Saturday, September 13, 2008

No rules at Forest Hills schools

Reports are coming out of Wednesday's PA (Parents Association) meeting at PS 101, and apparently things are in total disarray.

Rumors say that overcrowding is reaching illegal levels, with kids as old as 1st grade having to stay home because there's no room at the inn.

How did this happen as late as first grade? As the elderly move on and young families take their large apartments, hasn't anyone anyone noticed class sizes getting bigger for pre-K?

Overcrowding 101

Well why do you think this is happening? Anchor babies? Rampant overdevelopment? A legion of intelligent-sounding neighborhood writers who only seem to care about what trendy new restaurant just opened? Politicians not giving a shit about you because the outcome of your vote is already known before the candidates are even announced? Take your pick...


faster340 said...

Well why do think this is happening? Anchor babies? Rampant overdevelopment? A legion of intelligent-sounding neighborhood writers who only seem to care about what trendy new restaurant just opened? Politicians not giving a shit about you because the outcome of your vote is already known before the candidates are even announced? Take your pick...

All of the above are the exact reasons.

Anonymous said...

I agree with faster.

The schools are going downhill and fast. Parents are really starting to get disgusted and move their families out to Long Island or private schools right here in Queens. Whether it's the inability to have any input(despite having a parent coordinator) or the dreadful new curricula implemented or should I say tested on the kids, I'm not sure. Or maybe they're just sick of the incessant test-prepping all year long.
I see it happening every day. If you talk to the PTA or the parents in general, they all express the same hopelessness of us teachers.

I am thinking of leaving the system myself. It's all a damn shame.

Anonymous said...

Solution for public schools:

Use the Catholic school curriculum minus religion class. It works.

Anonymous said...

Forest Hills liberals are usually the first to defend sanctuary city policies. They want their Fresh Direct, prices low at their restaurants and don't mind that their designer clothes are made in sweatshops. So I really don't care about their school problems. They got more then they bargained for and are learning their lesson. Good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, where's FH Guy now? Still cheering on any condo project that makes its way to Forest Hills or Kew Gardens?

Anonymous said...

Wait till the nitwits at LIC wake up and find their touted school filled with kids from Queensbridge and Metropolitan Houses in Woodside.


(why don't you guys start to raise these concerns on liqshitty or Queenswest?)


Anonymous said...

Why dont the Queens weeklies talk about this instead of filling up their space with pictures of beaming politicans standing in front of seniors or kids as they get credit for some welfare state program using taxpayers money - a program that is likely not to last a year.

Why dont they delve into the real issues of Queens and the role the inept politicans have in fostering this mess?

Problems that (unlike the specteral programs) just fester year in and year out.

Anonymous said...

The schools in Queens are for immigrants. Better than where they came from and who will complain.

The parents respect authority as a legacy of the third world countries they come from (a politican's dream, eh?) and besides, working 16 hours a day, who has the time to worry about this stuff?

Remember every time you hear the press crowing about diversity in a community, the community's services suck.

I do not understand where they find all these people that claim they move into an area because its diversity.

I don't believe it. No one who has a choice moves into an area where services suck.

Its like moving into a community with lots of gunfire because you crave excitement and don't want to live in a boring suburb.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. I went to Catholic school and no one was bitching that their kids' kindergarten had to many students in it. 14 is not a lot. And we had a very good graduation rate and we could actually read, write and spell which is more than I could say for my public school counterparts.

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not taking into consideration that your "public school counterparts" were all entitled to a free education and therefore couldn't be thrown out even if it was deserved. Along with a Catholic school education came a hefty tuition.
Now, if your parents paid a LOT of money for your eduaction, do you think they'd be happy with failing grades? When you go to an expensive private school, you are EXPECTED to do well. If I'm paying $5,000 a year for that school, I expect my kid to do well. Period.
Public schools really are a melting pot.... of varying socioeconomic levels.

Anonymous said...

