Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dressing up the Doorman

In interviews with local political officials, staffers and observers, Mr. Gioia was consistently described as a young man with a bright political future, and as someone who is, as one local activist put it, “there when the camera’s there.”

“Eric’s eagerness has served him as a double-edged sword,” said Morgan Pehme, former managing editor of the Queens Courier who now runs a blog called the Brooklyn Optimist. “It has won him notoriety and the affection of the media, while turning off others who see a facade to conceal naked ambition.”

“He’s at least going to be mayor, if not president of the United States,” said one City Council member, not sarcastically, but not kindly, either.

The council member added, “The image overwhelms the reality.”

The Upwardly Mobile Councilman

By the way, Crappy was asked to provide my opinion on Gioia, apparently for this story. Here's what I contributed:

"Eric Gioia is a typical politician who, the day after the 2001 election, was thinking about the next office he will hold. He was elected as an independent, anti-machine candidate, kind of a hometown hero, but wasted no time selling out to the very people he fought against. Developers and the real estate industry have him in their back pockets. He should take a walk around his district and see what has become of it. But instead, he's holding fundraisers in Manhattan."

Didn't make it in.


Anonymous said...

Well... at least he got into Madame Tussauds.

Anonymous said...

When Gioia catches the blue glazed glint off the front convex
element of a vitreous camera lens, his face slowly lights up with a smile as if it where gradually turned up by a rheostat switch.

What a photo-op phony!

In the "olde days", paparazzi were called "lens louses".

I think this term is more applicable for "our boy", don't you think ?

Eric, you're just a common
(Come to think of it, aren't all pols like that)?

Get out the lice powder and dust him liberally!

Anonymous said...

Gioia is a fake and phoney. His wife works with Parkside as a fund rasier for Crowley and lost of other political whores.

President, The Esler Group. She has been paid over 11,000 this year by Crowley. During the 2005 race for Mayor Lisa worked for Gifford Miller out of the offices of Parkside.

The Esler Group would raise money from real estate interests and non profits. When you connect the dots of Gifford Miller hiring a lawyer to protect himself from the fake non profits he created to hid budget money for political payoffs you get to see the bagman game with our tax dollars that Gioia Parkside, Miller, Crowley and Brian McLaughlin played.

They should all go to jail

Anonymous said...

Walk around his district. The people are once again betrayed by the one party machine state.

Rememer McCraffy? Moved porn from Times Sq to his district.

This guy, McCarffy's replacement? Walk around Dutch Kills and Hunters Point. Not only is his community destroyed by developers, but he doesn't even try to address concerns like infrastructure (well, yes, he did go after Con Ed like Peta and Michaol)

But he is an expert on hunger.

A real important issue down at Queens West.

Anonymous said...

Well, again, this is a result of the local paper, not reporting on reality, but a world view invented by the clubhouse.

And like the typical Queens politician, once he leaves the safe caccoon of Queens, he will be a fish out of water, and get nowhere.

Well, except as a lobbiest for Parkside.

Anonymous said...

How can people complain about a one party machine state when the district they live in as been dominated by Republicans for close to 40 years??????

Especially since the last two Republican city councilman had serious ethics issues..

Mr. Mojo Risin..

Anonymous said...

There is only one party in queens the incumbent party. And there are corrupt to the core. Most Democrats do not face Republicans and most Republicans do not face Democrats. That is what has led to the high level of corrupt in Queens.

Parkside and those rumored to be behind them rake in the money because of the dysfunctional and corruption of our two parties. The big question to be answered soon is who gets a cut of the millions Parkside has extorted from non profits and others over the years will be answered soon.

Anonymous said...

"How can people complain about a one party machine state when the district they live in as been dominated by Republicans for close to 40 years??????

Especially since the last two Republican city councilman had serious ethics issues..

Mr. Mojo Risin.."

Mr. No Know Mojo Moron apparently believes that if one generation of voters screws up, all subsequent generations must be punished, and may never complain about or correct the garbage left behind.

So, Mr. No Know believes in putting lipstick on a pig to prevent fixing any shit of the Doorman.

Anonymous said...

Gioia is a douche. I lived in Woodside across the street from his campaign office. We're talking about a very local role. Once an election's over, he disappears never to seen again till next election.

Some members of his family are also shady (the flower business is not all they do), so it's NOT a leap that the Gioia is dirty (politically). One is batshit OCD crazy, with a touch of psychosis.

Anonymous said...

Some members of his family are also shady (the flower business is not all they do)

oh do tell! do tell!

Anonymous said...

Once I learned this two bit political whore sold out his constituency to Bloomberg in regard to congestion pricing, I knew I would never support this hypocrite in any election.

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