Friday, April 4, 2008

Phony DEP inspectors making rounds

Several separate instances of individuals posing as inspectors to gain entrance into homes have been confirmed. In a March 3 press release, DEP said phony inspectors claim homeowners are behind in their water bill payments, or that they need to come in to read or fix a broken meter to get inside.

Once in the home, the bogus inspector seeks a cash payment for a past due bill or for performing a service, said DEP.

The DEP said homeowners could verify identification by asking for a DEP contact telephone number. In addition, any person who identifies themselves as from DEP must either have made a previous appointment or be able to provide proper ID. All DEP employees who are authorized to enter homes must carry and show photo ID cards and badges and they must be in uniform.

Beware Phony DEP Inspectors

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has been going on for awhile. It's about time the newspapers reported on it.

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