1) Come here illegally
2) Pump out anchor baby
3) Repeat
4) Repeat
5) Repeat
6) Repeat
7) Drive drunk (no doubt unlicensed and uninsured)
8) Leave family behind while you run from immigration police
9) Have oldest anchor baby cry to Daily News about how unfair your situation is
The people entirely responsible for the situation are the parents.
If they never left Mexico none of this would have happened.
Why did they not choose to go to Cuba? Castro would have welcomed them with open arms (or used arms to open fire).
Hugo Chavez would have welcomed this pair.
No. They made a CHOICE. A very bad choice. Then, the male lawbreaker of the pair made the CHOICE to DRIVE DRUNK.
Read the Daily News (in the library, or, on-line, but don't pay them): "he would be deported because he had been convicted of a misdemeanor related to drunken driving."
See how sweet the sentence reads: "related to drunken driving"? How precious. HE DROVE DRUNK. While here illegally.
Get rid of him and her. Make him and his wife an example. Some other couple who CHOOSE this fate might just CHOOSE something else.
being convicted of a misdemeanor just means there wasn't a pedestrian or other car in his path. then it would have been a felony. he wants to pretend he is the victim of circumstance, well it could have just as easily been a different one.
Let Mayor Bloomberg take care of them.
I love how these politicians want to be compassionate against people who break the law. Unfortunately they will not make an example other than how we don't enforce our laws.
This piece of racist "Queens Crap" posted by someone whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower, no doubt.
Time to cancel my RSS subscription.
It's the INS who should be doing the outreach...
We all make choices in life. Let assume for a minute these folks we legal. If convicted of a DUI one could do jail time. Do we weep over the broken families that are created when a parent commits a crime and is jailed for it? No, so why is this any different. Crime #1 entering illegally. Crime #2 DUI. If you commit a crime you get punished. This is his punishment.
If you can't do the time don't do the crime!!!
And yeah, some of our families did come over on the Mayflower. I would like to see you and your family survive those times! All the immigrants today have it easy!
"adrianlesher said...
This piece of racist "Queens Crap" posted by someone whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower, no doubt.
Time to cancel my RSS subscription."
"If they never left Mexico none of this would have happened."
Well my good friend... He drove drunk - fine - what about all the white trash who drive drunk? I do not see "Queens Crap" going after such "gringos." There was a racist undertone in the post as Adrian has pointed out. "IF THEY NEVER LEFT MEXICO??"
Let us see... why do people leave Mexico? Maybe you should blame the good ol' white racists? Why not look back to the Mexican-U.S. War? Or the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. How about "Operation Wetback??" The rise of "illegals" coming to the U.S. is a direct result of U.S. intervention in Latin America. Honestly people - do you believe that you can enjoy the cheap resources from Latin America without having their people "invade?" Old and current COLONIAL TIES means that Third World immigrants will gravitate to the metropolises of their former (and current) colonial masters. U.S. people have little knowledge of the colonial and economic empire that "our' political leaders and multinational corporations created during the period of U.S. territorial expansion in the 19th and 20th cent. Don't want Mexicans in Queens?? Go bitch to the politicians who signed NAFTA. Go bitch to the ceo's of multinational corporations who "employ" 15 year olds at the border in sweatshops. If Latin America had not been raped and pillaged by U.S. capital since its independence, millions of desperate workers would not now be coming here in massive numbers. To put it in simple terms, they are coming here to reclaim a share of that usurped wealth. Remember, the Spanish arrived in St. Augustine (Florida) FOUR decades before the founding of Jamestown. The Spanish founded Santa Fe (1610), San Antonio (1718), Los Angeles (1781). the Latino/Hispanic history in this country is long and buried - buried is where the racism comes from. The original Los Angeles constitution was written in Spanish and English. People gravitate to their colonial "masters" - look at France and how many Algerians live there? How many Moroccans are in Spain? How many Africans are in Italy because Italy decided to mess around in Africa? Time to leave your racism and racist undertones at the door people - by 2050 half the U.S. will be Latino/Hispanic. You better get used to it. The United States has banks and the military in Latin America. The United States has the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization screwing Latin American economies privatizing water and electricity and you do not think people will come to the U.S.? Why are there so many Colombians in the U.S.? Thank Bill Clinton and Plan Colombia - Why are there so many Central Americans in the U.S.? Thank the CIA and Reagan for their meddling in the 80s. If you do no know what I am "talking" about - you should not speak of immigration PERIOD. "Illegal immigration" is what the United States created - now live with it.
Sal from Ridgewood
oh.. by the way..
"Why did they not choose to go to Cuba? Castro would have welcomed them with open arms (or used arms to open fire)." There are many Mexicans in Cuba today - they study at the Latin American School of Medicine which is free. There are also many American students there ...
"HAVANA (AP) — Eight Americans who graduated from a Cuban medical school say they will put the education paid for by Fidel Castro's communist government to use in hospitals back home.
Four New Yorkers, three Californians and a Minnesotan, all from minority backgrounds, have studied in Havana since April 2001, forming the first class of American graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine.
One other American previously graduated from the school after transferring from a U.S. university, but the six women and two men graduating Tuesday were the first Americans to complete the entire six-year program since Castro offered the free medical training to U.S. students. The offer followed a meeting a delegation from the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus."
Sorry but no one was shot there - perhaps U.S. politicians are doing most of the shooting these days huh?
Hey Sal when you get sick please use one of those fine new doctors.
Typical Turd World behavior.
i DEFINITELY WILL - 9/11 rescuers also went to Cuba for FREE medical treatment. Damn shame they couldn't afford it in this country.
