruption crew) is to smooth things over with upstate repubs when he runs.

Anonymous said...

King Midget and Squire Serf. As a Shakespearian tale, is it comedy or tragedy?

Anonymous said...

Every registered Dem who hates the machine should vote for Baldeo tomorrow, then if he wins, vote for him again in the general. Screw the machines.

Anonymous said...

Screw the machines and get a total screwball- not in this lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Addabbo is a nothing who was born with a popular last name.

He is loyal to the machine

Anonymous said...

The choice today is Addabbo or Baldeo. Of the 2, Addabbo is the better choice. I'd far rather the winner in Nov. to be Addabbo or Maltese rather than the likes of Baldeo who is a very loose cannon known to have actually brandished a "cannon" as well as some other particularly heinous things.

Anonymous said...

Today is Primary Day, vote for Baldeo!

Anonymous said...

Serf is non compos menti
(pardon my Latin spelling) but he's still smart enough to know how to collect his graft money!

Which pocket does it go in Don Serf?

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