Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Extending the Upper East Side Historic District

The Marx Brothers would probably find the above quite amusing.


georgetheatheist said...

The Marx Brothers comedians? Ho-hum. I never found them amusing. Groucho's duck walk is from hunger. Chico promoted anti-Italian bias. Harpo is totally annoying.

You can have the Marx Brothers. Make mine Laurel & Hardy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I sure Karl is rolling in his grave!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA "MARKS Brothers!" You gotta love preservationists!

Anonymous said...

Who was Mark's brother and why should we save his house?

Anonymous said...

How did Chico promote anti-Italian bias? Because he had an accent?

georgetheatheist said...

Chico's hat was too small for his head, His sleeve and trouser lengths too. He was the hurdy-gurdy man without the monkey. Gabeesh?

Anonymous said...

The preservation community is totally unequal to the demands of urban politics.

These trust fund babies are given their little playpens (ES, WS, GV, BH) if they do not use their financial resources and rolodex to help the rest of us.

Do we need any more reason to overturn the landmarx law supported by our taxes?

Then it can be OUR turn to turn the blind eye!

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to call those guys a bunch of clowns around St Marx Place.

Anonymous said...

The preservation community is a bunch of clowns.

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