Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jamaica Hospital involved in Seminerio scandal

One day after FBI agents arrested Queens Assemblymember Anthony Seminerio for allegedly making up a fake consulting company and using it to bilk more than $500,000 in bribes in exchange for actions he took as a New York State legislator, a source inside Jamaica Hospital told The Queens Courier that their hospital is involved in the scandal.

Update: Friday's NY Sun has more.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you keep voting in the same official over 30 years!!! Term limits anyone??? What a creep.

Anonymous said...

I guess since this is a facility that primarily serves what Seminerio
might view as a lower class element...
it doesn't really matter if he extorts them!

What a thug!
Where's the FBI on this?

Anonymous said...

Following the dots if they are doing their job. Fat Tony's network of buddies now and in the past will lead them to many pastures full of manure.

Anonymous said...

I told you so.

Anonymous said...

This is a direct result of the newspapers not doing their job and simply singing mindless paises to the Archies that run our borough.

Anonymous said...

A product of the KKK....
Krowley's Klubhouse Krakkers!

Anonymous said...

this idiot ran with out any rivals all these years..noone voted for him..but it did not matter....just wait..this is opening a HUGE can of crappy worms

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