Wednesday, April 2, 2008

11 will come back alive this June

Read this. It will bring back memories of your youth. I promise.

...we're happy to tell old-school TV fans that they better make sure their cathode-ray tubes are fine-tuned come June. A station spokeswoman told us that WPIX is planning a 60th anniversary celebration with a retro day of programming. Will we hear the 11 Alive jingle again? Hang out with Paula and Carol on "The Magic Garden?" We hope so.


Anonymous said...

How about Officer Joe Bolton? And Joey's dad, Ray Heatherton, "The Merry Mailman"? Nothing better than a summer Sunday, with an Abbott and Costello movie every week at 11:30, followed by a Yankee broadcast sponsored By Flying A gas, featuring the Flying A dog, Axelrod.

georgetheatheist said...

Is Chuck McCann still alive?

Anonymous said...

I vote for the happy Irishman himself, Captain Jack McCarthy.
5 bells, and all's well!
Only he could do Popeye justice.
And was the host of the St. Patrick's Day parade telecasts ever since there was a WPIX-TV.
How about the ConEd Kids and the Yankees? We'll have to see lots of the Scooter and "hey, White!"

And yes, Chuck McCann is still alive and living in California!
[his best show was on WN[E]W channel 5 ...

Anonymous said...

Steve Bosh? Gloria Okon? Pat Harper? Are you out there?

Anonymous said...

I remember the PIX afternoons when you would call up and play video games (that was before ATARI.)
11 alive is the best.

Anonymous said...

Pix! Pix! Pix! PIx!

Anonymous said...

Where's Joya? Is she still kicking around?

dave in milwaukee said...

Wow . . . great memories of Officer Joe hosting the Stooges and Dick Tracy, and Yankee games with Phil Rizzuto shouting "Holy Cow!!"

I wish WNEW could somehow bring back all those old Wonderama and Sandy Becker shows. Unfortunately, I read somewhere that all the tapes were lost or erased. Bummer.

Bookartist said...

What's my opinion? This is a great idea.

Oh yeah, pix! pix! pix! That was so much fun.

Here's a test. Complete this sequence and we'll know you're *really* old school: The Odd Couple, The Honeymooners, ...

Anonymous said...

bookartist - "The Twilight Zone" ?

Anonymous said...

Although I didn't grow up in NYC, for some reason WPIX was on our cable system in western Massachusetts (along with NJ's WWOR Channel 9). I definitely remember the afternoon cartoon programming and those kids who played video games over the phone in the early 80s (and who won the video-disk copies of "The Toy") and was so jealous that I wasn't allowed to call.

Bookartist said...

Star Trek, my friend, at midnight.

Anonymous said...

...and then Twilight Zone at 1AM! That was a KICK-ASS late night lineup.

WPIX in the '70s and '80s was the best! I'm getting all warm 'n fuzzy nostalgic just thinking about it. I won't even get started on The Yule Log!

panzer65 said...

In the days before cable, WPIX channel 11 was and still is a great station. Anyone remember "Chiller Theater"? with that terrifying six fingered hand?

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah! You can find several clips of that opening on Youtube.

WPIX also had a great kung-fu movie show on the weekend, I don't remember what they called it.

Along with the Yule Log on Christmas Eve, they used to show March of the Wooden Soldiers every Thanksgiving. Remember that? Good times...

Anonymous said...

WOW a june retro-day of vintage WPIX........
The Sunday Morning Movie,
The Science Fiction Theater,
Pix,Pix,Pix.......I can go on...
Hope it is real.....Great memories
of childhood in the NY area
(Portchester/Byram area in my case)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will be showing any clips from the Chlidren's series "Joya's Fun School"?

There is info about the show at this link:

Anonymous said...

The Magic Garden was my favorite show. I hope they show clips of this show!

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