Monday, September 22, 2008

Landlords resisting Section 8 tenants

In March, New York City enacted a law making it illegal for landlords to discriminate against tenants who planned to use federal subsidies known as Section 8 vouchers to help pay their rent.

But Section 8 discrimination remains a widespread problem, housing advocates, tenant lawyers and voucher holders say. Renters are routinely turned away by landlords who refuse to accept the vouchers, and apartment listings continue to discourage Section 8 tenants from seeking advertised units with phrases like “No Section 8” and “No programs,” supporters of the law said.

Landlords who opposed the creation of the law said their refusal to accept the vouchers had nothing to do with race or class. They said that getting involved in the city’s Section 8 program by accepting vouchers was a bureaucratic nightmare of payment delays, apartment inspections and other problems.

Despite New Law, Subsidized Tenants Find Doors Closed


Anonymous said...

With the economy tanking out
and you fast talking LIC real estate sales agents stuck with a lot of unsold condo "luxury" lemons
had better start getting used to third world section 8 tenents
or else go belly up
like the big brokerage firm boys!

Anonymous said...

and those developers said
they were going to "improve" LIC
from a "lower" class nabe
and "transform" it into an to
"hip new shiny upscale" area!

Well it looks like its going
downhill from a formerly
solid working class community
to a new welfare zone!

Thanks a lot you rapists but it looks like this one turned around to bite you on the ass,
in financial parlance!

Anonymous said...

The million dollar question is how and why do illegal immigrants get federal government benefits - Section 8 rental payments, way before American citizens? The woman in the photograph looks like a "new American" to me.

Section 8 rental payments are electronically transmitted into landlord's bank accounts on the first of every month. The reason why they are loathe to accept the payments are the facts that HUD inspects the apartments to make sure they are maintained.
And the Federal Government, the IRS, will know how much money is being generated from the property. The landlords can't lie to the IRS or NY State then. They have to pay the taxes and provide correct information.

Some landlords like to play games by not doing necessary repairs and harassing tenants by shutting off water and electricity. They figure if they waste enough of a working person's time, they will vacate so the rents can be increased when another tenant moves out disgusted. If landlords proceed like the RSA advises them too, their Section 8 payments will be suspended.

Many Queens landlords are immigrants and feel that they are special, should not have United States laws applied to them. And why not? they came here illegally after all. They have very little regard for the law. These are the real reasons for rejecting Section 8.

Slumlords typical defense is to blame everyone else for their actions. who dare ask them to take responsibility?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm going to don a serape,
snap a sombrero on my head
(maybe carry my flute)
and see if I can qualify for a section #8 rental!

I can't seem to make ends meet as an American any more.

I can fake a little Spanish too,
"Si bueno, adios...yadda, yadda".

Then I'll remain silent and let my hired translator speak for me.

I can borrow somebody's children
and Latina wife just for show,
mind you, for a day or two also.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite sure as long as the landlord lives in the same building he or she can discriminate all they want.

Most your sec 8's are single mothers with 3+ unruly kids with different fathers, drunks, druggies, crazy people.

Profiling is A MUST to protect yourself since the goverment is useless at enforcement.
Who needs the cop's at your building 1 AM 4 times a week when you have to get up for work ?

Anonymous said...

Vacancy de-control, de-stabilization and de-regulation is the only answer. When the market is in control of housing then landlords will have mucho incentive to maintain the properties and tenants will have mucho incentive to work with them. A nice, effective inter-dependent realtionship. Federal $$$ for housing? I must have missed that clause when I studied the constitutuion.

Anonymous said...

When the market is in control of housing then landlords will have mucho incentive to maintain the properties and tenants will have mucho incentive to work with them.

Well stated. Rent control laws, instituted during WWII, should also be eliminated. No need to have archaic laws that allow wealthy politicos such as Charles Rangel to have multiple apartments at below market rates.

What landlord would even want to entertain the prospect of renting to section 8 tenants in the first place, especially under these draconian regulations?

Anonymous said...

When will our minority friends realize that for as long as they depend on the government for handouts and freebies they will always live below the poverty line.

For some reason, generation after generation some ethnic groups continue to struggle and live like third class citizens and don't care to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...


sounds like "whacky Wade" was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
or maybe he's a landlord?

Anonymous said...

Never trust a "guy" with a butch sounding name like Bruce or Wade!

Highly suspect on my gaydar screen!

Jeff with one 'f' said...

I don't understand their reluctance- Section 8 worked so well for Roosevelt, East New York, and Newark!

Anonymous said...

sounds like "whacky Wade" was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
or maybe he's a landlord?

No, jerkoff, neither. But I have a better grasp of basic principles of economics then you ever will, loser. Go back to watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond, you low IQ schmuck.

Highly suspect on my gaydar screen!

Must be difficult for you to walk around all day, your gaydar screen is constantly detecting your very effete self.

Anonymous said...

"Go back to watching reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond, you low IQ schmuck."

What's wrong with Evrybody Loves Raymond?

Anonymous said...

Section 8 tenants are a bunch of low class scum ,that take a new house turn the grass into mud ,with the little trash playing outside ,breaking glass ,obviously no window treatments but shmattes hanging from the window different colors of course ,loud music blaring from the homes ,looks more like a dungeon than ahome.They should move this garbage to the area where the upper class live & see how they like it.

Anonymous said...

Leaving a comment for the May 18 funny that is my birthdate. I have section 8 I live on the second floor apartment of a private house in Woodhaven Qns. My apartment is immaculate beautifuly decorated and my window treatment cost 80 dollars a panel. I have 5 children in my home 18yr old is in college 16yr old in H.S.13yr old in an advanced regents program in middle school and a 5yr old that just started kindergarten. I am very proud of my children. I suffer from sever deppression and anxiety I cannot keep a steady job and I am getting a divorce from my dead beat husband. If it weren't for section 8 I'd probably be homeless. I don't care what you think about people like me. I agree there are lots of bad tenants that destroy apartments and have unruly children but, guess what? their not all on section 8. Landlords can be just as bad as any low life scum. If you hate so much go find a hole underground somewhere I'm sure you'll be happy with all the dirt and the worms!!!

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