Monday, August 25, 2008

Jet Blue meets the Jetsons at JFK

Imagine this, frustrated fliers: automated baggage screening, zippy security lines, clean bathrooms, top-notch dining - and food orders delivered to the gate as you wait for your plane to board.

Jet Blue's New Terminal Gallery

The 72-acre Terminal 5, which has yet to be completed, will boast nine high-end restaurants offering tapas, sushi, steak, Italian cuisine and American café-style food.

Jittery fliers who don't want to leave their gates can use touch-screen monitors to order meals for delivery.

JetBlue officials are hoping that the terminal, set to open Oct. 1, will attract more business.

Terminal 5 is connected by two vintage tubular walkways to the famous, Eero Saarinen-designed TWA terminal, which has sat vacant since 2001.

But when the new terminal opens, passengers won't be allowed into the old terminal, which has appeared in movies such as "Catch Me If You Can."

Unsuitable to handle modern jet aircraft, the TWA building may be turned into a museum by the Port Authority, according to JetBlue officials.


Anonymous said...

It looks like an interesting concept, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Air travel today sucks. It's a terrible experience dealing with TSA, other passengers, surly airline employees, no free food, etc. etc. JFK and LaGuardia are two of the worst airports I've passed through in the world. Singapore and Hong Kong are the templates for excellence. Even other cities in the U.S. such as Dallas and Denver are much better compared to NY City aiports.

You can't polish a turd, and JFK and LaGuardia prove this saying.

Anonymous said...

In 1992, my family arrived in the US via the old TWA terminal. It was the Ellis Island of my generation. And like the old Ellis Island, the old TWA terminal will share its destiny as a museum.

Anonymous said...

Having eaten (if you can call it that) at the new JFK terminal, I have to say, all their talk is a lot of hot air. It's expensive crap.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention that in 5 years it will look just as dated as the TWA terminal does.

Anonymous said...

Blue Crap for Queens Crap

georgetheatheist said...

I'd rather eat a self-made liverwurst sandwich in a brown paper bag than "dine" in this monstrosity.

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