Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The gang's all here... (unfortunately)

Hello Queens Crap!

I am writing as a member of Community Action Queens, a new block group of a sort that has developed because of increasing violence on 50th Street between Skillman and 43rd. We're hoping you can help by giving us a forum! In the past year, a gang of people have started using the sidewalk as their hangout late at night.

This hangout has brought screaming at all hours of the night (sometimes until 6 or 7am), gunshots, fireworks, drug dealing and using, fighting, and broken car windows/building doors. Two nights ago, people reported hearing at least four gunshots and the night before there were more. People on our block have contacted the police, Eric Gioia, 311...nothing is working so far and intimidation stops others from confronting the perpetrators directly.

We are trying to react to this issue as a community.

We also encourage people on the block to contact their building management. People in some buildings have already started moving because of this problem, and if we work together, perhaps they can begin to nudge our police and elected officials towards taking this problem seriously.

Thank you, thank you.

Community Action Queens


Anonymous said...

I hope you guys can get rid of the punks.

Anonymous said...

Where's Ridgewoodian?

I'm sure since he's a self-appointed deputy of Jesse Jackson, he'll "parachute on the scene" real soon, to point out how we're all such "Archie Bunker racists" for noticing gang activity and boorish behavior on our streets.

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!" - "The Wizard", Wizard of Oz

Best of luck to Community Action Queens!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have gang activity down the gang grafitti that showed up on four places on our block one morning. Tried to stop the noise and card playing and our trash cans were set on fire.

When we went to the police last year, a bored youthful desk sergerant told us not to get involved, but call 911.

Did not even look up from the papers he was sorting.

If they are the tweeded, there is very little you can do. Remember, the middle class creates unsolvable embarassing problems for the machine.

The tweeded, on the other hand, well the greater the problems, the more the machine 'cares' to help.

Drug treatment programs, counciling for families, revolving door arrests, we all know the drill, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Now if they need a bike lane, or a zoning varience, speeedy action.

Anything else?


Anonymous said...

leave some bags with poison cocaine on the street -solve the problem quick

or just move woodside is a cesspool

Anonymous said...

Problems with gangs? Call the Mayor's representative in Queens County, Jennifer Manley, cell phone: 347-967-7695. Maybe she can do something about important things for a change instead of just handing out tickets to parades.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's kind of interesting. As Bloomie focuses more and more of the cities resources on the wealthy and the tourists in Manhattan, the outer boroughs slowly revert back to their conditions in the late '70s and '80s. Like a forest retaking an abandoned city.

All we need is Koch once again saying "welcome to fun city".

Nice work Bloomie. I hardly ever see a cop on the subway anymore.

Anonymous said...

Who patrols the area north of Queens Plaza? Is that precinct 108 too. The pan handlers and squeegee cleaners are also making a comeback.

Anonymous said...

Problems with panhandlers and squeegee cleaners at Queens Plaza? Call the Mayor's representative in Queens County, Jennifer Manley, cell phone: 347-967-7695. Maybe she can address important things for a change instead of just handing out tickets to parades.

Anonymous said...

Who patrols the area north of Queens Plaza? Is that precinct 108 too. The pan handlers and squeegee cleaners are also making a comeback.


The Fighting 114th.

Anonymous said...

Write this down:

Your neighborhood is slated for "redevelopment". Commissar Death and Taxes and Gioia are prepping the area for the "Blighted" designation. Once set, property confiscation follows. Then the redevelopment to "improve" your neighborhood.

OK, you think this is an outrageous claim. See Willets Point for your next lesson.

So little time. So much destruction that needs doing.

Do call Jennifer Manley; her job is to get your problems solved. She takes her paycheck (from you - not the Commissar) regularly. Bombard her relentlessly until you get her to perform.

Demand that she inform you of the Commissar's actual plans for your neighborhood and your homes. She will lie on autopilot, so keep up the pressure!

Anonymous said...

The Mathews Flats area isn't protected by landmark status like the now privileged Sunnyside Gardens is.

Therefore this is slated to become an even worse shithole than it already is.

And delivery of essential city services, of course, will be denied
or curtailed!

Don't depend on your local precinct's crooked cops.

They're probably already getting a cut of the drug dealers profits for looking the other way!

Try calling Queens narcotics, the FBI, Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)....even Homeland Security if necessary.

No doubt there are some "illegals" (terrorists?)in amongst that "gang"!

Anonymous said...

It's all Bloomberg's fault!

As long as Manhattan's golden tourist corridor shines bright, he doesn't mind pushing the dirt into the outer boroughs where it won't be seen
and scare away the visitors!

Anonymous said...

It's all Bloomberg's fault!

As long as Manhattan's golden tourist corridor shines bright, he doesn't mind pushing the dirt into the outer boroughs where it won't be seen
and scare away the visitors!


It is the fault of the local politicans from Queens letting take advantage of us.

Remember how they jumped aboard congestion pricing, even if it harmed their communities?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is the captain of the vessel, so he gets assigned
the main blame.

His first mate (etc.)and local pol/crew(s) are merely following
der fuher's orders!

Anonymous said...

It's duh Rev'rund
Jesse Jackass..."Wade".

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