(The OP left out underage rape)
These savages are doing the same dam shit that turned there home countrys into poverty stricken crime ridden garbage'
No whay we can pay to educate all the kids these have.
The males "f*ck N run" like cockroaches and refuse to use birth control.
Were are so F*cked !
When these kids reach teenage they are going to have NOTHING and will be running wild.
..stock up on guns and ammo people, especiall if you have blond blue eyed daughters
Why not look back to the Mexican-U.S. War? Or the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
The key word here is treaty. Mexico was given $15 million for present day California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, etc.
What's your point? Borders aren't set in stone. Look at maps of the former Roman empire, Ottoman Empire, etc. They don't exist any more. If Mexico wants to roll it's tanks (Do they even have any? Do they even know how to turn them on?) over the southern border and invade the U.S., let's see them try it. It would be a perfect time for fifth columnists such as you Sal, to prove how tough you think you are.
If you do no (sic) know what I am "talking" about - you should not speak of immigration PERIOD.
You don't even know what you're talking about! It's all a bunch of crypto Marxist crap, written by some prole who dropped out of the "Third World Studies" department at CUNY.
deportation is cruel and inhumane. how can a government forcibly separate families and put more and more children into child welfare agencies? parents make decisions based on the best interests of their children. shouldn't we as responsible citizens advocate and vote to pass legislation that keeps families safe and together? stop deportations!!
Sal please post your full name so I that I can call INS on you.
Don't be silly Wade,
"The key word here is treaty. Mexico was given $15 million for present day California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, etc. "
You mean the same as other treaties signed by nations? You act as if a treaty is usually conducted by consent. No buddy, it is produced by coercion. Why don't you scratch history a little deeper and stop reading off wikipedia. Tell me Wade, tell me about the white settlers who lynched Mexicans on THEIR land? The white settlers did the same to Mexicans and Natives just like the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians today - so you place an army at the border with guns pointed at our face and you think its a treaty? lol, yeah! You obviously missed the point of my post - Mexico does not need to send an army to invade - they are doing exactly what the Palestinians are doing - population growth . Mexicans will continue to come here because they are taking back what the U.S. military, multinationals and external policies have stolen from Mexico. Look at NAFTA - real wages went down significantly in Mexico - so what would you do if you were Mexican? My point exactly.
I love racist blogs.
Don't be silly Wade
In a sense you're right. I shouldn't be so silly, and waste my time trying to school low IQ uneducated proles such as you. I have more important things to do, such as monitor my hedge fund investments. I'm doing quite well, even in this challenging market, thank you.
Tell me Wade, tell me about the white settlers who lynched Mexicans on THEIR land? The white settlers did the same to Mexicans and Natives just like the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians today
Yes, and I suppose those pre-Colombian Aztecs and Mayans were living in peaceful bliss, much like a Grateful Dead concert, huh? There weren't any wars going on amongst themselves, and human sacrifices never occurred. It's all conspiratorial propaganda perpetrated by the "white man" to make those humble people look bad!
You seem obsessed with selectively pointing out atrocities committed by whites. Perhaps it's all related to your low standing in life, and the fact that you'll never amount to much more than a second string toilet cleaner.
Wade, unfortunately I go to nyu - finishing up my second masters. Far from having a low "IQ" and being uneducated buddy.
"Yes, and I suppose those pre-Colombian Aztecs and Mayans were living in peaceful bliss, much like a Grateful Dead concert, huh? There weren't any wars going on amongst themselves, and human sacrifices never occurred. It's all conspiratorial propaganda perpetrated by the "white man" to make those humble people look bad!
You seem obsessed with selectively pointing out atrocities committed by whites. Perhaps it's all related to your low standing in life, and the fact that you'll never amount to much more than a second string toilet cleaner."
I am not selectively pointing out atrocities committed by whites - I am pointing out why Mexicans and other Latin Americans are coming to the U.S. in huge numbers. Unfortunately, Aztecs and several other groups were wiped out after 1492. I speak of the violence causing massive flows of people generated by the United States government and capital. Sorry but the Aztecs did not have a say in this so why would I include them? It is also typical of racists, such as yourself, to justify atrocities by comparing them to past atrocities. Or the typical racist tactic of denial, "I am not racist, I have black and Latino friends." Please - haha
What is wrong with cleaning toilets by the way? Don't be too elitist - because by sounding elitist you rank up there with the hipsters and gentrifiers we all seem to despise on Queens Crap, no?
What exactly was racist about this post? I didn't mention their race. If they were Irish or Polish I would have written the same thing.
crappy - irish and polish pump em out like crazy too, love to drive drunk and come here illegally too. but the knee-jerk liberal racists on here want to pretend you're calling them out for being mexican when this is all about being here illegally.
Adrian and Sal - don't let the door hit you on the way out. It's funny how you only appear during posts that mention ethnic-related matters. This blog is about so much more than that.
2008 Fertility Rates (TFR) (expected number of children born per woman in her child-bearing years)
Source: CIA World Factbook:
Mexico 2.37
Ireland 1.85
Poland 1.27
United States 2.05
Yes, those Irish and Polish are really "pumping 'em out like crazy"!
And those Irish and Polish should really stop demanding bilingual education programs, waving the flags of Ireland and Poland at those annual May Day rallies, complaining that they lost a war with the U.S. 150 years ago, and forming organizations like "La Raza"!
Well then they must have found birth control. When I grew up they were all about being good Catholics...
Adrian and Sal - don't let the door hit you on the way out. It's funny how you only appear during posts that mention ethnic-related matters.
Their handlers at La Raza keep a tight leash on them. It's amazing how easy it is for La Raza to find the "perfect Manchurian candidates" to do their dirty work. Apparently Messrs. Adrian and Sal are willing to do the jobs that even La Raza isn't willing to do anymore.
