Thursday, July 17, 2008

Breezy Point prefers Bud

Local lore has it that Budweiser is, or at one point famously was, the drink of choice in Breezy Point, a flyspeck of a beach community that sits at the western tip of the Rockaways. The talk is that Breezy Point’s ZIP code — 11697 — once had the highest per capita consumption of Budweiser in the world.

For Queens Community, Sale of Anheuser-Busch Is Hard to Take

And so it was with bitterness, and resignation, that many Breezy Point locals met the news on Monday that Anheuser-Busch, the St. Louis-based maker of Budweiser, was to be sold to a Belgian company for $52 billion.

Breezy Point is overwhelmingly Irish-American, with an official year-round population of 4,226, a figure that is estimated to more than double in the summer. It is also fiercely insular, a private community that is run as a cooperative with its own security force.

A reporter and a photographer, setting out to gauge local reaction to Anheuser-Busch’s sale on Monday, were intercepted by a security guard at the community’s tiny shopping plaza, escorted back to the bungalow that houses Breezy Point’s security headquarters (along with several boxes of Budweiser cans confiscated from local teenagers), and tersely told to leave town. Officials later relented, and gave the reporter and photographer the go-ahead, so long as they promised to leave within the hour.


Anonymous said...

Another one of those NY Times stories that basically says: Attention Maureen Dowd/Paul Krugman readers!!! Look here at these unsophisticated Budweiser drinking white people in Queens! Why, they're almost as boorish as those white people living in "flyover states"!!! HA HA HA HA!! We're not like them!!! HA HA HA HA !!! Could you kindly pass that platter of brie and organic crackers you bought from Whole Foods, please??? And another glass of pinot noir, thank you. HA HA HA HA HA !!!! White people drinking Budweiser in Queens!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!

Anonymous said...

Well then maybe we should retort with a story about assholes who overpay for basic things.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the Times chose to do a beer-related story in breezy Point? Is it because it's an Irish neighborhood? Would the Times send a reporter to South Jamaica to do a story on fried chicken?

At the same time, it's hard to imagine that our borough even has gated communities with its own security forces.

Anonymous said...

It is also fiercely insular, a private community that is run as a cooperative with its own security force.

A reporter and a photographer, setting out to gauge local reaction to Anheuser-Busch’s sale on Monday, were intercepted by a security guard at the community’s tiny shopping plaza, escorted back to the bungalow that houses Breezy Point’s security headquarters (along with several boxes of Budweiser cans confiscated from local teenagers), and tersely told to leave town. Officials later relented, and gave the reporter and photographer the go-ahead, so long as they promised to leave within the hour.

They are as committed to their favorite beer as they are to their privacy.

Yet another American company would be foreign-owned.

This scenario was observed by a reporter from Queens Crap today:

Setting: $3.8 million apartment on the upper west side of Manhattan. Uber wealthy white liberal is drinking fair trade coffee while reading today's NY Times

Dialogue: "Why the nerve of those unsophisticated white rubes in Queens!!!

How dare they establish a fiercely insular, private community with its own security force!!!

Oh hold on a minute, let me call down to my door man Julio to find out if I've received any packages, and tell him I'm not seeing any visitors today!"

Ridgewoodian said...

Interesting that the actual story makes note of several men who prefer drinks other than Bud - Bloody Marys, wine, Stella Artois. And one who calls bud "dishwater."

Gotta agree with that guy. Let's face it: Budweiser sucks. The ONLY excuse for drinking it is if you're underaged and don't know any better and that's all you and your buddies can get your hands on. And even then, why not go all the way and guzzle Natty Lite or Golden Anniversary?

I much prefered Rheingold when I could get a hold of it. Maybe not a GREAT brew but honest and unpretentious. Awesome on a hot day. And with a cool New York history. It was all over the place a couple of years ago when all the hipsters drank it (and PBR) but I haven't seen it in a while. Anyone know if it's still around?

Queens Crapper said...

My great-grandfather drank Ballantine, Rheingold and Pabst Blue Ribbon. Don't remember ever seeing Budweiser in the house. My grandparents and parents didn't drink at all. I like beer occasionally, but usually not Budweiser if something else is available, but don't look down at people who do. It's just a preference. I really hate the Brooklyn Brewery beer.

