Sunday, April 6, 2008

Why does she get a $177,698-a-year salary?

Meet mayor's main link between city & hundreds of neighborhoods

Nazli Parvizi didn't think her passion for food prepared her to work for Mayor Bloomberg. Yet as his community affairs czar, it's proven essential.

"I can get anyone to talk to me about food and then I can get them to talk about their family and then I can get them to talk about their community," she said over Vietnamese coffee at Nha Trang Palace, one of her favorite spots in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.

The Iranian-born former caterer provides a crucial bridge between New Yorkers and city government.

Can anyone out there honestly say that the community affairs unit helped them in any way with anything? All those guys do is make excuses for why the city isn't providing the services you pay for. This is nothing more than a job given as a reward for political loyalty. Intelligent and ambitious people need not apply. You serve cream puffs for a living and swoon over Bloomie? You're in.


Anonymous said...

Oh, isn't she special!

Anonymous said...

Another Bloomberg mismanaged endeavor.

And Congestion Pricing will be a good thing. Please......

Politicians are self serving. They are suppose to represent us, do what is right for us. Not happening with this administration.

This salary....a disgrace for what she does. I am angry at how my tax dollars are used.

We need an overhaul at city hall.

Anonymous said...

I'm tellin' ya.....she's
some top dog's "bimbo"!

(Or maybe she gets passed around
among the political "pedigrees").

Anonymous said...

I want my money back! She can keep the cream puffs.

If Parvizi were a guy, I'd call her a dipshit. Oh, what the hell, guy or girlie, she IS a dipshit.

Like boss, like lackey. Note that she isn't even a New Yorker. He brought her to here from Boston. The little dipshit should go back home!

Anonymous said...

the Community Assistance Unit has recently changed its name
to the Community "AFFAIRS" Unit....
which might help to explain
what Natzli really does
(or who she does) for a living!

Anonymous said...

She wears knee pads?

Anonymous said...

She's more expensive than trysts with Spitzer's whore.

Anonymous said...

"The Iranian-born former caterer provides a crucial bridge between New Yorkers and city government."


Anonymous said...

The difference between CAU and city council:

CAU: Intelligent and ambitious people need not apply.

City council: Intelligent people need not apply.

Anonymous said...

Look, why did they landmark a synagogue in Corona, and ignore St Saviours?

Political donations and pandering to certain ethnic groups who are generous to the politicians explains a lot of odd behavior.

Always, follow the money ... follow the money.

Anonymous said...

As a former staffer in CH, I can tell you that Mayor Mike had his eye (and more) on Nazli.

There is no doubt about that.

Anonymous said...

Nazli and Bloomberg sitting in a tree,
first came love,
then came marriage,
then came Mike pushing a baby carriage!!!

Anonymous said...

As a former staffer in CH, I can tell you that Mayor Mike had his eye (and more) on Nazli.>>>>>> WTF? Why? She is butt ma-fuggglyyyy!!!!!!! Hideous!

Anonymous said...

He is no prize, either

Anonymous said...

I was told that Mayor Mike is gay.

At least,that's what a
gay friend of mine (who travels in such circles)keeps on insisting.

Mind you, I don't care
if he's a "dominant top" or a
"submissive bottom" as long as
he's out of our city for good....
and real soon!

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, Natzli looks like a little Persian boy in drag.

Now that might just turn hizzoner on!

Anonymous said...

She needs a nose job?

Anonymous said...

Camel face!

Anonymous said...

Nazli Parvizi is incompetent. There is no doubt whatsoever. She fouled up a number of issues, so much so the Mayor gives her nothing to do.

Senior staff knows all too well about Nasty.

Anonymous said...

I love how CAU tried to get involved in the flooding problem this past summer. They had facilitated a secret meeting which was closed to the public and tried to prevent the public from expresing their furstration to city officials. Now that's assisting the community - great job. And at the end of the day, what was done about the problem? Not a god damn thing, so we'll be up to our necks again this summer.

Anonymous said...

They had facilitated a secret meeting which was closed to the public


Sounds like preservationists in action....

Anonymous said...

Naw, they just make secret lists and send secret agents out to take pictures.

Anonymous said...

Nazli has the cooties!!!
Better get the cootie shot!!!

Anonymous said...

Disband the CAU and the CBs
and save NYC a ton of money.

They don't do shit anyway.....
only give us a pretense that
city gov't is listening to us!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Natzli has some clues
as to where those uranium enrichment facilities in Iran are located.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe Natzli has some clues
as to where those uranium enrichment facilities in Iran are located."

How could she do that? She's so stupid and lazy that she doesn't even know how to find her own very fat ass. She's too lazy to trim it some.

Lapdancing for the Commissar? He like the ass fully rounded?

Anonymous said...

She looks like she belongs in the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie.

Anonymous said...

Demote her
to Matt Gorton's assistant
(ha, ha, ha)!

Anonymous said...

Please don't do that.

Then Jennifer Manley might move
up to fill her spot!

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