Thursday, May 1, 2008

More of LIC's character gets scrapped

Say goodbye to this building, say hello to "a 12 story residential glass condo tower".

Another building bites the dust in LIC - Say goodbye to CANGRO


Anonymous said...

Hell, that was the one of the court buildings and the Masonic Hall in 'ol Long Island City!

The residents are so dispirited that St Mary's Senior center is next. Last year it was 10-63 the first boro hall. After that application was rejected, no one believes its any point to submit anything else to LPC.

Anonymous said...

What's the address of this landmark in every sense? Where the hell are the Lazy Partners in Crime (LPC)? If there are no demolition permits according to the LI City blog, we should be reporting those cruel bastards. Rally the troops and call 311, if that's so. CB 1, asleep at the wheel once again? Greater Astoria Historical Society, are you up on this, or only interested in preserving texts and mournful photos for posterity?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hangman, its CB2, one of the first areas with Queensmarks.

smirk smirk smirk smirk

Anonymous said...

The folks over at GAHS did the research for on on the 10-63 Jackson Ave (the first Queens Boro Hall) application to LPC.

It was torn down a month later.

The form rejection letter with our address scribbled on the envelope came the following week. The Landmarks people are the only ones that shows their contempt for the public by addressing their envelopes like that.

Anonymous said...

Yea, it was at Art O Mat and had dozens of signatures.

Anonymous said...

This is a great location for condos. They should do nicely. What is the point of preserving this building? Its a dangerous eyesore that eventually will collapse and kill some inocent pedestrian.

Anonymous said...

Look at the dramatic pattern work
of that brick!

What "walyo" builder is going to duplicate that kind of skill today?

Anonymous said...

Maybe GAHS
should have signed onto CECPP's
2 lawsuits against the LPC
(like they'd been asked to)
instead of their endless

Talk is cheap.
Action costs dearly!

Oh yes, they're also part of the problem and not the solution.

If they raise some pol's hackles
they might, likewise,
be denied funding.....
now that they've got to pay
their own rent.

(Alas,benefactor Bill Quinn
has long gone)!

Anonymous said...

Aint now fleas on me, their aint no fleas on me. There might be fleas on other guys but there aint no fleas on me.

Anonymous said...

Aw rats! Wanted to put a Queensmark on that building.

Anyone see that garbage about Queensmarks in the Daily News insert - you know that one that extolled the virtures of Dutch Kills?

Anonymous said...

Yea, I saw it - well they are revivving up that joke - gives you an idea of what they have in store for Queens.

Anonymous said...

Really. From what I heard of Queensmarks, I thought that was a picture of a Queensmarked building!

Anonymous said...

I understand that HDC gave QHS an award for that program.

Anonymous said...


As you recall, they gave one to Pinky, too.

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