Wednesday, July 9, 2008

MTA in denial about bus overcrowding

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has been slow to increase weekday bus service even as ridership has surged over the last decade, resulting in jam-packed buses that often have to pass waiting riders without stopping because they simply cannot accommodate more passengers, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Straphangers Campaign, an advocacy group for transit riders.

Ridership Is Outpacing Bus Service, Report Says

“Crushed by crowds? Have to wait for more than one bus to go by?” said Gene Russianoff, a senior lawyer for the Straphangers Campaign, which is part of the New York Public Interest Research Group, a nonprofit civic advocacy organization that gets money from liberal philanthropies and individuals. “It’s not your imagination. Transit officials have never caught up to the waves of new bus riders.”

The Straphangers assertion that our bus customers are being “crushed by crowds” or that customers are “having to wait for more than one bus to go by” does not systemically occur on N.Y.C. Transit bus routes.


georgetheatheist said...

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Ride a bicycle. (Lose weight and save $)

Anonymous said...

Now if they spent that money on bike lanes for busses we might be able to buy a few more...

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the media bearly mentions (without getting too deep now), the nasty underside of development

lack of infrastructure...

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the media bearly mentions (without getting too deep now), the nasty underside of development

lack of infrastructure...


How about City Planning? How about the politicans?

We have the money to pay for this stuff but your taxes are going into tweeder programs instead of your families.

Anonymous said...

Hey George, I would imagine most people don't have a shower at their place of employ. And I'd rather not be sweaty all day and my co-workers would probably not enjoy that either.

Anonymous said...

yet aren't yo all fighting the extension of the 45because it'll put more buses on the streets? so what's your answer

Anonymous said...

One issue has nothing to do with another. Extending a bus route doesn't mean there will be more buses on it.

Anonymous said...

Another big giant 'fuck you' from our mayor to the people of Queens.

Anonymous said...

the only compelling argument against the 45, is that there will be more buses on the streets it extends onto, I didn't mean there'd be more on the route just more on the streets where the 29 already runs. If this isn't the arguement then who's coming on the 45 must be what you all are worried about.

Truman Harris said...

This post is about there not being enough room to accommodate all the bus riders. It's not about where the buses go.

Anonymous said...

Q45: More noise, more traffic, less parking.

There, now you have the entire argument. Take your made-up racist shit for a walk.

Anonymous said...

following along is hard for you folks. I know what the post is about, what do you cry babies want them to do.
A) push more biking? we see how you feel about that.
B) add more buses to accomodate the riders. If this is your answer then my point is there will be more buses on the streets. And the main reason claimed for not extending the 45 is there would be too many buses going down 80th. So if they don't extend the 45 but increase the number of 29s doesn't that do the same thing. and if it does than there is no reason not to extend the 45 because that would increase buses that would take some of the over flow. because although they go to different places savy commuters will know they can get to the subway on either one.
C)stop all buses keep everyone home and sitting in front of their computers bitching.

Anonymous said...

noise and more traffic, again to get rid of over crowding you need more buses SAME RESULT. Parking? they'll use the same stops.

Made up racism? you really don't know the neighborhood do you?

Anonymous said...

The ONLY reason the Q45 is even considered for rerouting is to accommodate the weasels that operate Atlas Mall. If Hemmerdingers father wasn't the Chairman of the MTA do you really believ this would be an issue?
No one in the community asked for it or wants it.

Anonymous said...

the reasons for the 45 are obvious my point is that you people bitch so much without solutions that eventually your bitching starts to contradict itself. who cares who owns the mall if that's your only complaint than stop trying to make it about traffic and noise. Stand up and say "I am upset that your family is successful and want to block any attempt by your fanily to further that success while I wallow in my meiocrity". Nepotism built this country jackasses; not crying about everything

Anonymous said...

Check out the Q54 sometime. They come 4 in a row, every hour. You wait hours for the damned bus, and then 4 show up. Even on a sunday evening when there's no traffic. What are they doing, playing texas hold 'em at the depot? I guess they need 4 guys to get a good game in.

Anonymous said...

totally irrelevant, now go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Wrote:
"if that's your only complaint than stop trying to make it about traffic and noise"

What part of "No one in the community asked for it or wants it."
do you not understand?

Anonymous said...

The problem is bus overcrowding.

The cause is too few busses, and "bunching".

So, Commissar Death and Taxes tries to impose a "Congestion" tax to force more people onto busses that cannot hold the current load.

Real solution: Dump the Soviet system. Elect a motor who has actually regularly used busses and/or subways and even walked our sidewalks.

Someone whose experiences are from real-life, not moronic lackey "advisors".

faster340 said...

The Q67 from Maspeth to Hunters Point/Queens Plaza is a real gem!! NOT! Sometimes you have to wait and sit sometimes 30 minutes + for a bus... And forget about nights and weekends using this bus. The Q18 is a bit better but just as long if not a longer ride time wise than the q67 bus but with much more stops.

I think 1/2 problem would be solved by keeping the current buses well maintained and the other 1/2 you could find a way to add new buses to the most crowded routes or all the routes for that matter. Also have standby drivers and buses to fill in for ill or out of office employee or add to routes that are coming up as crowded according to communication with the bus driver.


Anonymous said...

What part of "No one in the community asked for it or wants it."
do you not understand?

the few mindless cry babies on this site don't constitute the entire community. If no one wants it it won't be used but like every 7-11 y'all oppose I bet the buses will be used plenty.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, obviously the community DOES want the new bus route. Do you think that bus lines are relocated for the heck of it? Just because YOU and some racist NIMBYs don't want it doesn't mean others don't.

The fact that a few old, cranky NIMBY people are against the rerouting is laughable and shows all the hypocrites. They are against ANYTHING. ANY new shopping, housing, transport, etc. is opposed. Why are they living in NYC? It would be like searching for peace and quiet by moving to Central Tokyo.

Atlas Park is a MAJOR MALL. Obviously the buses that run through the neighborhood are going to stop in its vicinity, just like all major hubs (subway stations, shopping districts, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Atlas Park is a MAJOR MALL. Obviously the buses that run through the neighborhood are going to stop in its vicinity, just like all major hubs (subway stations, shopping districts, etc.)

stop you're gonig to hurt them with intelligence, Ferber said let the babies cry it out.

Anonymous said...

Paint bike lanes to the damn mall and be done with it. Then everyone will go there.

Unknown said...

Im so sick and tired not only of being packed like sardines after being left by 2 or 3 busses but alao by the attitude you get from the bus drivers. Bus driver 33140 on the q18 likes to belittle people, use foul language with the customers and gives the middle finger at the end. Bus drivers like him should be fired!!!! Enough is enough people. 275 each way to get disrespected?!?!?!? Lets do something about this. Strength in numbers.....

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