Friday, September 12, 2008

Her Royal Highness writes a lot but says nothing

Hey Ms. Amanda Burden, when people write to you wondering what the hell is taking you so long to come and visit, they really don't want to hear all about how you rezoned other neighborhoods before theirs. Giving concrete dates for completion would help, too. Of course, this being one of the areas of Queens that has been red-lined, none of us are holding our breath to get anything more than this obvious form letter from you. Leave the town names blank and let the office lackey just fill them in...


Anonymous said...

More diarrhea from Ms. burden?

Would somebody please shove a cork
in both ends!

You too Bloomberg!

Anonymous said...

I will give her one thing: at least her office actually responds to our letters which is more than I can say for John Young's office.
I got a letter just like this one. They probably use the same letter, just change the neighborhoods depending on which one you're asking about.

Hey Amanda:

What about North Flushing & Auburndale? We're waiting.....

Anonymous said...

Why doesnt the MAS or HDC take this to task?

They are the ones to spearhead an attack on this crap. They know whats going on.

Yet they do nothing.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but do MAS and HDC have more clout than any of the politicians? Because the politicians seem to get nowhere with Burden's office.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but do MAS and HDC have more clout than any of the politicians? Because the politicians seem to get nowhere with Burden's office.


Anonymous said...

I've been told one of the reasons that rezoning hasn't occurred in parts of Avella's district is Avella himself. Since he spends so much time insulting City Planning and the mayor, those areas will NEVER be rezoned.

Nice, huh?

Anonymous said...

That might hold water if none of his district was rezoned, but they were among the first to be when the rash of rezonings started. This also doesn't explain the other nabes not in his district that are being ignored. No, rather these are the neighborhoods that have been redlined. It's about time everyone realized what the hell is really going on.

Anonymous said...

If you say so.

However, working with city agencies as opposed to publicly spitting at them may be wise on his part.

Anonymous said...

Publicly embarrassing an agency is the only way to get them moving most of the time. He should turn the heat up, not down.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tony Avella should kiss Bloomberg's ass and the asses of all his cronies. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

"Publicly embarrassing an agency is the only way to get them moving most of the time. He should turn the heat up, not down."

Yes, insulting them has worked out well for him. He is one of the most despised CMs in the City Council.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, Tony Avella should kiss Bloomberg's ass and the asses of all his cronies. Brilliant."

No, but a maybe some sort of balance? What do you say, my little Avella groupie?

Anonymous said...

Being despised by the lackeys at the City Council is a bad thing?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tony Avella has gotten more accomplished in the city council than many Queens reps put together.

Anonymous said...

I never he hasn't accomplished anything. He just needs to use a little more tact.

Anonymous said...

I think Tony Avella should be commended for standing up to the mayor and not being a brown-nose. I'm sorry his time is up as Councilperson of my area. He will be missed.
Hopefully he'll get elected mayor and we won't be blogging about Amanda Burden, John Young, etc any more.

Anonymous said...

What exactly does "redlined" mean?

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