"Adrian and Sal - don't let the door hit you on the way out. It's funny how you only appear during posts that mention ethnic-related matters.
Their handlers at La Raza keep a tight leash on them. It's amazing how easy it is for La Raza to find the "perfect Manchurian candidates" to do their dirty work. Apparently Messrs. Adrian and Sal are willing to do the jobs that even La Raza isn't willing to do anymore."
Oh man! HAHAHHA - Yes... in the 60's-90's if you criticized the dominant ideology you were a paid Soviet informant - now you are paid by La Raza?? HAHAHAHA Sorry Lou Dobbs but it does not work like that. By the way... NCLR is a pretty moderate liberal group - and they would never say what I do. Move on. Aztlan, now, that is another story.
Guess they aren't leaving. Just acting like drama queens.
deport the whole f'n family, since you don't want to split them up.
salvatore-- boo hoo, stop your whineing and go stand on a street corner and wait for a job with the other illegals.
I'm with that..Deport THEM ALL !
----all the leaches, LaRaza fn criminal blood sucking brats !
If they demand to stay in America how about sending them all to Marthas Vinyard (The Kennedy's Compound) since these Lib sh*ts love these people so much ?
That would be OK with the Libs, pack em in 10 per SQ yard like Jackson Heights...Ehhhh?
So defending the rights of immigrants makes you an illegal. This misguided logic is the reason why everyone believes that Queens residents are racist backwards meatheads.
And I happen to have a sneaking suspicion that none of you came on the Mayflower. Some of you might be a little too swarthy for all that . . .
"So defending the rights of immigrants makes you an illegal."
Let's get something straight. People who come here illegally are criminals, not immigrants.
It is said that (young) children are never guilty for their parents..... And I'll leave it at that.
Regardless of race, immigrants who are here illegally deserve to be called aliens, and are therefore criminals. Tighten the borders and deport them, since they are causing population strain, overdevelopment, and crime. They are here to take advantage of America, distort our ways, and not contribute ethnic flavor (as prior genrations had), but only to produce greed.
Hey fox news Queens Crap.Reagan,Papa Bush, and Clinton moved all those many clothing factories to central and South America quite a while ago.What do you create here anyways?? Nothing.Just crying little right wing capitalists.And all the signs of the fall of Rome that you gladly spent money (taxes)on with illegal wars in Central America installing dictators to take their natrural resources.See what Coca Cola does to people at their factories who try to unionize in Columbia.And Iran is about to trade in Euros just like their neighbor almost did that bush and co invaded and tortured making more friends.
Then why aren't they moving to South America instead of here???
I am registered as an independent voter, by the way.
"....the wretched REFUSE of your teaming shores....."!
Third world illegals arrive
in droves, ready to milk and bilk our overburdened system while many of our own legal citizens cannot
afford adequate medical care etc.
Why don't you pay for their living expenses out of your own pocket...eh...er...Salvatore & Company!
Get off our dicks already!
Stop trying to suck up to us with your pseudo sympathetic record breaking lengthy bleeding heart rants!
As Gil Favor (Clint Eastwood in his vintage TV series "Rawhide" role)
once proclaimed,
"Head 'em up....move 'em out"!
Illegals are LAWBREAKERS
and should be deported!
Folks come here illegally knowing that at any time they could be caught and sent back home.
So they multiply like rabbits hoping that the law will change for them that they may stay for the sheer goodwill of pleasuring themselfs with the blessings of 5 children they cannot feed legally. Knowing this they take to tequila and drive drunk without a license or insurance and get deported - so they hide, the children emerege and the liberal voices broadcast their plight. I should have it so good!
"deportation is cruel and inhumane. how can a government forcibly separate families and put more and more children into child welfare agencies? parents make decisions based on the best interests of their children. shouldn't we as responsible citizens advocate and vote to pass legislation that keeps families safe and together? stop deportations!!"
How is deportation cruel or inhumane? How is being sent back home, free of charge, cruel?
Here's cruel and inhumane: Guatemalans who swim across the river from Guatemala into Mexico are shot and killed while swimming. That's the official process of border control. No "whites" involved. By the way, all the Guatemalans plan to do by "immigrating" into Mexico is to keep trekking north into the US, where they will not be shot by officials at all. What's the "historic" justification for this killing? Once upon a time some poor Guatemalan farmer stole some poor Mexican farmer's burro?
As for entering Cuba? All of 8 AMERICANS went to medical school? Wooo! An astronomical number! And they did this how? By entering Cuba illegally? And then attending medical school illegally (anonymously?)? And then stealing diplomas? And faking the medical exams?
That's impressive!
The couple in the news story invaded this country - no permission asked or given - so they are illegal aliens. [Don't like the term? Get the foreign office in EVERY nation to change their official terms. Including Cuba. Remember the Bay of Pigs? The Cuban Army shot and killed every invader it discovered - even those who were Cuban CITIZENS. Then jailed all the survivors it could capture.]
We don't shoot or kill illegal aliens. We actually avoid deporting them. We don't even look for them. In San Francisco, we released a felon illegal alien who then himself proceeded to thank us by killing an entire family.
We owe illegals nothing. Deport them. Deport them all.
So, deportation is cruel and inhumane?
How about the cruel and inhuman treatment of legal hard working
US citizens who PAY INCOME TAX
being turned away from decent medical care because they and their family cannot afford adequate health insurance? !!!
Go and pull your own "chain"...
and not ours!
Hey, since the USA
is currently(ha, ha, ha)
on an empire kick....why not annex all these third world countries and make them a part of America?
