Friday, September 12, 2008

Birds of a feather...

Go ahead, have some fun and caption this photo. It's Friday.


Anonymous said...

"So, you're saying I just have to slip one of these into her drink?"

Anonymous said...

Tony: "So, you're saying I just have to slip one of these into her drink?"

Dennis: No it's a diet pill, for the other thing, just hit her over the head with a moneky wrench.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher: "So Tony, know any grandmothers that you can hook me up with?

Seminerio: No problem. As long as they can walk, right Dennis? Don't forget, send me some of that McLaughlin cash will ya.

Anonymous said...

No caption, just an observation:

My goodness is Seminerio HUGE - so unhealthy.

Anonymous said...

Italian Girl:
You know what they say, the bigger they are... the harder they fall. And Seminerio is huge!

As in Gallagher's case, the uglier you are (both in and out) the more you have to force yourself on women.

Anonymous said...

Another observation: Seminerio's waistline is about twice Gallagher's.

Anonymous said...

"Italian Girl:
You know what they say, the bigger they are... the harder they fall. And Seminerio is huge!

As in Gallagher's case, the uglier you are (both in and out) the more you have to force yourself on women.

Another observation: Seminerio's waistline is about twice Gallagher's."


I don't like commenting on people's appearances, but my God he's so HUGE, I can't believe he's still standing.
How can is heart take it?

And for Gallagher - I feel sorry for his kids. Imagine having a rapist for a dad?

Anonymous said...

"Gallagher welcomes Seminerio to the disgraced Queens politicians' club. Ceremony took place outside Councilman Como's office because he seems like an easy recruit."

Anonymous said...

Dennis is not a rapist. A thief, yes. A cheating scoundrel, yes. An all around scumb&g, yes. But he didn't rape that barfly. I think we all know it was a set-up. A well-deserved set-up, but a set-up nonetheless. Those of you who feign concern for his kids, shouldn't. In his case, you reap what you sew.

Anonymous said...

That's right, Gallagher is just an admitted drunken granny molester.

Anonymous said...

"I think we all know it was a set-up. A well-deserved set-up, but a set-up nonetheless."

A setup? Why would a woman subject herself to a drunk having his way with her all as a part of a setup?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Seminerio could hire that stuttering dumbass attorney, Jake LaCrapa.

faster340 said...

Gallagher: I ain't letting go cause you are gonna stick your hand in my pocket!

Seminario: I ain't letting go either cause you are gonna stick your hand in my pocket too!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Tony, I think you can fit a shiv, a screwdriver, and a jackhammer under those folds of fat.

Anonymous said...

Go team! Godfather Maltese says we're a shoo in. He fixed it with the boys who run Queens.

Anonymous said...

Dennis: Tony don't drop the money I gave you in this handshake. Just keep smiling for those commie bastards who say I'm a rapist. So, who cares I plead guilty? Wouldja look what happens when a commie gets a camera!

Tony: You did the honey dirty, but you bettah not short change me. Gimme gimme twenty more Franklins, I ain't letting go of ya paws until you cough up. I know you got it.... Ravioli prices have gone up, I need my fix NOW.
I'm a hungry man, Dennis, a very hungry man.

Dennis: Tony, Tony, Tony, I ain't taking my size 10's off your feet until you agree to take a powder. Quietly, no squealing to any commission or IA.

Tony: This could get ugly. I only had 12 eggs and twenty five sausages for breakfast and a coupla lousy Danish. They were kinda stale. I got them out of the dumpster in the back of the bakery. I got tired of lying about having a party to the bakers and eating it all by myself.

I have to get in touch with my Sicilian roots and eat some Ravioli with a good gravy. You know how hard it is to get a good gravy, what would a mick like you know about good gravy?

Dennis: You let go of my paws and I'll give you gravy, just keep that guinny trap of yours shut.

Tony: Dennis, I mean it, I'm feeling faint, I gotta eat something. My blood sugar ain't good. The stuff they're saying in the papers, it's all made up, all stories just to sell more papers.

Anonymous said...

It takes two to tango.

Anonymous said...

And this group's a foursome - tango times 2- Serf, Tony, Dennis, and Anthony.

Anonymous said...

"A setup? Why would a woman subject herself to a drunk having his way with her all as a part of a setup?"

A) Some people will do anything for money.

B) What kind of woman would spend all day getting drunk at Danny Boys and go back to Dennis's office with the likes of him?

C) All of the above.

Anonymous said...

"What kind of woman would spend all day getting drunk at Danny Boys and go back to Dennis's office with the likes of him?"

A drunk woman.

I am a little suspect on why a woman would go with a perfect stranger to an isolated place. She was asking for trouble. But that doesn't make it right for him to force himself on her.

No means no.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that she never got her day in court to prove she wasn't drunk. Neither was he.

Anonymous said...

The grandmother fucker and the greedy sucker.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, so Tony, are any of your aunts still alive, I'd like to meet them...if so can you hook me up?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there are actually people on this blog that question whether Dennis Gallagher is guilty.

He admitted that he was guilty! Get over it and stop defending this disgraced perverted individual.

Anonymous said...

"I can't believe there are actually people on this blog that question whether Dennis Gallagher is guilty.
He admitted that he was guilty! Get over it and stop defending this disgraced perverted individual."

Guilty people plead to lessor offenses and innocent people plead guilty everyday. It happens. I'm not defending him. He should be in jail. Just not for this, for something else, for everything else, yes.

It's easy to accuse someone of a sexual crime because there are no other witnesses. Just point a finger at any priest and yell pedophile, and even if you have no proof, his career is over. It happenes.

Never liked him, never will, but like everyone here, I'm entitled to my opinion, which, unless you witnessed the "crime", all you have is an opinion too.

Anonymous said...

Guilty people plead to lessor offenses and innocent people plead guilty everyday. It happens. I'm not defending him. He should be in jail. Just not for this, for something else, for everything else, yes.

If you really knew Dennis Gallagher you would know that he is guilty. This is NOT the first woman he has molested. Do your homework before spreading lies. He raped that woman and copped a plea to keep him out of jail.

Anonymous said...

"If you really knew Dennis Gallagher you would know that he is guilty. This is NOT the first woman he has molested. Do your homework before spreading lies. He raped that woman and copped a plea to keep him out of jail."

Thankfully, I don't know him as well as you do. Were you a part of his posse? Did you witness his crimes? Why didn't you bring this to the attention of the police / DA?

We could keep this up all day, but since you are too stupid to see the difference between an opinion and a lie, then I will end this discussion. You may have the last word, because I won't respond.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to accuse someone of a sexual crime because there are no other witnesses."

But there is DNA.

Anonymous said...

"But there is DNA."

Yes, but that doesn't prove whether it was consentual or not.

Anonymous said...

the only people who know what happened that day are gallagher and that woman. end of story.

Anonymous said...

Good, with this thinking, no rape victim should ever seek justice if she has DNA evidence on her person but has no witnesses to the crime.

Anonymous said...

The point is that a judge or jury should have been the ones to decidee whether or not a crime was committed once the prosecutor decided to press charges.

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