Monday, September 8, 2008

GOP is driving Toby CucKoo

From the Daily News:

In the 16th Senate District, incumbent Toby Stavisky is facing Republican-turned-Democrat Robert Schwartz.

Stavisky, who is running for her fifth full term, challenged the residency of Republican candidate Peter Koo, but lost in court. Now, Stavisky claims GOP operatives are orchestrating the campaign of her primary opponent, Robert Schwartz.

"Bob Schwartz used to be an enrolled Republican who is working hand-in-hand with the Republican Party this election year," said Stavisky spokesman Joe Reuben.

Queens GOP Executive Director Daniel Egers called Stavisky's charge "completely outlandish."

"That shows that the Stavisky campaign thinks that they're in trouble," he said.


georgetheatheist said...

I'm going to file her photo to "My Pictures" and then print it at the end of October for a Halloween mask. Trick or Treat! Boo!

Anonymous said...

Look at the spiteful vindictive puss on that troll's face!

It reveals her fear that the crack in the Stavisky dynasty is about to widen and finally bring it down.

(Either that or Toby
is constipated).

Her fall is long overdue.

Hooray when it happens!

Anonymous said...

Print that likeness on a roll of toilet paper and I'd look forward to wiping my ass with it!

Anonymous said...

You'd actually risk turning your back on her even for a moment?

I wouldn't trust her for the instant it takes to use her for an ass wipe!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God you guys are SO mean!

An asswipe?

Anonymous said...

Dump that clump!

Peter Koo,

If you're reading this...why don't you challenge her residency? Turnabout is fair play.

faster340 said...

I swear Toby looks like Evil GrannyGoodness from Justice League Unlimited that my nieces and nephews watch... HAHAHAHAHA

Take and look and you decide...

Anonymous said...

You have to be a real aficionado of Seinfeld, but what a striking resemblance between Toby and the framed photo of Newman's mother (actually actor Wayne "Newman" Knight in drag)seen during "The Bottle Deposit" episode.

Anonymous said...

I think we should leave it Pinky to decide if Stavisky or Newmans mother is the hotter of the two. You just have to let an expert make this call.

Anonymous said...

Its funny how all the young people that are on this blog (and are not Archies living in nursing homes or are not Meatheads who attends ethnic rallies) are out of reach by the clubhouse and find the machine's antics a bit of a farce are labeled as Archie Bunkers who will fade away and are out of touch.

The puss on this post is exhibit A of the reality of who the out of touch Archies are.

Anonymous said...

Schwartz is a weird man. He wouldn't grant interviews to local papers, he rarely appears in public, and his phone number does not return calls. Why is he even running? Then out of nowhere, he has all the resources to mail out campaign literature. Try explaining that!

He is still a small fry, because Stavisky won't even challenge his candidacy.

Anonymous said...

"Schwartz is a weird man. He wouldn't grant interviews to local papers, he rarely appears in public, and his phone number does not return calls. Why is he even running? Then out of nowhere, he has all the resources to mail out campaign literature. Try explaining that"

OK, maybe he just saved whatever funds he had to make a sneak attack just before primary day and so she wouldn't be able to rufte what he said in a mailer of her own? Just a guess....

Anonymous said...

A face only a son could love.....

Anonymous said...

How can I donate money to Schwartz's campaign?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she was smiling for this picture...............

Anonymous said...

Schwartz does strike me as kind of weird, too. The initial flyers he sent out were downright bizarre (reading only "Who is Robert Schwartz" and "Why is Robert Schwartz the best Democrat for State Senate" on the other side - note the absence of question marks) and his follow-up campaign literature was, to put it kindly, amateurish. Still, I live in the 16th and will be voting for him simply because he's not Stavisky. I'll take an unpolished ex-Republican over that nepotistic old crook Stavisky any day. If she beats him today I'll enthusiastically vote for Koo come November. Get the hag out.

Anonymous said...

Today is Primary Day: vote for Schwartz

Anonymous said...

Now if that face were only on
an FBI "WANTED" poster!

I'd turn my mom in for just two cents!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Schwartz apparently has gobs of his own money.

Anonymous said...

Hide her from Dennis Gallagher.

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