Saturday, August 16, 2008

Caliendo: builder of the most crap

Over the past 6 1/2 years, Gerald Caliendo, an architect based in Queens, had 1,604 individual new residential buildings permitted by the Department of Buildings, more than any other architect in the city.

Move Over, Howard Roark!

Great! This is one of my favorite Caliendo projects...


Anonymous said...

The link appears to be for 1818 Hazen Street in the Bronx. That can't be right.

Anonymous said...

When someone commits defamation of character over the internet on a blog site is it legally slander or libel, or both? This one is for the lawyers out there.

Anonymous said...

When someone commits defamation of character over the internet on a blog site is it legally slander or libel, or both? This one is for the lawyers out there.


Well here, let's give this to you on a silver platter:

In some people's opinion, this guy builds crap style buildings.

Go ahead, you want to publicize this comment by going after me?

Do you feel lucky?

Anonymous said...

I understand there is a big push to put more architects on the community boards.

This guy is a member of community board one in Queens.

Anonymous said...

CB1, the communtiy board from hell.

Anonymous said...

"Architect" Caliendo,
is one of those just off the boat goombah wannabee dons' favorite choices for building those "marvelous" Malba/Beechurst Mc Mansions.

Petruso is another!

Now try and sue me for a personal opinion or put out a contract on me you bunch of chitrools!

Anonymous said...

Somebody ought to sue Caliendo
for defamation of neighborhoods!

Anonymous said...

He lives in Fresh Meadows and his office is in Briarwood but he's on CB 1 ?????

How can that be?

Anonymous said...

That's "Gerald Caliendo, AIA" to you.
To architects, adding the title AIA after their name is equivalent to a British nobility title like Lord or Sir.

Anonymous said...

He's a member of the American Institute of Ass-wipes!

Anonymous said...

This unsightly stretch of Caldwell Avenue from 81 Street to 82 Street is another reason why the Q45, being extended to the Shops at Atlas Park, is also being REROUTED so as not to interfere with the stupidly placed and still empty garages and storefronts there. Caliendo and Hemmerdinger must be in cohoots.

Anonymous said...

Caliendo thinks that "upgrading" the usual fenestration you'd see on a standard blueprint and substituting oversize Palladian windows will turn cheap row housing into a luxury development!

That's like a wealthy wannabee "putting on the dog (fur)" coat and pretending that it's Mink!

Anonymous said...

most of this shitshow is still unsold and empty and the balconys are rotting with rust already

i saw the inside during the weekly open houses and it is a total crapfest shitshow

hope this sits empty for years and the builder losees his freaking shirt

Anonymous said...

most of this shitshow is still unsold and empty and the balconys are rotting with rust already

i saw the inside during the weekly open houses and it is a total crapfest shitshow

hope this sits empty for years and the builder losees his freaking shirt


hell no!

They will become guest worker dorms payed for by overseas hot money.

Win win for the machine.

Shit for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Caliendo should be the focus here, his clients are the ones who tell him what they want. They are crap. Caliendo just designs the buildings according to the clients so you should look up who they are and go after them instead.
Your tone in this blog really reveals how juvenile and stupid you really are.

Anonymous said...

For those of you that don´t understand the system of which architects have to go is one thing you all don´t seem to understand. Practically every new residential development in Queens since the beginning of this recession has been constructed by Ireali Jews...1....
2. Gerald Caliendo works mostly on new Queens building sites.
3. These...Isreali Jews have ALOT of money...but don´t like to spend a dime more than anyone else...
4.In the end it is not up to the architect to decide exactly what stlye of building is to be planned. It is the DEVELOPER...aka (man with the money)....who pushes for this syle and type of building.

Caliendo is just an architect with alot more degrees than most of you...working in a capitalist society...IN A RECESSION...GET IT...RECESSION!!!!
You want to blame anyone...blame the Isrealis that control a large amount of the shit looking buildings being constructed in Queens or...matter of fact...practically in all parts of the 5 boroughs.
I´ve worked in this field for many years and know how it goes. Don´t blame the architect, blame the guy thats paying the architect, because in the end... the architect really doesn´t have much choice. If he doesn´t build it than another architect will.
Welcome to the Capitalist USA.
...and do some research before you start slandering a persons name..because it is a crime.

Anonymous said...

I've entered many buildings that were designed, commissioned and completed by this office. I did not find a single flaw. Ever. Since many of you brainless invertebrates know absolutely S*IT about construction in New York City, maybe you should do a little homework BEFORE you engage in your 1st Amendment rights. Otherwise, you are just a real jerkoff and are slamming the reputation of one of the most humble architects in Queens. I've worked with Caliendo Architects before. These are some professional people and their business initiative is second to none. Site supervision ensures sound construction and in the end, the user is a satisfied customer.

Anonymous said...

Ooof. I keep walking by this horror show on 13th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues in South Slope. Today I walked by again and decided I had to find out who was responsible for this hulking black monolith that is completely out of scale for anywhere in this neighborhood. I can only imagine that the clients are oil barons from Baku. Anyway I found that the architect of record is Caliendo Architects and now I see you have a whole thread. Well here ya go. They're crapping up Brooklyn, now, too.

Anonymous said...

This guy is doing the horror show at the Steinway Mansion - was overheard, according to someone at a recent builders luncheon, that the cupola on the mansion was used to spy for Redcoats and Indians.

Also, the Stienways kept their servants in the garrets under the eaves.

If he said that, the guy is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Caliendo is crapping on the Bronx too. The guy should be ashamed of himself. There are better ways to make a living than destroying the urban fabric on NYC with his garbage designs.

Anonymous said...

For information on architects you really need to see what it means to self certify it basically means an architect can take full responsibility on any site even though technically it's not allowed to be build a certain way by Zoning Resoultions and building code. Trust me Caliando make a lot of money this way he actually becomes untouchable because he has to many projects in the DOB.

I bet most of his self certified projects are never granted a C/O

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