Then the illegal aliens wouldn't have to get their backs wet swimming to our shore for Yankee handouts!
They can just stay at home in their former countries and get on line there.
In the end, it's better and cheaper for all concerned!
Just ban all welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid, etc.
Let the free market sort out the lazy bums who leech off of others from the hardworking productive people.
I'm sick of my tax dollars going to leeches who are young or old, who are citizens or aliens. Doesn't matter. A leech is a leech and deserves scorn plus a slow starvation death.
Just ban all welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid, etc.
Let the free market sort out the lazy bums who leech off of others from the hardworking productive people.
I'm sick of my tax dollars going to leeches who are young or old, who are citizens or aliens. Doesn't matter. A leech is a leech and deserves scorn plus a slow starvation death.
How disappointing and disgusting to read all this venom on a web site of supposed “enlightened people". You make Lou Dobbs seem like a compassionate human being. Man's inhumanity to man personified!!
"How disappointing and disgusting to read all this venom on a web site of supposed “enlightened people". You make Lou Dobbs seem like a compassionate human being. Man's inhumanity to man personified!!"
How profound. How empty!
What venom?
What venom?
If your going to bitch about real New Yorkers then DONT read here !
There is something called the 1st Amendment remember ?
Our ancestors BUILT this city, our old beautyful neighborhoods, schools, subways roads, skyscrapers.
Who TF are these turd world criminal POS jump our borders then pound there fists "GIMME GIMME" t
Oh how my Grandfather would go off. My Uncle wa stabbed in the back to death on Central ave in Bushwick in 1970 because some beaner POS said "gimme you money" (or some gibberish in Spanish) and my uncle didnt understand and walked away.
F*ck these people !
Nothings changed in 35 years.
- - Most are still to stupid, drunk or drugged up to support themselves let alone the 8 different kids with 4 different partners.
BTW Those Guats and Central Americans are the worst. At least some of the Mexicans go home and work
Wow, there have been some crazy ignorant racists in other Queens Crap comment sections, but this takes the cake.
I think Joe wins the ultimate racist award. Also hilarious that in his rantings on "Guats" and others, he is actually ripping on Americans such as himself.
1. Undocumented immigrants do not go on public assistance. Only people with papers go on assistance. You need a Soc Sec # and proof of citizenship and residence. Immigrants (whether legal or not) actually have MUCH lower rates of public assistance than native-born Americans.
African Americans and Puerto Ricans have BY FAR the highest rates of public assistance in NYC, and both are obviously native-born and non-immigrant. Good luck finding a "Guat" in a welfare office.
2. Your uncle was not stabbed by an illegal immigrant in 1970. He was stabbed by an American. At that time, there were no undocumented immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries. More than 95% of NYC Latinos at the time were from Puerto Rico, which makes them American citizens, and is no different than moving from Kansas.
"At that time, there were no undocumented immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries."
You're kidding, right? There have been illegals since immigration was first regulated. Know where the term "WOP" comes from? It means "without papers".
Use of food assistance programs by illegal aliens is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. How do they get food stamps if they are not supposed to be here in the first place?
"Undocumented immigrants do not go on public assistance"
So, who are all those kids in the schools? Can't/won't utter a sound in English. Disruptive and stupid.
Who are all those people in the Emergency Rooms, preventing timely care for citizens who pay.
Who are all those people getting food, clothing and shelter on our dime?
But, you're correct. There are no undocumented immigrants. People here without permission are illegal ALIENS!
Taxpayer’s comments bring to light, and prove the multi-cultural crapola & brain washing going on in this country.
Let’s not forget our educational institutions run by former doped up pinko's now being passed off as teacher’s professors, admistrators.
Mosy your Grade school teachers are now "Selected" ultra liberal Democrats (by the above) to push this sh*t and speak Spanish.
Lets sum it up:
Queerness, Multi-culturalism Spanish, Ebonics
Skills, English, Science and History
WTF is this country becoming Sweeden or some bordillo town in the Netherlands ?
I cant beleive some of the piss poor thinking and excuses here from people here that have college education or more!
no just honesty, why can't we express our true feelings with out being called racist backward meat heads? hopefully our next American president will end iraq and bomb mexico !!!
VIVA mi commandante Archie Bunker!!
Joe, I gather you must be a true American, educated in fine American schools but how come you can't write or spell? What is your excuse? Are you going to blame immigrants for your stupidity?
Spell check helps morons like you.
End Iraq and bomb Mexico !!
Agreed, but that may be like hitting 1 cockroach nest with a Q Beam.
Gather up all the Illegals & there family’s and kick them out of the USA. Only allow to stay if they have something useful to contribute.
1-Give head of each family a shovel to dig a trench across the Texas Border and flood it with water from the Mississippi
2-Bomb New Orleans (its still mostly drug alkee's drug addicts and welfare brats).
Use the landfill from Texas to bring up the grade and make a new city .(this will be there future home where they will work, go to school, learn English, birth control, economics and skills to work)
3-Have all the Illegal Cubans trap and gather up all the Alligators and killer snakes in Florida and throw then in the Texas trench !!
All who complete all of the above give them a path to citizen ship.
..No squirting out babies every 10 months!!
What ever anchor babys are not speaking English or doing good in school by 16 throw them in the Navy 5 years min
….Problem solved, cased closed !
"can't write or spell"
Im at my summer home in Mattituck on a Blackjack II with predictive auto text.
I not going to get a headache tapping every letter, spellcheck, doing all that crap for 2 or 3 people who use spelling as an excuse to dismiss.
Take it up with Samsung http://www.samsung.com/
We must be upsetting Joe a lot.
