Friday, July 11, 2008

FDNY using sidewalks as parking lots

"I had just read this report in the Post yesterday about a major crackdown on parking placard abuse by DOI, so it surprised me when I came across this scene at St. Nicholas Avenue and Himrod Street. I've always been tolerant of the needs of first responders, and believe they deserve a little leeway with regard to rules, but this is just going overboard." - anonymous

(In related news, it doesn't look like there's much chance of this firehouse being landmarked anytime soon. - QC)


Anonymous said...

Just take a gander at the NYPD Queens North Task Force parking their vehicles all over the sidewalk in front of their Flushing armory headquarters on Northern Blv'd.

Right next door the Korean
Siloam (?) Church does the same each Sunday in clear view of the QNTF cops!

Is anything done about either?

Nah! "Forget about it Jake, it's Chinatown"!

Anonymous said...

You should see how Police Service Area 9 in ravenswood abuses their vans. They are used by private citizens. I doubt much police work is done by senior citizens and kids who ride the Police vans of PSA 9. So that is where my tax dollars go, shuttle service for the residents of ravenswood.

Anonymous said...

The Queens North Task Force has a large parking lot that goes from the sides to the back of the building. Furthermore, its members park their vehicles on the curb at a 90 degree angle. Aside from the time around 911 and during the blackout a few summers ago, when all tours were working at the same time, I have NEVER seen anyone assigned there park on the sidewalk. Maybe the people from the church park that way, but the cops certainly do not. I also happen to know for a fact that their CO would never allow that to happen, outside from a major incident.
There are better examples of abuse of parking placards by first responders around the city. The QUeens North Task Force certainly isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

These people are heroes, that's why they think they can park anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, the first picture has a 2007 NYS inspection sticker.
The vehicle could be unsafe and should get a ticket every time.

Anonymous said...

At least when these self entitled firemen are parking on sidewalks, widow banging, they're not ordering you out of your home on a suspected gas leak and then checking the bedroom jewelry box for the source of this supposed leak.

Anonymous said...

Which is the answer to why Bunker Gear has such big pockets

Anonymous said...

You got that right - when 911 happened my friend was in ESU of the police dept. The first dead firefighter they pulled out of the rubble had 15 watches on his arm under his turnout coat. Watches he stole from the dead on the 96th Floor.
Oh yeah when they come they look like the calvary, but they are more like fire ants picking over the dead

Anonymous said...


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