Sunday, August 17, 2008

West Nile victims in Queens & the Bronx

Two Diagnosed with West Nile in Queens, Bronx

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- A man and a woman have been diagnosed with New York City's first cases of West Nile Virus of the season.
Both survived, but the city health department is urging people to take precautions like wearing bug spray while they are outdoors.

The victims were a 73-year-old Queens woman and a 60-year-old man from the Bronx. Both got sick in July and were hospitalized in August with brain swelling.

Health officials say more mosquitoes have been testing positive for the virus this year. The disease can be fatal.

Last year, 18 new Yorkers got the virus. Three died.


Anonymous said...

This is scary.

The mosquitos are nastier than ever. I don't think I've ever been bitten so much.

Anonymous said...

This is scary.

The mosquitos are nastier than ever. I don't think I've ever been bitten so much.

Anonymous said...

They are indeed worse than ever.

I'm in Forest Hills and get eaten alive, even during the day. I'm not worried about myself, but I am concerned for my 18-month-old child and my 61-year-old and 67-year-old parents...

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at how much play this gets every year. I'm not minimizing the loss of three people's lives last year, but is there another fatal disease that kills so few? How many people died of AIDS last year, or influenza, or cancer? Yet the electronic media run with this story all the time, like it's the Spanish flu of 1918 or something.

Anonymous said...

This gives Commissar Doomberg the right to spray everyone with insecticide so that we all die...over time.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Moms says

How many people were mugged, raped, robbed or murdered last year? More than 3 people I am sure. Their deaths are collateral deaths. Unfortunaly it has to be totally sensational for a murder to get on the front page of the newspaper. But 3 deaths from West NIle and the city spends millions on spraying. Why not throw some of those millions to NYPD, so we can feel safer on our streets!!! Someone's relative must own an exterminating company.

Anonymous said...

Bayside along the Cross Island Parkway is a haven for mosquitos, yet nothing is done about it.

I found a dead bird and after hearing about the people infected with the virus, I called 311.

It seems that the City if not taking calls about the dead birds nor are they interested in testing them for the virus at the present time.

Anonymous said...

This didn’t come from the Nile is came up from South America on unchecked-un-Quareeneened banana barges.

These Mosquitoes are not west Nile but Illegal Aliens!!

Leave it to the News, we had Boing 747's but still never had these things in the 60's and 70's.

It’s our own stupid governments fault for letting immigration, inoculation & Quarantines run amuck unchecked!!!

Expect more and worse ad I MEAN WORSE disease in grade school as these tweeds and our elected shits bring in more 3rd world sh*t, viruses and organisms our kids have no resistance to.

---We and Medicaid are going to pay for !!
Say Bye Bye to your HMO's and SS retirement funds !!

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