Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Port Authority Workers Make Big Money

HACKENSACK, NJ (AP) -- One-sixth of the employees at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have base salaries over $100,000.

An analysis by the Record of Bergen County says that makes the agency the highest paying transportation agency in the region.

Nearly 1,200 employees have six-figure salaries, including 236 police officers.

Port Authority officials say it should not be compared directly to New York City Transit and other transportation agencies because the Port Authority runs not only bridges and a train line, but also operates five airports and does commercial development work.

But Steve Carrellas of the National Motorists Association says it looks bad for an agency that charges bridge and tunnel tolls of up to $8 to have such high salaries.


Anonymous said...

They don't lay off workers either. Port Authority workers are quick to tell you that their jobs are secure.

We all pay to make that happen.

Anonymous said...

An "AUTHORITY" is immune from lawsuits too!

There's no legal recourse to extricate any of these bums .

They've got it made like kings hiding out within a flaw that exists in our so called democracy!

Anonymous said...

PA is made up of a whole lot of crooks. What a shame that the common people are being shafted by people making such ludicrous salaries.


Anonymous said...

I had to deal with them at an agency I worked at. Worst fucking client ever. Cheap, backstabbing motherfuckers.

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