Saturday, April 5, 2008

Birds killed by glass buildings

From Brownstoner:

Scores of migrating birds would smash into the glassy 23-story tower planned in Prospect- Lefferts Gardens, on Lincoln Road and Flatbush Avenues, creating a mess on the crowded sidewalks below, said Prospect Park Audubon Center senior naturalist Gabriel Willow. He said adjacent Prospect Park, at 585 acres, is a popular resting place for birds along the Atlantic Flyway, and added that glass towers in Manhattan near smaller, less popular parks have been the death of hundreds of birds a year. "You'll just find the ground littered with birds," he said.

Kind of makes you wonder how many birds are killed on the LIC waterfront, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

Kind of makes you wonder how many birds are killed on the LIC waterfront, doesn't it?

None - never seen any incidents. Birds are not stupid.

Queens Crapper said...

Yeah, hello: Clear & Present Danger

They used to find hundreds of dead birds every morning at the WTC before 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Poor birds:

Birds, beware of the glass

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we have NYC Audubon to educate morons like the first poster.

Anonymous said...

Another reason not to move to Long Island Shitty!!

Anonymous said...

If you find an injured bird
1. Gently place it in a brown paper bag with
a piece of cloth on the bottom and place in
a dark, quiet place.
2. Call NYC Audubon at 212-691-7483.
3. Always wash hands after touching a wild bird.

Anonymous said...

God I hope this story doesn't get national attention...we'll be the laughing stock of the entire country.

Seriously, the stupidity of this claim makes us all look really bad.

Hey Audubon member, maybe you can put up a huge sign on the top of the building that says "No Fly Zone".

This way the migrating birds will know not to fly head first into the building.

Or how about this, maybe an Audubon member can stand on top of the building and act as a crossing guard for all our feathered friends. We'll give you a really big whistle and everything.

Dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass.

Sonny, they turn off Emprire State Building lights for migrating birds at certain times of the year.

Also one of the reasons the WTC memorial of beams could not be made permanent.

We are gettong an entire generation of kids that knows nothing outside of People Magazine. I hope you sell some nice apartments and make a good commission TO INVEST IN A LIBRARY WITH REAL BOOKS!

Anonymous said...

Can everyone please take a few moments of your time & report this potentially devastating development to the following organizations?

1. The American Society For The Prevention of Cruelty To Animals:

2. Int'l Fund For Animal Welfare:

There must be some way of modifying the city buildings code for new glass high-rises et al. Greater proactivity will increase the likelihood of achieving favorable results. May the citizens conquer, and the disloyal developers fall!

On a related front, the proposed high-rise sure is hideous. It symbolizes two vertical ice trays.

Anonymous said...

On a related front, the proposed high-rise sure is hideous. It symbolizes two vertical ice trays.

People, start to make the assocition: every time you see a high rise, its a campaign donation to a politician to sell their community down the river, its a real estate ad to muzzle the press to look the other way while the taxpayers and citizens get screwed.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see a new high rise, I think of the jobs created by designing, building, and mantaining it, not to mention the jobs of people who work in them. I think of homes for the families and residents of this fine city and how we must address the housing shortage that makes living in this city so expensive. I think of the additional tax revenues that the building generates for the city so that my taxes are not sky high. I also think of the environmental remediation that was potentialy required to build there. I think of all the new technologies being put to use that make the new building more efficient and better for our environment.

Anonymous said...

Yea, and your real estate broker commission.

Anonymous said...

"I think of homes for the families and residents of this fine city and how we must address the housing shortage that makes living in this city so expensive."

How do luxury condos built for yuppies make living in this city LESS expensive? It makes taxes go up because now we have to pay for even more sewers, schools, street repairs, garbage services, police, fire, etc.

Anonymous said...

These LiQShitty people are hilarious. "I'm not a realtor, just a real estate junkie." Better get some help for that problem.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see a building I think of crowded subway cars, traffic choked streets, a waterfront cut off from my family.

I think of self-absorbed yuppies who move into my community and look down on me and want to rewrite my communty's history by ignoring it.

I think of a power grid that is unstable and hospitals and schools overcrowded.

I think how my city services are unfunded as my taxes are diverted to make someone rich.

I think of all that hot foreign money used to milk my community, all those illegals coming in to take away jobs, send money out of my community, and take away from the taxpayers services.

I, for the life of me, cannot think of a single reason why a developer making money by shoehorning more people into my community is benefitting me and my family.

Anonymous said...

Birds are not stupid, their eyes cannot distinguish between a reflection and reality and that is why they fly into glass.

Anonymous said...

If develpment is so good, why is everyone downzoning?

Anonymous said...

How do luxury condos built for yuppies make living in this city LESS expensive? It makes taxes go up because now we have to pay for even more sewers, schools, street repairs, garbage services, police, fire, etc.


Ok let me make it simple for you. You have 10 yuppies and 5 teachers who want to live in the city, but there are only 5 homes to chose from. Having more money the yuppies bid up the price of the 5 units and the teachers move to the bronx. If there were 20 homes to chose from there would be enough for everyone and there would not be a price war so each home would sell at a resonable price and everyone would be happy. Each new home unit create additional real estate tax revenues for the city, each person living in that home is paying NYC tax, NYS tax, further adding to the cities coffers. And I think someone on this board said (while celebrating the loss of investment banking jobs) that each yuppie support three jobs in other industries. So there is a waitress who is taking home a nice tip a blue collar supported by product purchases, which increase tax revenue further and so on and so on. Everyones boat is lifted when the water rises.

Anonymous said...

nice to see kind-hearted concern for birds here :)

Anonymous said...

"Ok let me make it simple for you. You have 10 yuppies and 5 teachers who want to live in the city, but there are only 5 homes to chose from. Having more money the yuppies bid up the price of the 5 units and the teachers move to the bronx. If there were 20 homes to chose from there would be enough for everyone and there would not be a price war so each home would sell at a resonable price and everyone would be happy."

You think this is how it works in this city? You're insane. The cost of living has far outpaced the earnings of the average individual. In the wake of the building boom, you'd think there'd be plenty of housing to go around, but many people are still being priced out of the city. If you're only building high end and only marketing to high end, and only have prices that the high end can meet, then where is everyone else going? Outside NYC.

Anonymous said...

Supply and demand rules may apply if the city gets rid of rent control, which artificially limits demand. But they insist on keeping 1/3 of the available housing off the free market.

Anonymous said...

As long as we have no borders, we have millions that want to move here and raise their families in 200 sq ft of space.

Demand is infinite and we will never have enough.

Anonymous said...

Let's not build any tall buildings because a bird may fly into them? What kind of dumb argument is that?

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