Friday, September 5, 2008

Amanda demands quality? HA!

From the NY Observer:

The chairwoman of the City Planning Commission in the Bloomberg administration, Amanda Burden, has been a particularly powerful figure with respect to developers seeking green lights from the city. She is known for her penchant for detail and an insistence on quality architecture and urban design.

Is she? We in Queens know her more as the woman who makes sure the shitty architecture gets dumped on outer borough neighborhoods and who stalls downzonings by refusing to give her blessing to the studies her underlings complete.


Anonymous said...

Amanda has certainly put the burden on Queens as a dumping ground for the
some of the most hideous non conforming over development crap in New York City!

But closer to home,of course, she demands quality.

Meanwhile our borough suffers....
looking like an unkempt dog run full of shit!

Anonymous said...

i really hope burden follows bloomberg right out the door next year.

Anonymous said...

Amanda (I'm certainly a) Burden has now entered Skanksville, USA.

Anonymous said...

Amanda (I'm certainly a) Burden has now entered Skanksville, USA.

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