Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Great Queens Mosaic in Astoria

From Urban Hawks:

I got an email on Saturday, that two hawks had been found dead at Astoria Park. Excellent follow up by the Urban Park Rangers in Queens discovered two dead chickens rather than hawks. Dead chickens have been a problem in the park this summer, most likely from SanterĂ­a animal sacrifices. While I'm relieved that the hawks are in good health, I do feel some sadness about the chickens.

Does Peter Vallone, Jr. have anything to say about this going on in his backyard?


Anonymous said...

Let me check on Astorians.com

A French restaurant becomes an Egyptian hooka place.

An upscale Irish bar becomes a tough Bosnian hangout.

An italian shoemmaker becomes a Brazilian junk store which becomes a Bangladeshi internet cafe.

No, it seems the slow settling of the community by the bow continues unabated.

Anonymous said...

Too bad those hawks didn't get a chance to tear off the balls of those Santeria assholes with their razor sharp talons first!

Anonymous said...

Hookas, hookers and hucksters....
the new face of la famiglia di Vallone's Ass-toria!

But they don't give a damn....
maybe they plan on gettin' outta there!

Son Paul V. has already moved into Broadwaay/Flushing and plans on running for Avella's seat.

I got's muh carpet bag wid me un ama travellin' arown da borough!

Anonymous said...

Sad for the chickens - as opposed to sad feelings for the innocent pigeons and rats which are murdered by those hawks.

I hope those hawks eat poison and die.

Anonymous said...

Who teh fuck reads Astorians.com anymore?? The posts there are a total joke. Buncha whiney bitches over "poopy smells and jerkheads."

Anonymous said...

Who teh fuck reads Astorians.com anymore?? The posts there are a total joke. Buncha whiney bitches over "poopy smells and jerkheads."


Anonymous said...

I think Astoria's mosaic
needs some re-grouting.

Despite all the BS put out by
Krowley's Klubhouse Krakkers (KKK)
it's falling apart!

Bedbugs, rodents, Euro/trash cafes,
El Mundo Discount stores, hookas & hookers, an increase in crime.....the area's a bust!

the community board from Haydes!

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