Incidentally, breweries in Ridgewood included: Ruppert’s, Ballantine, Piel Bros., Liebmann’s (Rheingold) and Trommer’s. Back then it was considered more prestigious to have a Brooklyn address. Legend has it that part of the reason there is such border confusion is because they started calling the brewery area "Ridgewood, Brooklyn" for business even though it was in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, the Times did a story about Jerk Chicken in the Flatbush and Crown Heights area of Brooklyn.

Quit trying to cry racism at everything. It's pathetic. And you're a loser in life because you didn't try hard enough, not because the asian or jewish guy got some kinds of special priviledge.

Queens Crapper said...

Of course they did an article about jerk chicken in Flatbush! Don't you know that outer borough immigrant communities are where yuppies go on culinary safaris?

Anonymous said...

And the non-immigrant outer-borough communities are the places they profile in order to announce: "Hey, there's cheap real estate here with potential!"

Anonymous said...

crappy, when the story is about an AMERICAN company being bought by a FOREIGN company - won't it make sense to gauge the reaction in a neighborhood full of AMERICAN BORN PEOPLE?

Is that some NY Times racist plot? Or is it just reporting the local reaction to a favorite brand being bought by a FOREIGN COMPANY?

The story wouldn't make sense by asking the Bukharian Jews of Forest Hills what they think of this. It wouldn't make sense asking the Chinese immigrants of Flushing, or the Latin American or bangladeshi immigrants in Jackson Heights.

Quit crying racism as an excuse for being a loser in life.

Anonymous said...

The story wouldn't make sense by asking the Bukharian Jews of Forest Hills what they think of this. It wouldn't make sense asking the Chinese immigrants of Flushing, or the Latin American or bangladeshi immigrants in Jackson Heights.

So, you seem to implicitly agree here that foreign born immigrants don't quite have the same loyalties as do American born citizens, right? Bukharian Jews have their loyalties and allegiances elsewhere? Chinese in Flushing are focused someplace else? Latin Americans are more interested in Latin America? Bangladeshis in Jackson Heights are more concerned with Bangladesh?

Why is it when us "Archie Bunker racists" bring up the question of divided loyalties you accuse us of "racism"??

Yet when you state the same damn thing, it's indicative of your cosmopolitan multicultural tolerant worldview?

Quit crying racism as an excuse for being a loser in life.

You're the one sitting in front of your computer with a bag of Doritos and a can of Coke reading Crappy's website, not Crappy reading you're website. Who's the loser?

Ridgewoodian said...

CRAPPY -- What's wrong with a yuppie going on a "culinary safari"? I mean, yes, yuppies can be loathsome. But isn't it at least marginally better to be an openminded foodie douchebag than to be a closedminded whitebread one?

Ridgewoodian said...

WADE NICHOLS: So, you seem to implicitly agree here that foreign born immigrants don't quite have the same loyalties as do American born citizens, right?

Are you saying that loyalty to Bud is the same as loyalty to America? Because that would make me a very bad American. And I would sure hope that our immigrant friends have better taste in potent potables.

WADE NICHOLS: You're the one sitting in front of your computer with a bag of Doritos and a can of Coke reading Crappy's website...

Question for you: How do you know that Anonymous is stuffing their face on Doritos and drinking a Coke? Couldn't they just as easily be chomping on a tofu burger and quenching their thirst with herbal tea? Or perhaps they're not eating at all. Where can I get that second sight 'cause it sounds COOL.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that loyalty to Bud is the same as loyalty to America? Because that would make me a very bad American. And I would sure hope that our immigrant friends have better taste in potent potables.

Loyalty to Bud as an AMERICAN OWNED company. Whether or not it tastes good is another matter.

Question for you: How do you know that Anonymous is stuffing their face on Doritos and drinking a Coke? Couldn't they just as easily be chomping on a tofu burger and quenching their thirst with herbal tea?

For all I care, "Anonymous" is probably sitting at home dressed in his 100% organic hemp shalwar kameez, drinking 100% organic Yerba mate, and chomping on free range 100% carbon neutral eco-friendly prawn chips. Point is that "Anonymous" is the one reading Crappy's blog, apparently he has some sort of inherent sado-masochistic tendencies, or else he'd be reading some other blog, as would you!

Anonymous said...

CRAPPY -- What's wrong with a yuppie going on a "culinary safari"? I mean, yes, yuppies can be loathsome.

