Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Push to preserve Fat Boy

Civic leaders and activists are reviving an effort to preserve a marble sculpture that has been both praised for its beauty and condemned for what some say is its troubling imagery.

Mary Ann Carey, district manager of Community Board 9, has been leading the charge to get funding to repair the "Triumph of Civic Virtue" in Kew Gardens near Queens Borough Hall.

So far, her pleas - including testimony at a city budget hearing this spring - have had no effect.

'Triumph of Civic Virtue' statue deteriorating in Kew Gardens

Carey originally launched the campaign in 2006 after noticing cracks in the statue's pedestal and erosion of its marble. She and other supporters - including the Fine Arts Federation and the city Parks Department - sent letters to the mayor and the City Council.

The sculpture sits on land owned by the Parks Department, but Queens Parks Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski said the agency does not have adequate funds to fix it.

They have plenty of money to install carcinogenic turf, however.


Frank Lloyd Crap said...

Yikes, is that woman a victim of Bubonic Plague, or a really bad photographer?

Anonymous said...

A Gene Simmons fan, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

She looks like she could use a little "preservation" herself.

Another futile "push"
by Queens "preservationists"!

If they can't get a simple job like this done, what hope is there for the big time stuff?

I'm moving to Great Neck just over the border!

Anonymous said...

don't be mean.

she's just an "older" woman.

we will ALL be there one day.

let's see how good you look then.

Anonymous said...

She's already had one facelift too many!

Anonymous said...

"Yikes, is that woman a victim of Bubonic Plague, or a really bad photographer?"

So she's taking the picture of herself? Huh? Come on, Crappy.

Queens Crapper said...

1) Crappy didn't say this.

2) What Frank was getting at was that the woman the victim of a bad photographer

Anonymous said...

Like everything in this boro: political agendas and political connections count.

Talent and ability?

If they claim that slum Main Street as a model then you know they have their head up their ass.

The fact of the matter is the entire borough of Queens is shopworn and tired.

georgetheatheist said...

I said this before over a year ago on this blog. Dress Fat Boy like the Mannekin Pis statue in Brussels. Doesn't anybody want to have fun anymore?

Anonymous said...

Who gives a care about her looks or her age. Her intentions are good and her heart is in the right place. This is a preservation issue, NOT a beauty contest.

Anonymous said...

"What Frank was getting at was that the woman the victim of a bad photographer"

Whoops, I misread it. But still, tell your alter ego to take it easy with the jokes, jeez-louise!

Queens Crapper said...

Believe it or not, Frank is authored by a completely separate individual. He just happens to look like me.

Anonymous said...

you know:

for those of you who love bashing this poor lady's unfortunate looks -

What do you look like?

Are you so hot that you have the right to bash this poor older lady? She was probably beautiful years ago.

I can GUARANTEE that term doesn't apply to most of the people here in this blog.


Frank Lloyd Crap said...

"you know:

for those of you who love bashing this poor lady's unfortunate looks -

What do you look like?

Are you so hot that you have the right to bash this poor older lady? She was probably beautiful years ago.

I can GUARANTEE that term doesn't apply to most of the people here in this blog.


People need to brush up on reading comprehension.

I am not making fun of the woman's looks, I was commenting on how awful the photo was. Crappy got it, so I guess he graduated third grade. I have no idea what this woman looks like since her facial features appear to be black shadows. She is probably still beautiful for I know.

As you can see from my portrait, I have an ugly metal head, black eyes and a big angry frown. Feel free to make fun of my looks all you want.

Anonymous said...

I was mislead. When i saw the title of this thread, I assumed it was something about Joe Cimino.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Crap:

"People need to brush up on reading comprehension.

I am not making fun of the woman's looks, I was commenting on how awful the photo was."

No brushing up necessary.

You statement implied the WOMAN looks awful.
Mean-spirited, by the way.
We can't help how we look. Are YOU an adonis that you feel it's okay to bash someone's appearance?
And don't tell me to look at that silly picture again.

Anonymous said...

Right on Italian girl! I've seen some of these "preservationists" at rallys. DAWGS! Most of the men need a flea dip and a haircut.

I wish her success in her efforts to preserve and restore this statue.

Anonymous said...

"You statement implied the WOMAN looks awful."

She does look awful because whoever took that photo made her look that way.

"She was probably beautiful years ago."

Sounds like Italian Girl is making a statement about this woman's looks today.

Anonymous said...

F.U. all...she's a D-A-W-G!

Anonymous said...

hi julie:

We have a difference of opinion. You think it is the photo and I think that's just the way she looks.

Either way, who cares what she looks like? She doing an admiral thing for that statue.

"I've seen some of these "preservationists" at rallys. DAWGS! Most of the men need a flea dip and a haircut."

That is so true. And some of them are on this blog criticizing others. So stick to the issues.

Anonymous said...

Move "fat boy" to the site
where the Queen Catherine statue was supposed to go.

Point his ass towards Manhattan
so that he might someday expel a loud
"Queens cheer" from his well defined gluts!

End of problem.

Anonymous said...

The AARP age "libbers" seem to be out in force in their second childhoods!

Truman Harris said...

Hey, great idea! I say we make it a tourist attraction, like every hour on the hour he farts toward the City.

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