Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not backwoods Alabama, but Elmhurst!

Below are before and after photos showing 78-23 57 Avenue in Elmhurst.

Winter 2008:

Summer 2008:
I'm trying to decide if this is an improvement. There used to be an illegal sign making business as evidenced by that metal awning skeleton. They got banged for using the yard as a commercial parking lot, but how they managed to get away without a failure to maintain summons for the many years the property sat in this condition is beyond me. When I was a kid, we thought the place was haunted. Suffice it to say, I wouldn't want to live next door, which will be tomorrow's featured crap. Gas tank park just down the street!


georgetheatheist said...

Hey Crapper, ease up. This is the home of R. Crumb's Mr. Natural.

("Anyone in the mood for a plate of piping hot boiled cabbage?")

Anonymous said...

Id kill to have a house like that.
Id have it restord to 1920 condition with a stoop and flagpole.

All that steel garbage would be gone, the yard would be a farm with a fountain, bar with 1 1920 replicated parking shead to match the house.

Anonymous said...

Iiiieeee - They say here - illegal boys line up to work, eat in the blue awning kitchen, sleep sometimes there and pay to get the nasty from the hag on Sat nites. They play volley ball on Sunday afternoon.

This is commercial buisness!

georgetheatheist said...

And those are great window awnings. Bet it's real cool inside during July & August.

Anonymous said...

Hey George

Those window awnings cost about $600.00 each. Maybe they will sellthem to you for half price HAHAHAH

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