As Dave Ross on the radio says, lets go over this slowly
I ... mean ... yes ... yuppies ... can ... be ... loathsome.

Ridgewoodian, sometimes you can be tiresome.

How much are you getting paid to dump stuff in this blog - by the word?

Anonymous said...

Typical slamming of the white Archie Bunkers in Queens.

Now if it was a member of the gorgous masaic, how wwwoooonnnddeerrffuuulll they would be.

even if it is the unmentionable ingesting the unthinkable.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: How much are you getting paid to dump stuff in this blog - by the word?

How much do you "THINK?"

Anonymous said...

The retard wade nichols said: "Why is it when us "Archie Bunker racists" bring up the question of divided loyalties you accuse us of "racism"??

Yet when you state the same damn thing, it's indicative of your cosmopolitan multicultural tolerant worldview? "


Wade, I never accused you of racism. I accuse you of crying "racism" whenever you fail in life, or whenever someone looks at your lower class ideals with the contempt it deserves.

Stop trying to look for race in everything. Stop being so obsessed with race. It's boring. You should have stayed in school instead of drag racing your IROC and catching crabs from Tara O'Malley during the 80s.

As for the Dorito bit. That's funny. I'm actually sitting in my office during downtime and surfing the net. I work in a big bank, and if Crappy was smart enough to pull my IP address, he can confirm it's registered to one of the largest investment banks in the world.

Does that bother you, Archie? I get paid very well to move digits around the computer screen from one account to another. I get to travel to places you can only dream of on the company's dime, and I meet and deal with people you don't even know exist.

I'm one of those "yuppies" you jealous dicks seem to envy.

As your lover crappy to look up my IP address. He can confirm it.

Ridgewoodian said...

WADE NICHOLS: For all I care, "Anonymous" is probably sitting at home dressed in his 100%organic hemp shalwar kameez...

Ah, but you said he WAS eating Doritos and drinking Coke. How were you so certain about that? Or were you just making a baseless assumption? Just like your little Manhattan "dialogue" and just about every post you've put up here.

WADE NICHOLS: Point is that "Anonymous" is the one reading Crappy's blog, apparently he has some sort of inherent sado-masochistic tendencies, or else he'd be reading some other blog, as would you!

More assumptions, and kind of kinky ones at that! I can't speak for Anonymous but for myself I read this blog to hear what my neighbors are thinking, however repellant that might be at times.

Anonymous said...

"I'm one of those "yuppies" you jealous dicks seem to envy.

As your lover crappy to look up my IP address. He can confirm it."

Congratulations on your success!

But with your attitude, I won't feel sorry for you when I see you on the unemployment line. Which believe me my friend the time is coming very soon.

Anonymous said...

"...get paid very well to move digits around the computer screen from one account to another. I get to travel to places you can only dream of on the company's dime, and I meet and deal with people you don't even know exist."

You should be so proud of yourself. You contribute so much to society.


Anonymous said...


I almost choked on my Doritos when I read that. LOL

Anonymous said...

First off, Budweiser tastes like piss.

Now, the people in Breezy Point actually got it right. I bet they don't have to deal with any undesirables immigrating to their community and worrying about overdevelopment.

Not all of Queens is crap after all!

Truman Harris said...

"As for the Dorito bit. That's funny. I'm actually sitting in my office during downtime and surfing the net. I work in a big bank, and if Crappy was smart enough to pull my IP address, he can confirm it's registered to one of the largest investment banks in the world."

The bank's vending machines don't have Doritos and Coke? Damn, I'd go work somewhere else.

P.S. Do your bosses know that you insult people anonymously on their computers?

Anonymous said...

it's registered to one of the largest investment banks in the world."

Speaking as an ex corporate guy, like me ask you something:

I know a guy in Bermuda that ran an insurance company into the ground (its trading about 10% opening value.) So pathetic, its being bought out of existance.

Being sued for stock fraud to boot.

Now this guy is making a million dollars and thinks he is undoubtedly hot shit.

Why don't losers like that get profiled and laughed at, like this person did to Joe Six-Pack, the bedrock, for all his faults, of our nation?

Anonymous said...

Eh..Brezzy Point, as in pinheads? yes, WEll thank god the reporter was not black, or Indian, Paki or from Jackson hights, they would habe been howard beached out of their!

