Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rebuild the Twin Towers!

The Twin Towers II Redevelopment Plan for the World Trade Center, which first came to the public’s attention when it was endorsed by Donald Trump in 2005, has been in constant development for more than five years. Unfortunately, the grassroots nature of the project was lost on the press as they mugged Mr. Trump for his “hubris,” while missing or ignoring the fact that he was simply advocating what most of us believe.

Guest column: It's time to listen to the people and rebuild the Twin Towers

But we can still convert the current fiasco into something that is a credit to our national character. The only obstacles are political. An impartial evaluation could be finished in a matter of days. We are confident it would show that the Twin Towers II alternative is demonstrably superior by every measure. Furthermore, the transition could be easily achieved.

It’s time for the politicians to respect the people’s proper role in deciding our country’s destiny. It’s time for officials to stop subordinating the rebirth of our World Trade Center to the dictates of New York’s real estate lobby, which has opposed rebuilding the Twin Towers for selfish reasons from the start. And it’s time for people to stop rolling over instead of standing up for what they know is right.

And hurry up, because the trees are in trouble.


faster340 said...

I think the age of GRAND building is over. We are in the age of NICKEL and DIME. No more contstruction projects like the Brooklyn Bridge, Verrazano Bridge, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building etc. etc. I think after the original Trade Center was built it was all over. The Nickel and Dime era set in.

No one has the balls to build what the imagination dreams up because it will simply cost too much and cut into profits. The almighty dollar has come to rule our imagination and dreams like it has mine.

Unknown said...

Maybe we can finish the 'dream' of Moses and Rockefeller and raze every single block to create a superblock of office space or housing.

Anonymous said...

If Trump hubris incites someone to get moving in building on the site, the victims'families and this city's citizens will be somewhat satisified and in a better space than we are today - it's a credit to our national character that we endure the only obstacles to the will of the people, which are political.

faster340 said...

Hey Chris how many times a day or week do you use or need one of those Moses or Rockefeller dreams to your advantage? If you are that opposed to it then don't use what they built.

Spare me the bullshit.

I agree that ED is bad and should be taken into consideration and not used at all for NEW major municipal projects but that's not what I was referring to. The Twin Tower space and footprint is already there and the new Towers should be built right in the same space.

Anonymous said...

Cant happen, never will happen.
The landlord Silverstein who has something like a 50year lease on the stolen property cant rent the top floors.
You find suckers to rent a "target" or trust builders.

Anonymous said...

I agree, rebuild them.

Great place for affordable housing.

Floor after floor of guest workers.

Anonymous said...

"But we can still convert the current fiasco into something that is a credit to our national character."

Like a big fucking hole in the ground in which to dump billions of tax dollars every time Wall Street hiccups.

Anonymous said...

things are progressing at the site

Rome wasnt built in a day

faster340 said...

things are progressing at the site

Rome wasnt built in a day


I agree but it was a hell of a lot faster than they are building at the trade center site and that was built by hand, not with machinery.

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