My mother, a single parent of two kids with no alimony or child support, worked 2 jobs to send me to that school. Alongside me were children of recent immigrants who did the same thing. There was more of a melting pot than you'd believe. I had mainly Colombians, Chinese and Koreans in my school.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't speaking of the various ethnic groups. When ANY family pays big money for their kids to attend a private school, they EXPECT them to do well. It doesn't matter what ethnic group they belong to. The expectation is there.
Public schools comprise of great kids as well as undesirable ones along all ethnicities. Most will not say it, but a school is only as good as it's population.

Anonymous said...

Now I have to get into the fray. The Catholic Schools in my day were able to charge low tuition due to the slave labor/indentured servitude of women teachers, the nuns. Where are they now? Have any of them accrued enough social security to actually live on? I preferred Public School where Crucified Jesus & outdated concepts were not being forced into my brain. (no disrespect to Catholics, I am all for separation of Church and State)

As for the local papers in Queens
(quote - Why dont the Queens weeklies talk about this instead of filling up their space with pictures of beaming politicans standing in front of seniors or kids as they get credit for some welfare state program using taxpayers money - a program that is likely not to last a year.

Why dont they delve into the real issues of Queens and the role the inept politicans have in fostering this mess? unquote)

They are all owned by Congressman Gary Ackerman last time I checked. Ain't that something?

None of them write about genuine issues , let's start with Slumlord Harassment of Tenants. Yes there are puff pieces in some main stream dailies but when you dig deeper it is all a lot of malarkey.

Start with the Migration Tenant Project funded by Catholic Charities. A lot of hot air, pandering to slumlords and tenants but no real help for tenants who are being harassed out of rent controlled and rent stabilized apartments.

Anonymous said...

Catholic nuns have a retirement residence in Connecticut where they still live free for the duration of their lives. They also get free medical care and a number of them live at Ozanam Hall nursing home.

Anonymous said...

No Doubt Anchor (cash) baby’s from all the Hispanics.
These people refuse to use birth control and cant control there libidos.
Drudge Reports 6 out of 10 NYC school childeren below age 7 are now hispanic or Hispanic/Black. 1/2 of that cant speak English nor is it spoken in the household

Its funny --- These leaches and welfare brats claim to be strict Catholic Fundamentalists yet you only find them see then in church when the INS is after them. This is usually after killing a couple people wile DWI.
Many on welfare smuggle there extended family across out borders live 8 + in an apartment and use our schools as a babysitting service for there disruptive bastard offspring.
They are doing the same s- here that destroyed and bankrupt there home countrys

When the time comes for the Military to throw them all out they are going to torch our citys. This Mayor and them border state bible packing asshat cowboys in Washington really screwed us.

Anonymous said...

This is why we left New York last year, before our child started kindgarten.

We are now settled out of state, enjoying a wonderful new life, with great schools, lots of family friendly activies, nice people, clean streets and parks, affordable housing - I guess I could go on and on . . . let's just say great quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Where is this place?

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Where is this place?

...Sounds like Mattituck.
The only "south of the border's" work and live in the vinyard and Sod farm guest houses.
You only see them at Jens Chinese takout at noon.
....Funny these how these guys love Chinese Food you dont see them any place else.

The redneckish townie locals cut there own grass & shoot birdshot and set dogs on them !

The towns 99% 4 generation white Polish/Italian. I have a house/recording studio there.


Anonymous said...

sorry Joe you're wrong. We moved out west.

Say what you want - but life is better and more civilized when you leave New York and certainly a better place for children to grow up.

So make your jokes and snide remarks but my family and I are happier than we have ever been.

Anonymous said...

Being born in Bushwick I would rather die then move to the Mid west.

I have been all over the country and down in the Islands when I was a musician in a rather famous band.

Ask anybody in Puerto Rico, St.Croix or Jaimaca what race mixing and incest creates. NEVER go out at night on the Islands without an armed bodyguard and a gun.

I would accept anyplace VS my daughter coming home with some Puerto Rican or worse Central American etc. She goes to school in Southold with "old style" teachers.