Anonymous said...

"Eh..Brezzy Point, as in pinheads? yes, WEll thank god the reporter was not black, or Indian, Paki or from Jackson hights"

Well, where would you rather live?

A run down, stinking cesspool full of degenerates that don't even speak our language OR a calm serene and tasteful neighborhood safe to raise your kids in.

Anonymous said...

hey yuppie:
"As your lover crappy to look up my IP address. He can confirm it."

You may very well be at an investment bank. But you could be cleaning toilets for all we know.

Anonymous said...



Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: Well, where would you rather live?

A run down, stinking cesspool full of degenerates that don't even speak our language OR a calm serene and tasteful neighborhood safe to raise your kids in.

Which stinking cesspool would that be? Who are the degenerates? Why don’t you try to pick up a few words of Spanish or Greek or Chinese or what have you – you might find that, GASP, those degenerates are mostly decent people.

As for Breezy Point, I’ve ridden my bike around out there, as far out as I could get. It’s a nice enough place, I suppose, but I for one sure wouldn’t want to live there. Too isolated from the life of the city.

WADE NICHOLS: Loyalty to Bud as an AMERICAN OWNED company. Whether or not it tastes good is another matter.

Why would ANYONE drink a beer just because it was brewed in this country? Patriotism is a virtue, yes, but uncritical patriotism is one of the worst vices in the world.


Sage advice. (Although it’s BARELY beer.)

Anonymous said...

Which stinking cesspool would that be? Who are the degenerates? Why don’t you try to pick up a few words of Spanish or Greek or Chinese or what have you – you might find that, GASP, those degenerates are mostly decent people.



As for Breezy Point, I’ve ridden my bike around out there, as far out as I could get. It’s a nice enough place, I suppose, but I for one sure wouldn’t want to live there. Too isolated from the life of the city.


Anonymous said...

Why don’t you try to pick up a few words of Spanish or Greek or Chinese or what have you

That's quite a practical solution you're proposing!

Looking at the listing of top 10 languages worldwide by speaker: Mandarin, Hindi/Urdu, Spanish, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, and German.

Why don't you enlighten us and speak a few words FROM MEMORY (consulting Google does NOT count)in: Hindi, Arabic, and Bengali, for starters?

Dazzle us with your brilliance, Mr. Ridgewoodian, AKA Champollion, AKA Noam Chomsky Jr.!!!!

Why the hell should I learn someone else's language? I wouldn't move to Bhutan and expect the Bhutanese to speak with me in English?

Ridgewoodian said...


Never been to Kolkata – which, by the way, is now the official English name of the city – myself so I can’t speak from personal experience. Have you? I understand that it’s a great center of Indian art, music, and literature so it has that going for it. And those who I know who have been there praise it as a warm and wonderful city. But I also understand that it has more than its fair share of the problems associated with large cities – pollution, street congestion, and, most especially (and despite recent economic gains due mostly to the IT sector), epic, grinding poverty. From what I can gather it’s really two cities on top of each other, one modern, middle class, and entirely in the 21st Century, the other poor and backward. The modern city might not be too bad to live in; but no, I don’t think I’d want to be poor there.

But since I’m not planning to move there (although Abu Dhabi might not be entirely out of the question) and since, let’s be clear, New York is NOT Kolkata and is in no danger of becoming Kolkata anytime soon your question is moot.


I don’t think I’ve poked fun at them. I don’t think that Times article did, either. And if I did or the Times did the worst that I or it said was that they drink really awful beer. So they can lighten up if they’re offended.

WADE NICHOLS: Why don't you enlighten us and speak a few words FROM MEMORY (consulting Google does NOT count)in: Hindi, Arabic, and Bengali, for starters?

Dazzle us with your brilliance, Mr. Ridgewoodian, AKA Champollion, AKA Noam Chomsky Jr.!!!!

Wade, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’re not in the same room. I’m sitting in my office all alone; if I were to SPEAK anything, in ANY language 1) I’d be talking to myself, 2) you wouldn’t hear me, 3) passers-by would think that I’m weird.

