Saturday, May 24, 2008

Con Ed is on it!

Anticipating an increase in demand for electricity of 1.7 percent this summer over last, Con Ed is spending a record $1.7 billion preparing, and rushing to complete most of the work before June 1 so it does not have to disable critical equipment while customers are using about 30 percent more power than they do in other seasons.

With Summer on the Way, Con Ed Girds Its Grid

Much of the work is concentrated in Upper Manhattan and Yonkers, where the network is not equipped to handle this summer’s projected peak demand in neighborhoods that have old equipment and have recently ballooned in population. Con Ed has also started building a new substation in Long Island City to reduce the load on the equipment that failed in 2006, causing a nine-day blackout.


Anonymous said...

If western Queens wants development, then they should have power plants.

Anonymous said...

where has the power for the other boroughs been coming from all these years?
Like most other major cities NYC has closed a lot of it's generation stations. Like most other major cities NYC is dependent on rural power.
That is why most city dwellers consider electric cars pollution free.

Anonymous said...

Like most other major cities NYC has closed a lot of it's generation stations.

Yea, and moved them to LIC/Astoria. Now they want to remove them in exchange for ... more waterfront development!

With leadeship like that, Astoria has a great future!

Anonymous said...

CB 1, the community board from hell!

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