Monday, July 7, 2008

Protests forbidden, hair bands welcome

Fans of Sayreville's own Bon Jovi have apparently learned how to defy the laws of gravity! Either that, or Mayor Bloomberg and his administration are once again rolling over for sports teams and leagues.

Kiss my grass, Mayor Bloomberg

Back in August 2004...Anti-war groups hoped to channel that anger with a massive demonstration in Central Park, but the city refused to issue the necessary protest permits. Peace, love and understanding, the city argued in federal court, is not healthy for Great Lawn grass and other living things.

But when Major League Baseball and its corporate sponsors decided to host a Bon Jovi concert this coming Saturday, in conjunction with the July 15 All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium, nobody in the Bloomberg administration apparently raised a Sambora about the grass. Is Bloomberg livin' on a prayer, hoping Bon Jovi fans will hover over the Great Lawn?

But given how Bloomberg has consistently put the greed of the sports teams - especially the Yankees, Mets and Nets - over the needs of ordinary citizens, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.


Anonymous said...

What is a Jersey Band doing in Central Park in the first place.
The lawn is going to get trashed and wont come back for a year !!!

Where will 60,000 beer drinking metal heads pee !!

C said...

We all know that Bloomie & the NYPD hate protests and those that attend them. You could get arrested having nothing more than a peaceful protest that interferes with nobody.

My suggestion? Show up at the concert to protest en masse. Prove that I'm protesting and not rocking out.

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