Anyway, my knowledge of Hindi and Bengali is sadly lacking. You got me there. I actually used to know a few phrases of Koranic Arabic: for a number of years I rented a couple of rooms in a private house in Elmhurst owned by a Muslim family and I would sometimes listen to them recite from the Koran. They taught me how to say “there is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God.” But it’s been a while…

As for some of the other languages on the list (and why did you pick the three you picked?), English, obviously, I’m quite comfortable with. Spanish I studied in high school, just like everyone else. I won’t say that I can keep up a long conversation but I can say a few friendly words. German I studied in high school and college, not always successfully. But as a big fan of the music dramas of Richard Wagner I’ve picked up a few odd phrases here and there. Not anything terribly useful, but my singing of the line, “Woglinde, wachst du allein?” in a quite startling falsetto made me a friend in Toronto. I know the single most important word of Russian: “banya.”

As for languages not on the list: If you knew me you’d know that one of my favorite hobbies is to sing arias (badly, I’m not a good singer) in languages I don’t know. My rendition of Figaro’s “Se vuol ballare, signor Contino” is legendary in my circles. Possibly not for the right reasons, but legendary nonetheless. And one of my favorite party tricks is to recite from Book II of the Iliad in the original – a holdover from the couple of years I spent studying Homeric Greek with a private tutor. Once again, not terribly useful in real life but it’s impressed the ladies and gotten me stood to a few drinks in Astoria.

I wouldn’t claim to be Champollion or Chomsky (I assume that you’re speaking of Chomsky in his capacity as a linguist). I’ve not deciphered any dead languages (my little Greek and less Latin is enough for me) or revolutionized the study of language. But my point still holds.

WADE NICHOLS: Why the hell should I learn someone else's language? I wouldn't move to Bhutan and expect the Bhutanese to speak with me in English?”

Let me give you the example of my best friend, who’s a world class foodie. He’s not fluent in any language other than English. But he sure does know most of the food terms in most of the major languages. The result? Better service in restaurants, better relations with butchers and other purveyors, and a more interesting table in his home.

Also, if you were to make a little effort to reach out to people, to speak a word or two of their language, to maybe take an interest in their culture (you don’t have to read the whole Mahabharata in Sanskrit but go into a video store in Jackson Heights and see how happy they are to share Bollywood with you), it would make you a more well rounded person and certainly make you seem like less of an asshole.

Anonymous said...

Ridgewoodian: You're still quite a repulsive, odious, and repugnant individual, as evidenced by your comments. Nevertheless, I can at least respect your ability to provide some intelligent repartee on this board!

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...


don't you ever get tired of typing?

Ridgewoodian said...


I don't know whether to thank you or tell you to fuck off.

Enjoy your weekend, too.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: ridgewoodian

don't you ever get tired of typing?

Obviously not. Move on to another topic already. Christ....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Have you? I understand that it’s a great center of Indian art, music, and literature so it has that going for it. And those who I know who have been there praise it as a warm and wonderful city.

Calcuatta: Which is why they are trying to flatten the slums in that city

The point here my friend (and folks, this guys is an obvious machine plant who is getting paid by the word - but that is ok - this is a public forum) - your lack of real life experience is sooo amusing.

I have some Guyanese friends who went to India a few years ago to look up their roots. When I met the wife, Molly, to gather her impressions, she said "I said to the people your country stinks - you should clean it up. My husband bathed in the river (Ganges?) and was sick for weeks."

And that folks, is the difference between the opinions of an erstatz Queens person, like Ridgewoodian, and the raw edge of reality that we confront here every day.

Anonymous said...

You know, mentioning that low life from Bermuda reminds me of an interesting piece done by Bill Moyers on the sub-prime mortage crisis which was started by people just like him.

The bottom line: people in power use that power to crush the little guy.

We have to stop looking down on the Regular Joe in this country, and go after money skimming bums in politics, finance, and real estate: these are the real SOBs who use their privilege to lead lives of idle indulgence instead of creativity or helping their fellow man.

This Breezy Pt thing is just another exampple of our lose of moral compass that will come back to haunt us.

Anonymous said...


I found something that describes Ridgewoodian perfectly on another blog.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: and folks, this guys is an obvious machine plant who is getting paid by the word - but that is ok - this is a public forum…

Has it ever occurred to you even once that someone might disagree with your parochial know-nothingism and NOT be in the pay of some nefarious power? Probably not, since that would require an act of intelligent imagination.

ANONYMOUS: … your lack of real life experience is sooo amusing.

