Saturday, July 19, 2008

Johnny makes a mint

City Council Member John Liu's aspirations may be a mystery, but his fund-raising abilities are clearly formidable — he's outpacing some of New York City's biggest heavyweights.

Council Member Liu Excelling In Fund-Raising for Unknown Race

The Democrat of Queens said he has raised about $815,000 in the past six months for his campaign for an unspecified, citywide office. By contrast, the two top mayoral candidates, Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Comptroller William Thompson Jr., raised about $620,000 and $625,000, respectively, in that period.

Given that Mr. Liu has not yet declared what citywide office he will seek, he could potentially be in the running for comptroller, which would put him in a tight contest that's pulling in nearly as much money as the mayoral race.

Would you give money to a guy who can't decide what he wants to run for?


Anonymous said...

Who are the idiots giving money to someone who may or may not run for an office? One thing is sure though, there are alot of knuckleheads who insist on giving away their money even if they don't know where it is going or what it's going to be spent on. Anybody want to donate to my retirement fund, i'm collecting!

Anonymous said...

Ya think! The Huang's, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

More important,
pictured to Liu's right, is the inscrutable Myra Baird Herce,
a one time CB#7 and Flushing
Downtown Development Corporation (founded by Donald Manes) heavyweight .

She's been around since the Manes era and one begins to wonder just what her role was in burying Flushing.
(Maybe her name should be spelled Hearse)!

This diminutive, nasty, outspoken
woman (sister of Bill Baird...noted abortion activist/consultant from the 1960s, when abortion was still illegal) is a veritable mystery unto this day. Yet she still keeps on showing up like a bad penny!

She continues to go about her business (whatever that is), relatively unnoticed, but she always manages to be at the forefront or alongside of Flushing's quiet old time power brokers.

If questioned by the FBI (etc.) she
could spill the beans on the whole rotten deal, no doubt.

But our sagging, aging painted lady, looking very much like a Toulouse/Lautrec Parisian whore and sporting the signature red lipstick, continues to baffle us all!

Is she the Chinese connection...
the occidental "dragon lady"
that helped facilitate Tommy Huang's entrance into Flushing.

Her former compatriot Donald Manes
could tell us plenty if he
were still alive.

There are those who still believe he was murdered by the Asian underworld.

Are your ears burning, Myra?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Herce could be Liu's fundraising "bag lady", complete with the bags under her eyes.

You want to keep a watchful eye on this shady lady !

Louis was only the king of France but Cardinal Richelieu was
the real power behind the throne.

Liu is just a clubhouse marionette
who can't dance a step without somebody pulling his strings!

Anonymous said...

Developers Developers Developers

Overseas Money, developers and Banks

Like father and like son

Anonymous said...

myra is the one who helped claire shulman neglect willets point all these years while she was in cb#7 ( a manes plan to begin with ) now she stands up and says i've waited 25 years for this i can't beleive it's almost a reality. well if you told the willets point boys don't worry i'll get you those streets and sewers but you've been waiting 25 years for this (willets point redevelopment) then obviously you've done nothing but lie to ensure your plan move's forward. she belongs in a batman movie next to the joker with that lipstick

Anonymous said...

Liu knows a lot of bus boys who make large contributions to pols like Hillary. You think Liu know where the waiters paid low wages get the money they contribute from?

Anonymous said...

taxpayingdad, these 'idiots' are paying money now for access later.

Chun 'John' Liu will become the next mayor of this city. He'll get the asian vote by default, and if he's going to be running against one of those corrupt Latin Bronx pols - Liu will get the Archie vote, the Guido vote, and the Jewish vote (native born and Bukharian) by default.

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