Thursday, March 13, 2008

Windows to the soul

Last August when Crappy was a guest on Curbed, I featured the Powerhouse in LIC as an example of what not to do when adaptively reusing a building. Of course, the typical "you're just jealous", "the building is going to be beautiful" and "this is a Karl Fischer project!" comments were hurled. Well, here we are a few short months later and opinion on Curbed seems to have turned against the poorly designed condo. Add to that the fact that they are advertising the place by transposing windows on a woman's ass, as pointed out by Copyranter, and it proves just how high class the place truly is. According to the NY Times, "30 percent [of the units] have sold since October".

Curbed: LIC's Powerhouse is Sort of Still There

NY Times: Powerhouses to the People

Photo from NY Times


Anonymous said...

Hi Crappy!

After a long day watching watching the s[itzer news, I am sitting here at my Pc , getting a few late night news hits, znd I checked you of course. I never ever said what i did for a living, but this story is a goood place. I did say that that i am from brooklyn, in the bay, and that for more the 20 years I lived i the same digs in flushing. But I never told you I am a NYC hack, for more the 25 years , I started young in collage dropped out and brought my tin, the rest is my story.

Well I choose to say this today only to let you know that because of places like the power house in queens, I can now make money hacking in these areas just as if I were in NYC itself, it really is no different,. For me with the no how of what to do when it really is not to hard at all when I am their to find fares goinf into the city or so were good , in short time. really these places offer the same as many city nabes. cept I get to cross bridges, tunnels and highways, for a time with the meter clcking. Big H.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If this passes for architecture,
please pass me another brew!

Anonymous said...

Yeah "chris".....
it's been Mc Kim Mead & Mutilated !

Anonymous said...

But the community outcry forced Mr. Schwimmer to alter his plans, he said.

The neighbhorhood is, was, and will continue to be, ignored.

Be it their community board, elected officials, and perservation community.

Well, that is not entirely true. They still pay taxes to get this kind of treatment.

Anonymous said...

Though the lady, herself, is quite a looker ;)

Anonymous said...

Another example that proves- money can't buy class!

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