You know nothing, or next to nothing, about my “real life” experience, so don’t presume to be an authority on it, little buddy. And just what does “real life” mean, anyway? I’ve been on this Earth a certain number of years, seen and done a number of things, none of it’s been “fake.”

As to the specific question before us, I admitted that I’ve never been to Kolkata. It seems that you’ve never been, either, so you have no relevant personal experience. So we both have to rely on what we can glean from the various media and from personal friends who have been there. You mention a Guyanese friend who’s impression of the country that gave the world the Bhagavad Gita, Gandhi, and 24/7 IT support was “it stinks.” How incredibly arrogant. Did she at least think to enquire into the nature and cause of the poverty in India? Did she share that with you? If so, I’d like to hear what she said. But I doubt that she did because that would lead to some uncomfortable questions. (As Dom Helder Camara famously said: “When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were hungry, they called me a communist.”) And it would have required an act of intelligent imagination on her part, something which she seems as incapable of as you.

ANONYMOUS: And that folks, is the difference between the opinions of an erstatz Queens person, like Ridgewoodian, and the raw edge of reality that we confront here every day.

Well, I just had my 15th anniversary here in Queens – eight years in Elmhurst, seven in Ridgewood. Not as long as some people, no, but not an inconsiderable time, either. And this isn’t Vermont where you’re not a true Vermonter until you have a grandfather in a Vermont grave. I’m not sure what raw edge of reality you confront every day but you seem unable to face it with anything like equanimity. You, or your Guyanese lady friend. Please, I’m asking you (and her): Go away. Go someplace “clean.” The city’s lost on you. Why don’t you leave it for people who actually love it and aren’t idiots.

Ridgewoodian said...

FRED: I found something that describes Ridgewoodian perfectly on another blog.

You do know that that’s a HUMOR site, right?

And even if it wasn’t, I’ve never said that I was an expert in anyone else’s culture.

And even if I was, why would that be a bad thing, exactly.

Take my day today: I had lunch in a Russian restaurant my buddy and I discovered by accident, then we went to a Cyclones game where we seat hopped until we were able to chat with a player from our hometown while drinking overpriced premium beer, then, after the game we had Cubano sandwiches in a Dominican joint. Explain to me why that’s not cool.

Anonymous said...

Has it ever occurred to you even once that someone might disagree with your parochial know-nothingism and NOT be in the pay of some nefarious power? Probably not, since that would require an act of intelligent imagination.

Did it ever occur to machine hacks like you that people and actually think for themselves and don't buy what the USSR thinks we should think?

Anonymous said...

You know nothing, or next to nothing, about my “real life” experience, so don’t presume to be an authority on it, little buddy. And just what does “real life” mean, anyway? I’ve been on this Earth a certain number of years, seen and done a number of things, none of it’s been “fake.”

But you make it easy to figure you out with your paper thin canned responses.

If there ever was a poster boy to attact people to this board its you.

The folks paying you are doing us a big favor.

Anonymous said...

Did she at least think to enquire into the nature and cause of the poverty in India?

Hey dipshit white guy, she is INDIAN heritage, her husband is a devote fellow, and her son is a Hindu priest.

In the Machine Hack vs Indian Matriarch slapdown even the stupid money is betting against you.

Anonymous said...

Well, I just had my 15th anniversary here in Queens – eight years in Elmhurst, seven in Ridgewood.


Mr, I came to NY perhaps before a lot of kids like you were even born just to be part of the mix - the best move I ever made.

I have written extensively on the subject and have dealt with dimensions of this city undreamed by you.

Like taking on my friend that Indian lady, you are out of depth here. Laughibly out of depth.

Anonymous said...

You do know that that’s a HUMOR site, right?
Fitting for someone whose ideas are a complete joke.

But keeep 'em coming, sonny. Your minders may be paying you but we are repeaping the profit.

We hope they don't wake up to what a ripoff you are for them.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: Did it ever occur to machine hacks like you that people and actually think for themselves and don't buy what the USSR thinks we should think?

1. I don’t think that “and” is the word you were looking for; it makes a hash of the rest of the sentence although by trying really hard I can sort of make sense of it.
2. The “machine” – I’m not even particularly mechanically inclined.
3. The U.S.S.R. effectively ceased to exist on Christmas Day, 1991. Do join the 21st Century.