He's got to keep such close tabs on Queens Crap even when he's relaxing at his (ha, ha) summer home in Mattituck.
I'd be out fishing and not getting writer's cramp on a Blackjack.
I'm tellin' ya, we got him runnin'
scared that little pussy boy!
You are an ignorant racist that defies what our forefathers fought for. We are a country of immigrants! But what goes around comes around someday a Mexican or other minority will come into your life perhaps marry your daughter or save your life. Remember even Archie Bunker had a transfusion.
Yes, we are a country of immigrants, not illegal aliens.
Remember even Archie Bunker had a transfusion.
I don't recall an episode of "All In The Family" involving Archie and blood products?
I think the word you are looking for is transformation.
And if my daughter ever marries a "Mexican or other minority", I guarantee you that my potential son-in-law will at least be well versed in the English language, unlike you!
No he did have a transfusion during surgery and it was a black female doctor that donated the blood. The joke was that he now had black blood in him and was supposed to have led to a "transformation" but of course he was back to being the same Archie in the next episode.
I stand corrected Crappy, thank you!
Even the great and humble Wade Nichols makes the occasional error! It's my fault though, I shouldn't have outsourced my fact checking to those drones in India that I hired!
But my future son-in-law must still meet my stringent eloquence and verbosity requirements in use of the English language!
WADE NICHOLS: But my future son-in-law must still meet my stringent eloquence and verbosity requirements in use of the English language!
Way to construct an exceedingly clunky sentence there, m'man! Maybe you're not the authority you think you are on the use of our glorious AMERICAN language. Also - You do know that women who are of age are free to marry whoever they choose, right? Whether it be a wetback Mexican or, worse, Joe from Ridgewood. Or should we be checking your basement for your little Princess?
Actually, in many of the enlightened, worldly cultures that add to our diverse mosaic, they aren't. There are still arranged marriages in many countries.
Yes maybe Wade is from India.
No, Wade is from a completely different dimension.
and i feel sorry for the guy who marries his daughter. what a pain in the ass he must be.
You do know that women who are of age are free to marry whoever they choose, right? Whether it be a wetback Mexican or, worse, Joe from Ridgewood.
Ah yes, Master Ridgewoodian, back to receive another round of my "verbal pummelings"! But of course, Ridgewoodian only applies the "right to choose one's spouse" to certain groups. When it comes to marriages arranged by his co-religionists, i.e. his fellow members of "the religion of peace", he believes in "respecting their culture". After all, criticizing a member of the "Queens clubhouse" would be "intolerant"!
Yes maybe Wade is from India.
No, I'm not. But I've visited that country 3 times, and I must say, it's much more dreadful ever since those chaps from England departed in 1947.
No, Wade is from a completely different dimension.
Actually, I'm from a higher social class. But from your perspective, it probably does seem like another dimension.
and i feel sorry for the guy who marries his daughter. what a pain in the ass he must be.
Yes, but I'm a wealthy pain in the ass, and that's what matters most!
Dallas County officials spar over 'black hole' comment
A special meeting about Dallas County traffic tickets turned tense and bizarre this afternoon.
County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.
Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.
Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."
That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.
Mayfield shot back that it was a figure of speech and a science term. A black hole, according to Webster's, is perhaps "the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape."
Other county officials quickly interceded to break it up and get the meeting back on track. TV news cameras were rolling, after all.
"Yes, but I'm a wealthy pain in the ass, and that's what matters most!"
If you are truly wealthy, your future son-in-law will only be nice to you because he wants your $$$. There is no other reason to do so.
You are too arrogant. As much as you may not want to read this, you and ridgewoodian deserve each other.
As much as you may not want to read this, you and ridgewoodian deserve each other.
Ridgewoodian is simply annoying - that's the easy part. To be both annoying and wealthy is another matter, and the later aspect is the difficult one to achieve.
Personally "Wade", wealth has never impressed me. As a matter of fact, I find rich people boring and they never seem to be quite happy.
Now, why are you bragging about your wealth? Nothing else going on in your life? Boring job? Bad marriage? Obnoxious kids? Family problems? Bad health?
What is it? Tell me. There's got to be something missing or why would you peruse Queens Crap looking for a fight almost everyday? Something's not adding up.
As a matter of fact, I find rich people boring and they never seem to be quite happy.
Well, considering most of the new residents of Queens are not exactly rich, you should have no problem finding some "Vibrant!, EXCITING!, and Diverse!" persons to speak with!
There's got to be something missing or why would you peruse Queens Crap looking for a fight almost everyday? Something's not adding up.
Ouch! Touché. But then what exactly are you doing here?
"I've been rich and I've been poor. Believe me, honey, rich is better." - Sophie Tucker
Wade said:
"Ouch! Touché. But then what exactly are you doing here?"
I knew that would get ya. What am I doing here? Well, I find Queens Crap to be a really good blog at keeping us informed about something that really interests me - overdevelopment. But as much as "tweeding" has been defined, I still don't get what that means, even in context.
Oh there goes Salvatore again....this time with a second masters degree from NYU....h-m-m-m!
Post it Sal and we might be inclined to believe you.
By the by (ha, ha)....I have two PHDs from Columbia.
If old Sal can sling that
kind-o-shit, so can I!
You're just a verbose
legend in your own mind
Sally boy!
Now, now, now.....don't discourage Sal from posting.
He's the vaudeville comedy act ....part of the reason I log onto Queens Crap and follow it with glee !
"Oh there goes Salvatore again....this time with a second masters degree from NYU....h-m-m-m!
Post it Sal and we might be inclined to believe you.
By the by (ha, ha)....I have two PHDs from Columbia.
