Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fake farm in LIC

From Curbed:

Long Island City already has a fake beach, so why not a fake farm?

I was going to say the exact same thing, but they beat me to it!


Anonymous said...

Good thing that it wasnt built for you or you might be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

So, the "funny farm" really does exist after all.

How quaint!

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was built for all of us, subsidized with our money, and they expect us to fork over more to go gawk at it. I'd rather take the kids to the Queens County Farm Museum.

Anonymous said...

So now you complain about one of the best-regarded museums in Queens that has one of the nicest and most popular summer social events around. Are you that miserable?

Anonymous said...

Yes, PS1 is "one of the best-regarded museums in Queens" but that's not saying much.

Anonymous said...

its not saying much to you because you are an ignorant, closed-minded, urban-redneck.

Anonymous said...


Racist! Bigot! Xenophobe!

Anonymous said...

I am not a racist, a bigot or a xenophobe.
I am a classist and you obviously have none.

Anonymous said...

A self confessed classist/elitist....

Do you enjoy spitting down upon us poorer folk from your high perched box seat?

What an "A" hole!

Anonymous said...

I think more plants, pretty much anywhere that pedestrians are, are good things. It's an imaginative use of space. Do you hate people who put plants out on their deck, too? Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Then call it a park or a garden. It's not a farm! Where are the animals?

Anonymous said...

I live with all of you poor folk in Glendale.
You dont have to have money to have class, that is what you ignorants just dont get.

Anonymous said...

"I think more plants, pretty much anywhere that pedestrians are, are good things."

Yeah but this is enclosed space on the museum grounds that they are calling a "farm". Why not plant permanent trees and make a courtyard there.

"You dont have to have money to have class, that is what you ignorants just dont get."

If this is considered classy then I'll stay ignorant, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Well that shouldnt be too tough for you.

Anonymous said...

A fake farm? Who is the jackass who thought of that and had the balls to spend my money on it. I am truly amazed at the amazing ideas people come up with to spend my tax dollars. How do they sleep at night?

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