Monday, September 1, 2008

Hospital reports identity theft, gets criticized

Maria Martinez' attempt to land a cafeteria job at a suburban Dallas hospital got her arrested, jailed and deported.

She did use a counterfeit social security on her application to Trinity Medical Center, but her relatives and supporters wonder whether the hospital overreacted by calling the police.

During yet another year marked by several high profile immigration raids targeting both undocumented workers and the companies who hire them, the Martinez case raises questions about what employers can or should do if they discover an applicant is not authorized to work legally in the U.S.

Hospital chided for reporting illegal applicant

Martinez, a single mother of a 3-year-old son and a teenage daughter, acknowledged buying the social security card for $110 at a Wal-Mart., according to police records. She also had a second social security card and two counterfeit cards stating she was a legal permanent resident.

She had planned to fight the state charge, but after being held in jail for nearly three weeks, she agreed to be deported to Mexico. Her son joined her there.

"She told me to please forgive her," said Martinez' 19-year-old daughter, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she also is in the U.S. illegally. "She told me she wasn't strong enough to fight."

Assuming the identity of someone else would justify calling the police. But maybe that's just me being a racist, nativist, insensitive person. If you or I did it, we'd be thrown in jail for ruining someone else's life forever. Deportation may actually be too lenient an option.


Anonymous said...

She got what she deserved.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the risk is worth it to these people. Otherwise they wouldn't be coming here in droves.

Life must be awful down there.

Anonymous said...

This is why so many people are leaving the Democratic Party. They are sicx and tired of the constant rule bending for the sake of "political correctness"

Anonymous said...

#3. And who do you think profits from illegal immigration? Republicans, backed by the corporations who depend on cheap labor. So don't expect any progress on that front.

Unknown said...

I don't think they were hard enough on her. But how would it happen with out costing us. If we put her in jail tax payers would pay for it too. It would be good if we had agreements with foreign countries that they would jail people who stole identities. A member of my family had their identity stolen and 4 years later she still has trouble.

georgetheatheist said...

1. She bought the card through the auspices of WalMart?

2. Did she use the SS number of the

a.the Quick
b.the Dead
or c.the Unknown?

Anonymous said...

Providing counterfeit or stolen identy documents is serious crime under Patriot act for good reason; you are not whom you claim to be by providing false identification.

Repeat after me :It's a Serious crime in the USA

Anonymous said...

Sure, I want someone working on my mom (who is dependent) who knowingly lies - who treats truth is a plastic substance to be molded to the whims of the moment.

Anonymous said...


How many does Bush, McCain, Kennedy have in their extended familys, compounds as of today ?

Anonymous said...

#3. And who do you think profits from illegal immigration? Republicans, backed by the corporations who depend on cheap labor. So don't expect any progress on that front.

Democrats benefit from their presence, too, via the tweeding. So St. Barack won't be doin' a thang 'bout dem neither.

Anonymous said...


How many does Bush, McCain, Kennedy have in their extended familys, compounds as of today ?"

Grammar, spelling, coherence. What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

Well of course her friends and relatives (like the daughter who's also here illegally) think the hospital over-reacted.

Obeying US law isn't a matter of great concern to some people.

Punisment is what's wrong to them.

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is wrong with reporting any ILLEGAL activity?

BRAVO on a job well done!

Breaking the law has its consequence here...deportation.

That's one person who won't be seeking a common cold treatment freebie at a hospital emergency room draining our country's medical resources that I have to pay for!

Anonymous said...

Grammar, spelling, coherence. What does this mean?

zoning, regulations, statutes, preservation. What does this mean?

Anonymous said...

Obviously the risk is worth it to these people. Otherwise they wouldn't be coming here in droves.

Life must be awful down there.

Yup, and from jobs to housing this is what YOU are competing against.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Another POS one just killed on Long Island.
The whole family was boozing it up in a van at Splish Splash parking lot.
Nobody had driver licences, insurence, SS ###
They let the kid drive, she was drunk also !!!

This time they killed on of there own.,0,2940049.story

HOW TF are these people regestering cars and titles in NYS now with no licences, no insurence ?

Only $50,000 bail for murder ?

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