Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Garage house crap

Take a garage, convert it into a house without permission. It's really easy! Then park a car with an out-of-state plate on the lawn instead of the driveway.

This has been going on for more than a year at 57-40 Mazeau Street in Maspeth. There are people reportedly coming and going at all hours. DOB Commissioner Robert LiMandri has full knowledge of the situation and apparently doesn't care. And when you send a letter to Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, you get a response along the lines of "DOB states that this structure is not in need of a C of O because it was built before a certain year."

Force the house to be vacated and restored to its original condition.


Unknown said...

The laws need to be changed, but until that time the city will just get worse... :(

Anonymous said...

The property was bought in foreclosure for $1,000 by an out-of-state mortgage company, about a year ago.

There's at least one unpaid $2,500 ECB fine on it, because of the illegal construction.

It's zoned R4-1, so a two family would be legal.

One day, some lawyer will file for correction and that will be that.

Anonymous said...

"Then park a car with an out-of-state plate on the lawn instead of the driveway."

What driveway? There's a driveway? Where, in front of the main entrance?
This is happening everywhere. Shouldn't that be a fire hazard?

Anonymous said...

"What driveway? There's a driveway?"

Well it was a garage...

Anonymous said...

Jake LaCrapa – that stuttering dumbass attorney for pervert grandmother rapist and EX-councilman Dennis Gallagher – once looked at a basement apartment here.

It was too expensive for him so he moved on to a basement apartment on 69th Street.

Anonymous said...

WTF is a Jake LaCrapa?

Anonymous said...

Well at least there's off-street parking...

Anonymous said...

The are brothels in Corona that look better than this dump!

Kiki Carter said...

and I just love the table with the green umbrella. a great place for a meal. make your reservations folks, this is the new trend in sidewalk dining.

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