If old Sal can sling that
kind-o-shit, so can I!
You're just a verbose
legend in your own mind
Sally boy!"
Well... perhaps you can email me at sg1668@nyu.edu - I do not hide behind an "anonymous" account - ya bitch. Would you like me to fax you my transcripts as well? Punk ass!
Well... perhaps you can email me at sg1668@nyu.edu - I do not hide behind an "anonymous" account - ya bitch. Would you like me to fax you my transcripts as well? Punk ass!
Wow you really are an asshole. For a self described educated individual (IA=Intellectual Asshole in my book)you really are violent and arrogant. You should really go get some anger mgmt sir.
"You must be an intellectual. Only an intellectual could say something so stupid." - George Orwell
Hey, don't forget me. I've got a Ph.D. too. [A Pretty Hard Dick -ooo, baby, baby, baby!]
No Sal....if you post your real name I can request your transcripts from NYU myself.
Punk ass phony and GED certificate holder (I'll bet)!
I see Sally boy has no comments now! So who's the punk ass now!
hey george:
check yourself into the nearest mental ward
QUEENS CRAPPER: What exactly was racist about this post? I didn't mention their race. If they were Irish or Polish I would have written the same thing.
Well, let’s start with that phrase, “anchor baby.” Not really a term of endearment, is it? (Even if the anchor was one of the earliest Christian symbols of hope.) More like a brilliantly diabolical little meme that’s worked its way through the more despicable portions of our culture. So what does it mean? I’ve looked at various anti-immigration sites and I see that a number of them feature a column from the Denver Post from 2002 which defines it thus:
“…an anchor baby is the offspring of an illegal immigrant who, under current legal interpretation, becomes a U.S. citizen at birth and, in turn, is the means by which parents and relatives can also obtain citizenship for themselves by using the family reunification features of immigration law.” (You can read the whole thing where I first saw it, The American Resistance.)
But, of course, that’s just the “words,” not the “music.” Because it implies oh so much more than that, doesn’t it? Infernally fertile women, so wickedly selfish they’ll litter their brats all over Old Glory just for the hope of a Green Card and the chance to destroy America. Mewling and puking little commodity babies, off-hued pickaninnies who were only brought into this world to suck the U.S. teat dry and fifth column the Reconquista. Savages. Invaders. Disease carriers. Cockroaches. Don’t believe me? Look at some of the more enlightened posts on this very thread. Google the phrase, see the contexts it’s used in. (And please don’t answer with Anchor Baby Power; as far as I can tell, it’s unique and certainly unrepresentative.) Is it a racist phrase? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on you definition of racism. It’s certainly dehumanizing, though. (You don’t help that any by adding on that bit about “pumping out,” anchor babies. Pumping out – something a machine would do, or maybe an animal, but not a human.) I’m not sure if it's better to be dehumanizing than racist, or if the latter is just a subset of the former. Hateful phrases accomplish nothing useful. (As Eric Zorn, who apparently supports immigration reform wrote in his column on the subject “sound arguments don't need loaded language.”) And using them on children, who are innocent of any crimes their parents may have committed, is nothing less than morally reprobate.
Also, the whole idea of an “anchor baby” as defined above is very close to being utter bullshit, and I think you’re smart enough to know that. What was the whole point of the article? That the father of five U.S. citizens is in danger of being deported. Some anchor those kids are. Sure, when they turn 21 they can petition to bring their parents here – if they can show they can support them at 125% of the poverty rate (could you have done that when you were 21?) and jump through any number of other bureaucratic hoops. That’s a really excellent and sure-fire plan for staying here forever. (Really it almost seems to me that if some wretched peasant from some foreign land can somehow become familiar with our Constitution and our immigration laws, and create a decades-long plan for exploiting the loopholes in them, and actually carry it out to completion, well, that wretched peasant is a person to be reckoned with and should be welcomed.) But let’s say they’re successful, they become citizens or permanent residents, and get to sponsor more relatives, who then get to sponsor more relatives, who then get to sponsor more relatives, etc. Won’t our beloved Republic soon be packed with damn foreigners, speaking their foreign gibberish and crowding out the real ‘Mericans? In short: No. By way of illustration, let me be a geek for a moment and quote from one of my favorite books from when I was a kid, The Andromeda Strain:
"The mathematics of uncontrolled growth are frightening. A single cell of the bacterium E. coli would, under ideal circumstances, divide every twenty minutes. That is not particularly disturbing until you think about it, but the fact is that bacteria multiply geometrically: one becomes two, two become four, four become eight, and so on. In this way it can be shown that in a single day, one cell of E. coli could produce a super-colony equal in size and weight to the entire planet Earth.
This never happens, for a perfectly simple reason: growth cannot continue indefinitely under ‘ideal circumstances.’ Food runs out. Oxygen runs out. Local conditions within the colony change, and check the growth of organisms.”
The same thing happens in the world of “anchor babies.” Those five from the article, they could sponsor their parents, eventually. But what if the parents don’t live long enough – it’s obviously a hard life they’re living, not conducive to long life, and twenty-one years, or even ten, is a long time to wait. The ties to the old country could well be broken in a single generation. Sure, the kids might one day marry Mexicans but there’s no particular reason to assume that they will. And say the parents do live long enough to become legal residents. Who are they going to bring over? A brother or a sister maybe. What if they don’t have any surviving siblings, or they don’t like them? That happens in families all the time. Or what happens if, by that time in life, the siblings aren’t interested in migrating? Maybe they’ve established themselves at home. The chain stops there. Far from being anchors those kids are really more like balloons, floating slowly away from their parents’ homelands.
All in all, a bad post, Crappy.
ANONYMOUS: deport the whole f'n family, since you don't want to split them up.
