Then Weiner moves over to a boat along the beach and two female lifeguards - Jillian Bardo, 18, of Bay Ridge Jordana Cotillatta, 18, of Rockaway - pose with him.
Weiner says: "I decided who I want to be saved by...Whatever beach they work on – that's the one [for me]."
The 2009 mayoral hopeful appears to have some work to do to improve his name recognition on the beach. Asked if she had any idea who Weiner was, Cotillatta replies: "I know he helped us out with funds, and that's it."
Weiner should be ashamed of himself. Those girls could be his daughters. ICK!
I'm sure the sight of him repulses them.
Weiner's arrogance (or stupidity) is astonishing. He distracts lifeguards on the beach (whatever it's name is) while teens are being taken by the rip tides.
But, being with some females to kill the rumors of his gender confusion is more important than the safety of teens.
After all, he's running to replace Commissar Death and Taxes. So, why concern himself with the loss of some kids? Especially dark skinned kids. He needs some blood on his hands to establish credibility.
Mean Spirit
Weiner goes through staff faster than any other congressman. This guy looks stuck up looks like he does not get along with anyone.
Maybe he is full of CRAP
I commend Avella for his position on horse-drawn carriages. I think they should be abolished. Or at the very least limit them to Central Park. Traffic is no place for a horse. Period.
Tony Avella is a PETA activist. PETA kills more animals each year than any other group. www.petakillsanimals.com See for yourself. Tony Avella is the spokesperson for this group...enough said.
Italian Girl, horse are limited to Central Park 95 percent of the day. Check your facts. New York is no place for ignorant people.
Then how do horses seem to get killed by cars?
Italian girl, pedestrians get killed by cars not horses! Again, check your facts...no horses have been killed by cars. None, zero, zip. Stop getting your bad info from PETA activists like Avella.
I agree Italian Girl horses do get killed or maimed and then have to be put down (same thing).
Animal haters and people haters - one of a kind.
You know something "anon", I propose this:
How about we strap a lasso around your head, attach you to a carriage and cart me and my friends up and down 5th Ave checking out some sights?
Let's see how you like competing with cabs, limos, city buses and cars doesn't scare the hell out of you (you know 5% of the time). The other 95%, you can cart are asses all around the Park.
What a cruel bastard.
I wanna see Pfeffer in a bikini.
OUR asses
"NY is no place for ignorant people"
So how come you're still here?
Italian Girl, thanks for revealing your true nasty self for us all to see. Now, go help a child or senior citizen in need you animal freak.
What's wrong with loving both people and animals?
Anon - I don't believe Italian Girl is the freak - you get the winning vote.
I also vote that we just ignore him.
I wanna see Italian Girl in a bikini.
Yes, I am an animal freak and proud of it!
how bout we put a horse lane next to the bike lane
Good idea lets all show up at the Town Hall Meeting to-nite wearing bikinis.
The only person I don't want to see in a bathing suit is Tony Avella! (or any of the Queens politicians for that matter).
We don't see our Councilperson - busy giving away the City. But we do see Tony Avella and are happy to see him.
Avella is paid to help OUR district with OUR issues. Why is he is YOUR district? Sounds like he is having some geography amnesia.
Anonymous said...
"We don't see our Councilperson - busy giving away the City. But we do see Tony Avella and are happy to see him."
Who is that CM? Just curious.
Not sure who CM is but it's MK.
In answer to the others: When you elect a Councilperson they are supposed to work for your District and the WHOLE CITY. The laws they pass are FOR YOUR DISTRICT AND THE WHOLE CITY.
Same with Albany (THE WHOLE STATE) and Washington (THE WHOLE COUNTRY).
So when the voters put a bad candidate in we all get screwed.
It is called CITY COUNCIL and they are paid by NY CITY.
George, take a cold shower and don't call us in the morning.
No, the Council Members are paid by the TAXPAYERS!!! And they are elected by the VOTERS OF THEIR DISTRICTS to represent them. I need an apirin after reading the moronic posts on this blog sometimes.
It's the first time I've ever seen a flaccid Weiner amidst two bikini babes!
the Council Members are paid by the TAXPAYERS!!! And they are elected by the VOTERS OF THEIR DISTRICTS to represent them
true, but since population and income levels ae not the same across all districts, technically some districts fund cms from other districts, and I don't think anyone is arguing that they are elected to represent certain districts just that a moron from any district is in position to screw the city in it's entirity since they'll vote on ALL issues not just ones that effect their back yards.
How about we strap a lasso around your head, attach you to a carriage and cart me and my friends up and down 5th Ave checking out some sights?
what the hell are you talking about? they are animals they do work not meant for humans, are you against riding horses?
If Weiner is serious about becoming mayor, he'd better stop dating "Huma Abedin" real fast! 5 minutes of looking around on Google tells all you need to know about Ms. Abedin. But then again, she's probably less than 6 degrees away from the Clubhouse, and perversely, it might actually benefit his campaign.
"Huma Abedin" "Pam Anderson"
Whoa !
Isnt Huma Abedint the ex Paki model/chick/actress thats in the "Mini Me" sex tape scandle that recently got hushed by Freddy investigators?
These good old boys have some friends !! I have to send this to Drudge
----Then back to Kayaking.
(written from my cool hip bath)
Something is rotten in Denmark.
Pamela Anderson buys Avella flowers from a store on Ditmars Avenue?
Pamela Anderson buys Avella flowers from a store on Ditmars Avenue?
are you stupid, it's called FTD, probably the nearest flower shop that handles the order. should the flunky who ship them for her bought them in LA and mailed them. This is the typical non issue fools like you obess on.
I'm sure George knows how FTD works. But Ditmars is on the other side of Queens. Surely there is a store closer that could have delivered them.
there are different services these days other than FTD some who only have 1-2 stores for the city, that same florist may deliver to the Bronx or Manhattan, and it doesn't matter, who gives a shit where the flowers came from. Now everyone go stand in front of the mirror and practice asking a question if you get a chance tonight, but don't ask "where do buy your ties?"
Sigh..I wish I had the last few moments of my life back after wasting them reading all 39 of these inane comments.
PETA put down the animals that were destroyed by cosmetics, bad drug experiments for pharmaceutical co and chemical companies because they were suffering and half alive.That right wing group is propaganda nonsense against PETA."Animal freak? What an idiot.Ive never seen so many homeless cats in my life on the streets all over Astoria and many other neighborhoods in queens.Ive gotten quite a few off street.People from here treat animals like trash and its sick.Not everyone here is this way towards cats and dogs though luckily for there sake.
Do your homework!! PETA kills ADOPTABLE animals. By the thousands.
From July 1998 through December 2007, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed over 19,200 healhty and adoptable dogs, cats, and other "companion animals." That's more than five defenseless creatures every day. PETA has a walk-in freezer to store the dead bodies, and contracts with a Virginia Beach company to cremate them.
With friends like PETA and some of you people, animals sure don't need any enemies.
Spay and neuter is the problem in Astoria. Cheap people with no hearts!
Down little Weiner, down.
The oldest term in the world:
Very few git over it...
those which art deceased
to name a few.
I feeel your pain, earthling.
God bless you.
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