Friday, July 18, 2008

Lack of green on Greene Avenue

Hey is this a modern development with a lot of greenery out front?
Oops, just an optical illusion. The previous photo was taken from down the street at an angle where the lush garden of a home blocked the hideous pile of doo-doo from view. Below is a closer view, from Greene Avenue and Butler Street in Ridgewood.
They probably just wanted to maximize the garden space in the back. There must be a lot of green back there...
or not...


Frank Lloyd Crap said...

How come you didn't include a picture of me next to my crapsterpiece??

I really enjoyed designing this. All ruler and no imagination. And of course no greenspace. It's just a waste. I like to utilize every square inch of land and pave it all. Runoff and flooding are someone else's problem.

Anonymous said...

How about that little house next door in the shade. Its now worthless as a home and only has value as a lot.

This is blockbusting, pure and simple.

It seems like a 'person's home is their castle' BS that so many Queens people say to each other when fighting preservation (but disengenously never never never even try to blather at people living in protected districts in Manahttan or Brooklyn) only works when its used to open the door to a potential developer.

Anonymous said...

How about that little house next door in the shade. Its now worthless as a home and only has value as a lot.

Queens of the past 100 years is slowly being erased from existance. One hundred years ago that house was a lot, and now its come full circle.

No one is saying a thing - politicians, community boards, civis, and presevationists.

And Crap is replacing it.

Anonymous said...

Took you a long time to find that piece of crap-- moved away from Bleecker Street (around the corner from Greene) over 4 years ago and my recollection is that piece of crap was built at least 15 years ago--me-thinks. At least it matches all of the other newer crap being built on nearby Forest Avenue and vicinity.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crappy:

You should have Frank Lloyd Crap waving from one of those weird balconies.

Anonymous said...

It's probably about 10 years old now...

I live on Butler Avenue and his place is really and eyesore but worse are places on Forest Avenue now... I'll get a few snapshots and share...

However, the home and surrounding property that used to be in this spot was phenominal... Too bad they sold it to developers...

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