Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Welcome to the subway: Hardhats required

"The W train was delayed for like 10 minutes and finally when I was transferring to the Downtown 6 train on 59th Street Station I heard a loud bang... turns out the loud bang was due to debris falling from the ceiling from the subway station!!! AH!!! 2-3 pieces of foot long+ concrete was on the floor in the station. Here's the photo!!!! No one got hurt but that doesn't mean no one could have gotten hurt. It was rush hour around 8:15 AM this morning."

Crumbling stations, really

Straphangers said they face huge gaps between trains and platforms, lead paint peeling from ceilings and walls, and large pieces of debris falling from elevated subway tracks.

The New York Transit Authority said last month that renovations have been delayed at 19 city subway stations - including 15 in Brooklyn - because of rising construction costs.

TA spokesman Paul Fleuranges insisted there were no "dangerous situations" in city subway stations.

Riders, politicians rail against unsafe subway stations

Not to mention you can always be Led Astray by Diabolical Subway Notices

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a developer adopt a station:

Next stop, Ratner-59th Street.

Have the station all decked out in their newest projects (anything is better than that 2nd rate stuff that is there for the most part.

After all, they are our new Gods.

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