Let me explain:
This happened to my friend Jimmy;
Jimmy married some Irish chick who has this out of wedlock Puerto Rickin son.
This kid was great going to school in Great Neck but when puberty came this MONSTER.

The kid would punch his mother, Jimmy, get into trouble at school (touching a 12 YO girl).
One day his mom gave him a good slap back and grounded him, the kid called the cops from his cellphone..The cops and CPS come and arrest his mom!!!

After years of this Jimmy got so upset he had a heart attack at 49. He died Aug 20.
Multiculturalism cant work, it creats tensions as well as monsters.

I remember visiting the old Library in Ridgewood, the kids cam flooding out of JHS93 lookeds like monsters.
This black kid with freckles and red hair freaked me out !!

Anonymous said...

Hey but Joe, you have to admit every ethnic group has it's bad apples. I've met some Hispanic people who are great. But I also know some Italians who are the biggest scum of the earth. It all depends.

That Puerto Rican kid you were talking about may have been a psycho who needed to be in a mental ward or he had anger issues about his own dad. Who knows?!

Anonymous said...


what was the name of your band?

Anonymous said...

what was the name of your band?

.....No Thanks, cant take the bait.
I still record for some of that bogus T&A airing on the MTVidiot and SNL.

I need my job to pay my taxes.

To work in Music you cant be what I been called here.

You end up blacklisted and buried like Ted Nugent by the Jews and closet fags that OWN the entertainment industry, playlists and distribution.

Ted cant even get a CD distributed in Walmart (not that he'd even try, he hates the bastards that be more then I)
Ted started in 1966 surrounded with stoned hippy tweeders


Anonymous said...

***That Puerto Rican kid you were talking about may have been a psycho who needed to be in a mental ward or he had anger issues about his own dad ***

Expect a lot more of the above and worse !!!
The anchor babys are growing up in the street with no parents at all.

I beleive massive hispanic gangs & crime will and I repeat **WILL** expload on to the streets like it is currently in Mexico, El Salvadore and South Central Los Angelos.


Aray said...

Let me explain:
This happened to my friend Jimmy;
Jimmy married some Irish chick who has this out of wedlock Puerto Rickin son.
This kid was great going to school in Great Neck but when puberty came this MONSTER.

The kid would punch his mother, Jimmy, get into trouble at school (touching a 12 YO girl).
One day his mom gave him a good slap back and grounded him, the kid called the cops from his cellphone..The cops and CPS come and arrest his mom!!!

After years of this Jimmy got so upset he had a heart attack at 49. He died Aug 20.
Multiculturalism cant work, it creats tensions as well as monsters.

I remember visiting the old Library in Ridgewood, the kids cam flooding out of JHS93 lookeds like monsters.
This black kid with freckles and red hair freaked me out !!

Where were you educated? And most importantly did you ever wish to be literate?

You are spending so much time being critical of the mixed ethnic children when it isn't even their decision to be born. They were born to people like your "Irish Chick" who had a responsibility to raise that child with respect and dignity. If he had mental problems she should have gotten him help early on. Since she didn't then she messed up and your dearly departed friend Jimmy should not have gotten involved with her. It is all too easy to blame these innocent children for OUR mistakes, but we should be more attentive to the emotional issues that stem from broken families "white or interracial". Then there is the basic issue that the child is interracial, which can be extremely stressful, even if he/she is from an intact family structure.
I get the picture that is painted by the majority here, but some folks like Joe are obviously bitter and incapable of recognizing that most of the kids issues stem from inconsistent and inappropriate family structures that are so necessary in raising a well-adjusted child.

By the way, I hope Joe isn't an example of quality education, because if he is we are all doomed no matter what your ethnicity is. Joe is a good example of one thing though...
Parents stop worrying about where to educate your children because your child could get a successful band and live off his/her talents and send his/her children to good private schools and not be very kind, considerate, educated or empathetic to anyone. I am totally confident that my child will do well in this world after reading through just a few of his comments.

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