JOE: I'm with that..Deport THEM ALL !
You do realize that the five kids are AMERICAN CITIZENS, right? Where would you send them? And do you REALLY want the government to have the power to exile citizens?
Let’s review:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
Don’t like that? Here’s what you can do:
1) Find someone to sue. Take it all the way up to the Supreme Court. Convince five Justices there that illegals and their children aren’t “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States and that everyone has been misreading the 14th Amendment for the last 140 years. Good luck with that.
2) Convince 2/3 of each House of Congress to re-write the Citizenship Clause. Or convince the legislatures of 2/3 of the several states to apply for a constitutional convention to do the same. Then convince 3/4 of the legislatures or specially elected conventions in 3/4 of the states to approve the change.
3) Live with it like men and stop whining.
ANONYMOUS:Just ban all welfare, social security, medicare and medicaid, etc….
I'm sick of my tax dollars going to leeches who are young or old, who are citizens or aliens. Doesn't matter. A leech is a leech and deserves scorn plus a slow starvation death.
Hey, I’m sick and tired of MY hard earned tax dollars being poured into Iraq, or into a useless and destructive “war on drugs,” or into the so called "prison industrial complex", or into highways at the expense of public transportation, or into settlements for the victims of cop stupidity. There are lots of dumb things we spend money on. Compared to them, keeping people from starving to death, keeping them from wasting away from old age or disease, well, that seems downright smart. And good policy, too, when you think about it. Starving men have no loyalty to your masturbatory fantasy of a marketplace republic. With nothing to lose and a world to gain such men have been known to throw the likes of you up against the wall.
JOE: If your going to bitch about real New Yorkers then DONT read here !
What’s a REAL New Yorker, pray tell.
JOE: some gibberish in Spanish
Spanish isn’t gibberish.
TAXPAYER: So, who are all those kids in the schools? Can't/won't utter a sound in English. Disruptive and stupid.
Do you spend much time in classrooms? Can you tell me the basis of this observation?
-JOE: Let’s not forget our educational institutions run by former doped up pinko's now being passed off as teacher’s professors, admistrators.
And when was the last time YOU were in a classroom? It obviously didn’t take…
-JOE: WTF is this country becoming Sweeden…?
There’s no such country as “Sweeden.” It’s as fanciful as Narnia, Gondor, or Oz. If you’re going to take part in a discussion of immigration you might want to figure out what countries actually exist.
WADE NICHOLS: And those Irish and Polish should really stop…waving the flags of Ireland and Poland at those annual May Day rallies…”
Faith and begora! I suppose you’ve never been in the city on March 17th or you were out disco dancing in early October.
wow ridgewoodian. you've given this a lot of thought!
Faith and begora! I suppose you’ve never been in the city on March 17th or you were out disco dancing in early October.
I'm referring to the May Day rallies a few years ago by our saintly "undocumented workers", where we're constantly told how these people simply want to be legal Americans. They want to be Americans so much that many of them were waving MEXICAN flags, not AMERICAN flags at various rallies.
When La Raza and MS-13 takes over your neighborhood, you'll be the first against the wall!
wow ridgewoodian. you've given this a lot of thought!
"Ridgewoodian" and "thought" are 2 words that shouldn't be used in the same sentence, similar to the oxymoronic "Queer Studies"!
how is queer studies an oxymoron?
Oh, Wadester, you’ve really gone out of your way this time, little buddski.
WADE NICHOLS: I'm referring to the May Day rallies a few years ago…They want to be Americans so much that many of them were waving MEXICAN flags, not AMERICAN flags at various rallies.
I assume you’re talking about the nationwide pro-immigrant rallies in 2006, which actually occurred on April 10th. (Subsequent, smaller, ones have taken place on May Day.) If you look HERE and HERE you’ll see a number of pictures from all over the country from that day and you’ll see lots and lots of American flags. I don’t know how representative these pictures are but I think it’s safe to say that the Stars and Stripes weren’t absent on that day.
WADE NICHOLS: When La Raza and MS-13 takes over your neighborhood, you'll be the first against the wall!
Would that be the same La Raza that was recently addressed by that notorious gangbanger Barack Obama and that OG John McCain?
As for MS-13 in Ridgewood, I’ll worry about that when it happens. But as a recent Op-Ed in the Toronto Star has put it, “from São Paulo to Chicago, Cape Town to London, street gangs need [the] soil of poverty, hopelessness and social exclusion to grow and flourish.” Luckily, that’s not really my neighborhood. And the demographic changes that do seem to be occurring here, towards increased hipsterization, are actually making it less likely that MS-13 could find purchase.
(Interestingly, there’s at least one school of thought that holds that the MS-13 problem has been greatly exacerbated by U.S. deportation policies. You can read about it HERE and HERE.)
Want to do something about gangs? Do something about that poverty and marginalization. It’s worked before. To put it bluntly, the Irish are no longer niggers and the Dead Rabbits aren’t nearly as active as they once were.
WADE NICHOLS: … the oxymoronic "Queer Studies"!
I have to join with Anonymous and ask: Huh?
1) Where did THAT come from and what does it have to do with anything that’s been discussed here?
2) Why exactly is it oxymoronic? Personally, I’ve known any number of queers (to be blunt again: some of my best friends are fags) and many of them have been quite studious and have achieved high levels of academic distinction.
3) Why are you gay-bating when you’ve named yourself after a porn star who appeared in at least one gay film. You poor fucked up self hating repressed queer bastard. I almost sympathize with you.
I assume you’re talking about the nationwide pro-immigrant rallies in 2006, which actually occurred on April 10th. (Subsequent, smaller, ones have taken place on May Day.)
