Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another LIC crapfest featured on Curbed

Yeah, let's get excited over another crappy condo in LIC! Well, these commenters think it's ugly:

"Is this an April fools joke, or does the new LIC really look this shitty?"

"Most of those buildings look like co-op city or lefrak city with bigger windows. Is this the best we can do after 40 years?"

"All you have to do is look at the large photo at the top of this thread to have to ask yourself, why would this be allowed?? Would anyone at all think this is an attractive place to live? Aren't we supposed to have learned something from the 1960's? Roosevelt Island looks more attractive than this, and I'm not embellishing! Why?"

And check out the discussion on the meaning of the word "vibrant"...

Meanwhile, here are some photos of a waterfront spot in LIC that hasn't (yet) been besieged with condos.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, liqshitty, queenswest.

Lets hear about it!!

Exciting new business district? nooooooooooo

Exciting new 'far East Side'?

The future dorms of the service class proles for Manhattan?

Ah, now that is just the spot!

Anonymous said...

off to West virgina with you troll-like urban rednecks!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the comment that was posted on the other blog...."Most of those buildings look like co-op city or lefrak city with bigger windows. Is this the best we can do after 40 years?" My sentiments exactly....

Anonymous said...

Well it sure ain't La Scalla!

When the "fat lady" climbs to the top level, does she get to sing?

Never mind C.M. Katz. We've heard enough of your squeaky high "Cs".

You needn't volunteer any vocals!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, liqshitty, queenswest.

Lets hear about it!!


Don't you know we are not allowed to post here? The webmaster does not tolerate it when anyone does not march in lock step with the anti-development propaganda promoted being spewed here. If you are looking for healty discussion and debate you will have to look elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

If you are looking for healty discussion and debate you will have to look elsewhere.

Oh, pa-lese, and read the local media for 'news' of development heavens sake?

Go to blogs dripping with developer adversting to find out what is happening?

Get thrown off because we don't get giddy over sillyness that passes for discussion of our community?

The point here is prodeveloper groups, for the first time, feel the first cold breezes of a seasonal change on this site.

Go ahead, sonny, post here. You will get a far better treatment by the webmaster here than we get in the 'mainstream' (read clubhouse/developer controlled) media.

Don't salk. We want to hear your logic.

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