ANONYMOUS: Hey dipshit white guy, she is INDIAN heritage, her husband is a devote fellow, and her son is a Hindu priest.

I GOT that she was of Indian heritage. (Believe it or not, I actually know from Guyanese subcontinentals – I lived with a family of them for EIGHT YEARS when I was in Elmhurst.) I just don’t see what the RELEVANCE of her heritage is. I’m part Italian, myself, with a bit of Portuguese and English. Do I have any special insight into Rome or London when I go there? Would I have any into the Azores if I were to make it over there? Do I prefer Italian opera to German? No, no, no, and no. Because more than any of those things I’m an American – although, I hope, not an ugly one. If all your friend had to say about India was that it stank – I don’t care where her ancestors came from, I don’t care if she was raised here or in Guyana – that makes her nothing but a fucking gringa and she should be ashamed of herself.

ANONYMOUS: Mr, I came to NY perhaps before a lot of kids like you were even born just to be part of the mix - the best move I ever made.

I have written extensively on the subject and have dealt with dimensions of this city undreamed by you.

You sound like you might have been cool back in the Day. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Take my day today: I had lunch in a Russian restaurant my buddy and I discovered by accident, then we went to a Cyclones game where we seat hopped until we were able to chat with a player from our hometown while drinking overpriced premium beer, then, after the game we had Cubano sandwiches in a Dominican joint. Explain to me why that’s not cool.

Superficial experiences devoid of any real substance, that's why it's not "cool".

Did you look inside the Dominican joint first to make sure you were the only "gringos" inside, so that you wouldn't lose points in the "super cool multicultural all-inclusive we're oh so tolerant" white people game?

Ridgewoodian said...

WADE NICHOLS: Did you look inside the Dominican joint first to make sure you were the only "gringos" inside, so that you wouldn't lose points in the "super cool multicultural all-inclusive we're oh so tolerant" white people game?

Well, we couldn’t actually look inside first to see if we were already inside and compare our inside selves to the other patrons – which is literally what you asked. That would have been impossible, or at least highly improbable, under our current understanding of physics. And we hadn’t suddenly found ourselves in the Room at the End from 2001.

But I think I know what you were struggling and straining to ask and the answer is: No. We went to the joint in my buddy's neighborhood that makes the best Cubanos. Or, actually, that makes the SECOND BEST Cubanos; since the place that makes the best Cubanos was closed.

WADE NICHOLS: Superficial experiences devoid of any real substance, that's why it's not "cool".

And pray tell, in your awesome Krishna-like wisdom, what a substantive experience would have been.

Anonymous said...

I think we are getting sonny's goat.

tee hee hee

Anonymous said...

I like the part where he is more Indian and knows more things about the Indians than the Indians.

A budding poltician!

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: I like the part where he is more Indian and knows more things about the Indians than the Indians.

Um, didn't you say you friend was GUYANESE? Let’s see if you can follow me here: Last time I checked Guyana was in South America and India was that big old chunk of real estate in south Asia. They’re a long way apart. But, they were both once a part of the famous British Empire, upon which the sun never set. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? A little history for you: In the 1830s the Brits began importing indentured laborers into Guyana from India. They stopped in 1917 (just about the same year my great grandfather came over from Italy). The Indians in Guyana have a long history and it’s quite separate from that of the Subcontinent. Sort of like the Italians in America if you're looking for a more familiar example. Only the Indians actually form a majority in Guyana. Why don’t you ask your friend how many generations separates her from the Old Country; I’m guessing three or four, just like the family I lived with. If I’m right she’s as Indian as I am Italian. When she went to India and I went to Italy we were the same: tourists in a foreign country. Although from the sound of it I was more respectful of my hosts. Her opinion of the country means as much or as little as any other gringo’s. And if I’m wrong, if she has closer ties to Mother India than I suspect, she sure isn’t very patriotic. In any case, from what you write about her, she sounds like a thoroughly unpleasant, dull, and uncultured person. I’m not surprised you’re friends.

Anonymous said...

No actually, her husband (while they lived here) was considered the unofficial 'Mayor' of the block.

When they held a three day traditional wedding, it was a show stopper, an unforgettable experience for everyone.

He knows everyone from a Managing Director of a great investment house, to the fellow at the corner. And everyone, but everyone, no matter who they are, or what their background, has respect for him and his family.