No, not 2006, a few years back, maybe it was 2004. I don't have time to hunt around for some of the more disturbing pictures, and even if I did provide links, you'll probably claim the pictures were doctored by the Minutemen or some other nonsense. But the rallies did occur on May 1, which is not by accident.
Would that be the same La Raza that was recently addressed by that notorious gangbanger Barack Obama and that OG John McCain?
They're both equally guilty of pandering. You can put your blinders on and believe whatever you want, but if whites said some of the things La Raza said, you'd probably be trolling their blogs right now.
Want to do something about gangs? Do something about that poverty and marginalization. It’s worked before.
And how do you do something about poverty and marginalization? You create jobs. But you don't create jobs by raising taxes, you lower them. It's worked before, indeed. Government tax revenues actually increase when you lower the tax rate. And why the hell are you reading a Canadian paper? You must be Canadian, that might account for your oddities and overall wimpiness.
many of them have been quite studious and have achieved high levels of academic distinction.
No disagreement with that statement. But I don't know of anyone with a degree in Queer Studies that is really adding much to the GDP of the United States, other than maybe some crappy social research books that are suitable for kindling in a fireplace.
You poor fucked up self hating repressed queer bastard. I almost sympathize with you.
Ah, Ridgewoodian! It's you who has the problem - your love/hate relationship with me. You hate yourself, but you're in love with me! Sorry, I'm very much the flaming hetero, and spoken for already!
WADE NICHOLS: No, not 2006, a few years back, maybe it was 2004.
Well, 2006 was the largest rally, with hundreds of thousands of people coming out all over the country. It got a huge amount of play in the press at the time, and I actually vaguely remember a controversy over what flags were carried. If you want to discuss another rally you’ll have to figure out when it was.
WADE NICHOLS: I don't have time to hunt around for some of the more disturbing pictures….
What, exactly, is disturbing about the flag of Mexico? It was apparently voted the Most Beautiful Flag in the World. An assessment with which I have to say I disagree but only for vexillological reasons; I agree with Ted Kaye that the best flags eschew the use of seals, coats of arms, and writing in favor of simple graphic designs. (Of the top 10 finishers in the competition I think Uruguay’s is the best. Yes, the Sun of May in the canton might be a little too complicated for a five year old to draw but the overall effect is quite aesthetically pleasing.)
WADE NICHOLS: …you'll probably claim the pictures were doctored by the Minutemen or some other nonsense.
Have I ever disputed any evidence from any reputable source? Or, if I have, have I not given my reasons for doing so? That’s just silly.
WADE NICHOLS: They're both equally guilty of pandering.
What’s the difference between “pandering” and politicking?
WADE NICHOLS: You can put your blinders on and believe whatever you want, but if whites said some of the things La Raza said, you'd probably be trolling their blogs right now.
You know, you’re right. I don’t really know all the ins and outs of the policies of NCLR. But since you basically equated it with MS-13, I think we’re probably BOTH ignorant.
WADE NICHOLS: Government tax revenues actually increase when you lower the tax rate.
It’s touching to see you clinging to your old religion. You’re a mirror image of an unreconstructed Marxist upon whom the fall of the Soviet Union and the conversion of formerly communist China has made little impression. Although, it IS heartening to see that you do seem to agree that revenue SHOULD be raised by the government and possibly that it should even be maximized. At least you’re not on Grover Norquist’s li’l taxpayer.
WADE NICHOLS: And why the hell are you reading a Canadian paper? You must be Canadian, that might account for your oddities and overall wimpiness.
Why SHOULDN’T I read a Canadian paper? Are not the Canadians people? Don’t they have intelligent thinkers up there? Might not they have something useful to say? Isn’t Toronto a major city that has to face the problems of any major city? (Also, I came across the column and it said very well some of the things I was looking to say.)
I’ve mentioned several times where I’m from; no, I’m not Canadian.
I hope that you’re not implying that Shatner is a wimp. And whatever you want to call this guy “wimp” probably isn’t the word.
Honestly, is there ANYONE from ANY country that you like?
WADE NICHOLS: I don't know of anyone with a degree in Queer Studies that is really adding much to the GDP of the United States…
Well, how many such degree holders do you know? And why is it necessary that everyone contribute to the GDP every single day? Wouldn’t that limit the amount of acceptable activity drastically? Major breakthroughs that have benefited society as a whole have often come from unexpected and previously unappreciated quarters. Would you foreswear them?
And you never did answer the question of where this whole queer thing came from, since it wasn’t a subject of conversation before. Are you, perhaps, trying to gay-bait me? It’s not going to work for one simple reason: I’m not gay. Or not entirely, anyway. I do work in a library, and I do love opera. But I’d have to dress much better and start having sex with men to be wall to wall homo. If that wasn’t your intention I can only speculate that some weird and not entirely noble shit bubbled up out of your subconscious and expressed itself in an explosion of id.
WADE NICHOLS: ...you're in love with me!
Oh, yes, you make me so, so hot, you powerful man.
Actually, you do amuse me a little bit – more than the Anonymous who insists I’m his enemy du jour, or those idiots Joe or Taxpayer, or Truman Harris. But that’s mostly because I haven’t decided yet whether you’re really the Taki Theodoracopulos wannabe that you seem to be putting yourself out as or whether this is all a big put on.
Ridgewoodian has self-destructed, ladies and gentlemen. He just called people "idiots" and has resorted to homophobic name calling to make his points. Bad liberal! Now no one can take you seriously, not that we ever did in the first place. You need a hobby, son, and one that takes you away from a keyboard for a bit.
wade, why name yourself after a porn star, seriously. that is a little weird.
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