Friday, May 23, 2008

NY1 to host Council District 30 debate tonight

NY 1 has confirmed that for the first time, all 4 candidates who are running in the 30th council district in Queens will have the opportunity to ask each other questions and debate each other. Inside City Hall, hosted by Dominic Carter, will air tonight at 7pm and 10pm.

To contact Inside City Hall, send mail to:


Anonymous said...

Wanna bet Cowardly Crowley plays hooky again?

She and Como will book a motel room for the evening.

The question for the night will be: Does Como play lickety-split with Dizzie Lizzie?

Anonymous said...

Don't be gross.

georgetheatheist said...

[And Crapper, you censor my comments and publish this?]

Queens Crapper said...

Not moderating comments anymore, George.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the debate. Como is a terrible public speaker. He said hardly anything of substance and is clearly not skilled enough for public office. Crowley also is awful. Another one with no substance whatsoever. It is obvious that the two best, qualified candidates are Ober and Ognibene. It is shameful that the parties are supporting Como and Crowley instead of the two clearly more qualified and skilled candidates.

Anonymous said...

I never heard any of the candidates speak until tonight. I can't believe Elizabeth Crowley. Where does she get the nerve to run for office? She is absolutely not qualified to run for office. I agree with the previous post, Mr. Como is also not up to the task. He doesn't seem to grasp any of the issues. Mr. Ognibene made Como look foolish.

Anonymous said...

I was involved with a volunteer ambulance CORPSE

Anonymous said...

Why do you care who the parties support? Not capable of making up your own mind? No wonder this country is in such a mess. Don't know how some people manage to cross the street by themselves.

Anonymous said...

Anon said:
"Why do you care who the parties support? Not capable of making up your own mind? No wonder this country is in such a mess. Don't know how some people manage to cross the street by themselves."

Because money, support and publicity is generated very generously with party support. Pushing against that is an uphill battle. Absolutely not impossible, but a big hurdle.

So, voters learn how smart a party is by judging candidates they do support.

Plus, the parties have been operating on no-compete pacts in NY for many decades. Many "supported" candidates are in the tank for the "opposition" candidate.

Inside dealing.

When someone so obviously unqualified as Como and Crowley are getting support from one party or another, it's time for voters to suspect a crooked deal.

Punish the party, the "supporters" and the candidate. After repeated punishment, maybe the dealers will get spooked. But, probably not, because the money and power are addictive. So, repeat the punishment.

Every time a crook's name appears on the ballot, vote for the other candidate. If a crook or the crook's party asks for money or volunteers, give to the other candidate.

It takes time, but eventually you win. You just have to be as determined to get honest representation as they are determined to screw you.

Anonymous said...

The 2 best candidates were clearly Ober and Ognibene. It was almost as if Crowley and Como were working together. Crowley gave that question to Como to answer in an attempt to make him look good BUT the best part of the debate was the way Como looked so ridiculous and so stupid on TV by not knowing what really should be a question every candidate should have known. Way to go. And it is about time someone had the nerve to finally step up and put the facts on the table about the fraud that Crowley committed in her last failed bid to run for office. When she loses again I think it will be very clear the people do not like her, her family and her family who is in politics before the time of Christ. Way to go Ober for saying what everyone else has wanted to ask her all this time but she has avoided it till tonight.

Anonymous said...

Ognibene flat out lied on televison when asked about running only until Gallagher seat was term limited. Over 75 people heard him state he only wanted to run until Gallagher's seat was over and then let the young ones run.(MIDDLE VILLAGE PROPERTY OWNERS MEETING) What a piece of crap. If you can lie in public what other things have you lied about . Is the bribary accusation true. 30 CD wake up and smell the coffee. Ognibene is not fit to run and can not be trusted.

Anonymous said...

I'm usually at odds with Taxpayer's opinions, but he is exactly right in the reasons why you should care who the parties support. How can you even ask why I care who the party supports? Because the party will give substantial money and publicity and a lot of people might be swayed by that, and then we have an unskilled, unqualified person as our representative.

Anonymous said...

Como kept saying "morale" when he meant to say "moral", he keeps saying "so forth and so on" every time he rambles on, Crowley asked him what he though of budget cuts in the DA's office and he responded by talking about the raises for cops and supporting firefighters, without addressing the DA's office at all. He kept referencing "the Senator" without explaining who he was talking about. There is not way this guy was a trial lawyer. The DA probably stuck him in some investigations branch where he never had to speak in public.
Ober asked Crowley very specifically how she could be expected to lead on the issue of ethical use of finances and taxpayer funds, and she responded by saying Ober just asked her a lot of questions and then she explained that she settled the audit of her last campaign finances and is paying the fine. Ober then pressed her that she didn't answer his question, then she just babbled on some nonsense about being against slush funds.
Couldn't the parties have at least screened candidates they support to ensure they are able to speak in complete sentences and say intelligent things?

Anonymous said...

I missed this debate. Any idea where I can find it?

Anonymous said...

Someone better tell the Ober campaign that Michael Mascetti is working for Crowley to get info from Ober's campaign manager to get back to Crowley. They promised him a lot of money for his nonprofit if he gets info out of the campaign manager and gives it to Crowley.

I got wind of this a few days ago at Crowley's campaign that Michael had told Crowley's people that he had an in with the Ober campaign and that he could get info out of the campaign to give to Crowley and they promised him a lot of money for his non-profit and something about Michael's father needing a job in the union. so beware Ober that this is out there. Can someone please get this message to the Ober People in case he is in contact with them. They need to know about this right away.

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting a link at the top of the page. It's remarkable how unpolished Como and Crowley are as they chatter on and on without saying very much. I think Ober is a decent, intelligent man and the best candidate.

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