Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The results are in and Ellen's out

Grace Meng trounced incumbent Assemblywoman Ellen Young in the Democratic primary. The outcomes of the other races came as no surprise.


Anonymous said...

If 1 in 3 Dems is voting for a Republican, Toby's in deep shit.

Anonymous said...

One Dem out of three voted for the invisible man. Deep doesn't even begin to describe it.

Skelos showed up to Koo's birthday party event... looks like the pros are going to fill in the gaps for the callow Oliver Tam.

In the meantime, One dem out of five voted for Baldeo- after he dropped out and endorsed Addabbo.

Maybe Baldeo will get to judge the Nathan's hot dog eating contest.

Unless term limits go down, Joe is gonna need a job and there are only so many judgeships to go around.

Get your boards- Serf's up.

Both Obama and McCain touting gas... and Gennaro is running around with sky nets.

So much for the Dems taking the Senate...

Anonymous said...

I think that our sleepy-time Queens voters are beginning to awaken and recognize the Dem/clubhouse for what it really is.....
an antiquated wolf pack of aging political Archie Bum-ker types!

They're the ones who are are out of touch with our boroughs needs!

It's no more business as usual for them and their swan song will soon be sung !

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the Dems in Brooklyn dumped that piece of Kings Crap, Marty Connor! Way to go Brooklynites!

Anonymous said...

Even though i am rooting against her, but Toby will win the General Election easily.

Sorry to burst your bubble guys.

Anonymous said...

Meng will join the queens machine in a hot second. The developers money behind her means no victory for the people. Young and Liu and their money people are no better

Follow the money behind the puppets

Anonymous said...

Schwartz did better than I ever expected! Pretty good for an invisible man.

Anonymous said...

Tell us that the Taiwanese
weren't looking to annex F-LIU-xhing as a province!

Tommy Huang's cousin C.M. Liu steals his office with the aid of Stavisky and the clubhouse.

Then he pushes
his chief of staff Ellen Young
to head the Flushing BID.

Now she tries to capture an Assembly seat...but fails.

Tough shit Toby!
You're days are numbered too!

We've had enough of the closet racist agenda pouring from you KWEENS KLUBHOUSE KRAKKERS (KKK).

You're the ones who helped introduced the Asians to keep "people of color" from "taking over" Flushing.

In the words of a former Assemblyman (who shall remain nameless for the moment):

"Thank God for the Asians.
We didn't want Flushing to become a South Jamaica".

one of our bigoted town's dirty little secrets!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the planned inv-ASIAN
of Flushing really started about 25 years ago...orchestrated by the Ackerman/Manes team in exchange for perks unmentionable as of yet.

Anonymous said... goof.
I think it was Mabel Law that was involved with the Flushing BID.

Close enough.

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