This is the real Queens, buddy, not the empty mindless platitudes they feed you.

Anonymous said...

I found this website while trying to find the NY Times story about budweiser being sold. I have a house in Breezy, I was raised in Brooklyn and moved down to Breezy a few years back with my hubsand.

I was wondering why Anonymous would think it is hard to imagine that our borough even has gated communities with its own security forces. So what that there is a gated community in Queens (there is one in Brooklyn too) not only do we have our own security, we have our own fire department (one of the few left), our own mom and pop stores (which there are many left anywhere) and a sense of safety and closeness with you neighbors...where do you find that in NYC now of days?

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: No actually, her husband (while they lived here) was considered the unofficial 'Mayor' of the block.

Well, HE sounds pretty cool. He's the one who bathed in the Ganges after all so maybe he's more spiritually evolved. But we weren't actually debating him, were we? We were going back and forth about his WIFE. This isn’t the 19th Century, at least not for most of us, we don’t actually believe that man and wife is literally one flesh; you still need to answer for her. How many generations is she removed from India? (Incidentally, was she even born in Guyana or was she American born?) If she wasn't raised there or wasn’t at least intimately familiar with the place why should I value her opinion over any other tourist's. Especially when it's such a clichéd, Ugly American opinion. Because her grandfather was from there? Because she has brown skin? Because she's still a practicing Hindu? That doesn't make any sense, unless you believe that culture is somehow transmitted genetically, like eye color. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t put such foolishness beyond you.

Anonymous said...

Good God, doesn't this kid ever stop? Or is his minders paying him to clutter the site with long essays?

This is a blog, jerk. Short. Terse. To the point.

Anonymous said...

Good God, what is worse:

going to a wedding and being stuck next to a long-winded Ridgewoodian regurgitating everything his minders fed him and demonstrating he is worth his paycheck, or

a bunch of tiresome empty-headed chatting Yahoo accountants/stock manipulators with nothing better in their petty little lives than skiing, rugby, and Wall Street.

Bor-ing. I would do either one only at the point of bayonet.

There is far more to life than money, at least for the more intelligent.

Give me the real people of Breezy Point any day of the week.

Ridgewoodian said...

1. I'm probably not as old, and certainly not as cranky, as you but I sure ain't no "kid."
2. I'll never sit next to you at a wedding, Insha'Allah.
3. You are right, there is much more to life than money. I tell myself that every time I look at my paltry paycheck. Sometimes I almost wish that your stupid paranoid fantasies about me being paid for posting here were true.
4. You still haven't answered my question about your friend.
5. Budweiser still sucks.

Anonymous said...

Blogs like this are most powerful tool that a society processes. Its impact will be around long after a forgotten wiggle in stock prices, a fad du jour in style.

It tells us why the things we value are the things we should value, and it tells us the things that should be ignored.

That is true power, a profound power -- the power to define a whole society.

My friend, there are many ways to define success. The money people live in their world, and the Regular Joe lives in his.

Having tasted different worlds (perhaps more than you) playing a role in things like this is by far the most interesting, challenging -- fulfilling of anything I ever tried.

Besides, who is to judge until the fat lady sings? But I have a funny feeling that ennui will set in soon enough, and you will come over to our way of thinking before too long.

Besides, it is painful to see real talent squandered on the sort of banal trivialities that you seem enamored - for now.

New recruits to help build the future will always be greeted warmly.

Points made, now lets all move on to the next topic.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: Blogs like this are most powerful tool that a society processes...

I'm sorry, not to be snarky or anything, but who are you directing your comments towards?

Anonymous said...

I think they said its time to move on sonny.

The playground is empty - all little birdies have gone home to bed.

Anonymous said...

I'll never sit next to you at a wedding, Insha'Allah.

Ridgewoodian tells us he's an atheist, fine. But why does he insist on throwing around Arabic sayings referencing God? Is he trying to flaunt his cosmopolitan sophistication? Or, perhaps he's simply engaging in taqiyya. Maybe Ridgewoodian does indeed have minders, but they're not the "Queens machine", but perhaps persons based in Saudi Arabia!

Ridgewoodian said...

WADE NICHOLS: ...taqiyya...

Shi'ite infidel.

anonymous minority said...

Breezy Point residents are about the most racist group that I've ever met, next to the folks from Broad Channel. Kinda all look alike too...

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