Friday, September 12, 2008

Brian still singing; Serf denies involvement

...a former Assemblyman with his own legal troubles, Brian M. McLaughlin, acted as a cooperating witness, according to a person involved in the case. It was Mr. McLaughlin, the person said, who introduced the agent to Mr. Seminerio.

Mr. McLaughlin’s lawyer, Michael F. Armstrong, declined to comment.

On Thursday, the government moved to delay Mr. McLaughlin’s sentencing.

“I’m amazed at that,” Senator Serphin R. Maltese, a Queens Republican and a longtime friend of Mr. Seminerio’s, said of Mr. McLaughlin’s involvement. “I thought Brian was close to Tony Seminerio. I guess he’s got his own personal problems.”

Beyond that, Mr. Maltese said he reacted with “shock, naturally, and surprise, amazement.”

“Everyone is speculating on who the other senators are,” he added. “I can tell you it’s not me.”

After an Arrest, Albany Plays a Guessing Game

What left some lawmakers scratching their heads is why Mr. Seminerio would be so trusting of Mr. McLaughlin. After all, at the time last year that he allowed Mr. McLaughlin to introduce him to an undercover agent, Mr. McLaughlin had already been indicted by federal prosecutors and later pleaded guilty to racketeering charges.

Such a person could have been considered a candidate to be wearing a wire.

“That wasn’t real bright,” said Assemblyman Jeffrion L. Aubry, a Queens Democrat who makes a cameo appearance in the indictment.


Anonymous said...

Serf denying already speaks volumes. The Serf and Tony show has been on the road a long time.

Anonymous said...

When is Brian going into witness protection. He has a lot of friends who are not gentleman. There is a lot of money and power involved in this.

We don't want to see a repeat of the Daily News best headline ever when mobster Abe Rellis flew out of Brooklyn's Half Moon Hotel at 3 am the night before he was set to rat on his fellow mobsters.

The Headline

Anonymous said...

If Serf is involved, he would deny it and if he's not, he would deny it. A reporter asked him a question and he answere it. That "speaks volumes"? There is a differance between suspecting involvment and wanting it.

Anonymous said...

Serf Maltese is definitely in the know here. Seminerio was one of his closest friends. Tony never missed a Serf fundraiser, which in itself speaks volumes.

Anonymous said...

This is a federal operation and you're obsessed with local politics.

See the black smoke coming out of the chimney at the Electrical Workers Union headquarters?

Anonymous said...

There's plenty in the Serf and Tony world that would be of interest to the feds. It ain't all about Queens politics. If Serf was shocked, it's just another clue to how clueless he is.

Anonymous said...

It is a great feeling to know that Crowley, Bolts and Sweeny are not getting any sleep these days and a lot of others also.

We should begin to look for pols with rings under their eyes to find who is next

Anonymous said...

Serf's not involved. It's never been about money w/ him. It's always been about doing whatever it takes to hold onto that precious Senate seat. He would never take the chances that Tony would. He has a much more conservative personality.

Anonymous said...

Maybe his motto is correct
"Serfs Up"

Up for what ----indictment???

Anonymous said...

Can the press please tell us which elected officials have consultant firms. Why did they not do this today?

Anonymous said...

Can the press please tell us which elected officials have consultant firms. Why did they not do this today?

Anonymous said...

Padavan and Maltese, stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

if maltese is somehow involved, wouldnt they have already brought him in for a q&a?

with seminerio, he will still be re-elected, he will need only 1 vote. unless he resigns before the election, but then there would be a special. we all know how long it took our great dennis to finally resign after every thing that happened.

Anonymous said...

How many houses does Serfie have? He's just the pig with lipstick, standing back with his phony vague -who me- mien pulling the strings for Tony, Dennis, and Anthony.

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