Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More of the same...yet different

I recently asked my cyberbuddy, Andrew Fine, just what IS that weird looking building several blocks north of Queens Plaza? He's provided the answer. And the answer is: Yet another hotel! (And just in time for the tourism bust.)


Anonymous said...

With that bicycle slasher recently in the news (stabbed a woman in front of her daughter) the area's promoters are going to have a tough time convincing tourists and condo buyers that the Queens Plaza vicinity is a safe neighborhood.

Oh....and are "The Bloods" still running hookers there?

Anonymous said...

This place will quickly be discovered by third world types visiting relatives in Queens, then after about seven years will have a persistant bedbug problem, then will be sold to some service agency that will fill it with 'special needs' people who will in turn five years later sell it to some shadowy third world type who lives out on Long Island who will fill each suite with a family (read single mom with four kids) that is Section 8 or Fresh off the Boat.

Note how each strata has one thing in common - they are among the tweeded, so no comments from the press, politicans, or community board.

The really neat thing is those responsible for this travesty will either be retired to their 'summer home' or stupidly living in the shit that their stupidly created.

Not to worry.

Recieved wisdom will blame this on Bloomburg so no one will be held accountable and nothing will be learned.

Anonymous said...

If the midwestern families, foreign tourists, or businessmen try to use these hotels, the local element will prey upon them as they walk back and forth to the trains at night.

Yes walking and taking the train - what cab wants to come out to Queens?

Remember, those guys are clueless strolling through the nabe with wads of cash in their pockets just a block or two from the largest housing project on the planet.

Anonymous said...

"Yes walking and taking the train - what cab wants to come out to Queens?"

Are you kidding? Have you ever stood anywhere near QB Plaza? There are tons of cabs there. Both coming into and out of Manhattan. And I have never had a problem telling a cabby to take me to Queens.

In addition to your comment about the tourists having wads of money in their pockets.... they are just as likely to get stabbed or mugged walking out of their Manhattan hotel, or their Williamsburg hotel. There are housing projects in Manhattan as well as homeless people, crazies, and just plain no good people who want to steal. They are everywhere. So try not to be too ignorant.

Anonymous said...

There are housing projects in Manhattan as well as homeless people, crazies, and just plain no good people who want to steal. They are everywhere. So try not to be too ignorant.
Sure all those housing projects next to the midtown hotels.

As to the cabbies, they are just as often filled.

Its funny to see you developers squirm. You have had your way so long on fluff for opposition, you are going nuts on this board.


Anonymous said...

This place will quickly be discovered by third world types visiting relatives in Queens ...

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!

Anonymous said...

"Its funny to see you developers squirm. You have had your way so long on fluff for opposition, you are going nuts on this board.


I am actually not a developer. Just someone that has a little common sense.

As to the cabs being filled....that just proves my point.

Anonymous said...

Listen, nitwit, one of the things that got the people in Dutch Kills up in arms is that there is not only no parking for these buildings, but not even a place for the cabs to turn around.

How in the hell are you going to hail a cab that is in the middle ot Queens Plaza in a lane feeding the the bridge.

And cabs are sure the hell not cruising around 36th Ave and 29th Street.

Know your territory if you want to fight, and know it better than a native if you want to win.


Truman Harris said...
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Truman Harris said...

"As to the cabs being filled....that just proves my point."

Actually, it doesn't. Queens Blvd always had cabs on it. You could pick up a yellow in Sunnyside or at Queens Plaza, but you ain't getting one where this hotel is.

I helped my friend one time carry a wedding dress home. We were going to take the train but it was too cumbersome going up and down the stairs. So we walked to Penn Station and stood on the taxi line. The cab pulls up, we load in, he says, "Where to?" and she says, "Astoria" and he says, "sorry, I'm off duty." Same thing at JFK...say you're going to Howard Beach and see what reaction you get.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I've never had trouble taking a cab from JFK to Astoria or Forest Hills. What's worse than the yellow cabs is the so-called car service where they make up prices on the spot instead of using meters.

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