Sunday, April 6, 2008

Crapview Plaza in Astoria

Here you go folks. Six units of crap where there were none, but they have a name - Parkview Plaza. Although the name is a little misleading, for the windows face another piece of crap across the street and not Astoria Park. It's at 25-22 14th Place in Astoria in case you want to move in (notice how the permit is for 4 stories but this building is 5). No street parking (lane's too narrow), but feel free to encroach upon the sidewalk. Remember this is in western Queens, so the community board, borough president and city hall really don't give a shit about what goes on here - and it shows.


Anonymous said...

Remember this is in western Queens, so the community board, borough president and city hall really don't give a shit about what goes on here - and it shows.

To say nothing about QCC or any other group that is in a position to counter the steady drumbeat of prodevelopment that they hear from their elected official, community board, and newspapers.

Sometimes, people, someone is barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen because no one took the time to educate them that other options are availabe.

Sometimes, the ugly sisters think its ok for Cinderella to spend her evenings scrubbing down the fireplace while they go to the prom.

Anonymous said...

CB 1, the community board from hell

Anonymous said...

Gee, isn't it a shame that there is not a major blog in the community that discusses these things. tenatively dipped a toe in the water, but the moderators (perhaps with ties to the politicans?) put a stop to serious discussion.

Now they play tag on line and idly talk about 99 cent stores (they are filled with people so they MUST serve some need, says a recent notable quote)

What a wasted opportunity. The pressures for conformaty and lack of serious discussion on substantative issues in that community is very stong.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same community where the power grid failed a few years ago?

Why are they still building there?

Why doesn't someone speak out?

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, post on and see how far you get ...

Anonymous said...

In case you havent noticed, that new building you see, actually doesnt have any cars blocking the sidewalk, but the older homes on either side of it do. So the street being too narrow for cars to park on was a problem long before this place was built.

Anonymous said...

Post on instead. Discussion is always welcome. Censorship is not.

Anonymous said...

I've already started one. The door's open. Looking forward to continuing the discussion.

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