Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How CD30 candidates spent the summer

Como painted the town.
Looks like Liz did too - in Denver.

God bless 'em. And God help Council District 30!


faster340 said...

Isn't that one of the columns on Como's dump in MV he's painting?

Anonymous said...

Go Lizzie!!!

Anonymous said...

That picture of Como looks like he never picked up a paint brush in is life! He never had paint on those hands.
It has been a while since he had a stop work order on his house, wonder why?!?!

Anonymous said...

God help us in District 30

Anonymous said...

Tweedie dee and Tweedie dum, both progeny of their respective machines.

faster340 said...

Hey did you see in the bottom of that picture another poli, I think it's Weprin...

Anonymous said...

What do you have against Como painting over graffiti? You all are getting weirder and weirder.

This neighborhood would become a joke if Crowley ever was elected.

georgetheatheist said...

And Malcolm Smiff too!

Anonymous said...

Como should have used a powerwasher. Paint patches on stone look ugly.

Anonymous said...

"This neighborhood would become a joke if Crowley ever was elected."

It's already a joke! We have Serf and Markey.

Anonymous said...

Serf, Gallagher, Como, what a trio of losers.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como is a much dumber version of Dennis Gallagher. In high school he was a dim bulb. Ask any of us who went to school with him.

To prove my point Como keeps the same office as Gallagher and the moron hires Gallagher's corrupt staff! Don't tell me that his staffers did not know what was going on in Gallagher's office. They were part and parcel to his dirty deeds. They should have been investigated. The last thing Como should have done was to hire these incompetent and morally bankrupt individuals.

Anonymous said...

"What do you have against Como painting over graffiti?"

Como never painted over graffiti in his life. Just look how awkward he looks in the photo. He did it for publicity. He's been a political hack all his life with zero accomplishments. Like his mentor Serphony Maltese, he only pretends to work just before campaigns.

I'm voting for Crowley.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gallagher was spawn of Serf, ditto for Como, one down, now time to flush the other two. If Serf had such poor judgement he could not see Pinky for what he is, doesn't say much for his judgement. He mentored Pinky and he mentored Pudgy, I have no respect for Serf. He leads the losers who have no respect for others. What must he be teaching in his office?

georgetheatheist said...

Did you ever notice when they do these graffiti "paint-overs", who ever is doing the painting, they never use a drop cloth? Just splatter the sidewalks with the spilled paint.

Anonymous said...

I hear Lizzie was at a civic meeting last night handing out left over campaign literature. Nothing like handing out material to people asking them to vote in the special election on june 3rd. must be jet lag from colorado.

He might look stupid and doesnt know how to paint, but at least he knows when the election is and isnt campaigning in colorado.

all politics are local

Anonymous said...

What civic had a meeting the day after labor day?

Anonymous said...

That's Como by the LIRR trestle by Jamaica/ Hillside/ Myrtle. He didn't do a very good job. It's still covered in graffiti and garbage.

Queens Crapper said...

He might look stupid and doesnt know how to paint, but at least he knows when the election is

Oh yeah?

From Como's bio on the NYC Council's website:

"Councilman Anthony Como represents the 30th Council District. He was elected on June 5th, 2008 in a special election."

He was elected on June 3rd.

Anonymous said...

yes the election was on june 3rd, but didnt it take a few days after to make it official? i know that they had to count the paper ballots, though not sure how long that process takes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Queenscraper!! Please lets hear about what a do nothing Assemblyman Seminario is!!!

I am a lifelong Democrat and I feel that there is no one who has done less for my community then Anthony Seminario (not to mention he is probably the MOST corrupt.)

The guy has not even updated his website since 2006.

Anonymous said...

Seminerio and Serf, what a pair of do nothings. Mr. suppose-ed tough guy and Mr. suppose-ed nice guy. Truth be told, neither is tough or nice, they are empty suits. Seminerio is beholden to Serf, just follow the discretionary funding money right to 114 St.

Anonymous said...

"That picture of Como looks like he never picked up a paint brush in his life! He never had paint on those hands."

Yeh, this doesn't look TOO much like a photo-op. Also note there's not a single drop of paint on his nice, freshly-pressed jeans and golf shirt. Or on his nice white sneakers. No doubt, someone from his staff handed him an almost-dry roller and told him to take a few convincing-looking strokes for the camera.

That photo of Dizzy is no doubt going to go a long way toward helping to win Queens. For McCain.

"dave in milwaukee"

Anonymous said...

Actually, Como did paint. Just because his clothes are clean simply means he didn't make a mess out of the job. If you haven't noticed already, he's a bit OCD, but the photo was not taken just for the sake of looking good. He takes great pride in organizing graffiti removals all over the district and should be commended for trying to better our community.

Anonymous said...

anthony homo is a fat waste of shit just like seminario, just like kiddie porn serf, also like nana toucher drinking problem gallagher.
They been robbing us blind for too long. ENOUGH !!!!

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