Saturday, March 1, 2008

Toby has an opponent this time

Last time State Senator Toby Stavisky ran for election, she ran unopposed. This time, local pharmacist Peter Koo will challenge her as a Republican. If you're unhappy with the Stavisky dynasty, take heed that she has an opponent this time. Here's her district map. His run is being given serious support by state GOP leaders including Senate Speaker Joe Bruno. Here are some of his qualifications:

- President and CEO of the Starside Pharmacy chain
- Chairman of Program Services for the Flushing Business Improvement District
- President of the Flushing Chinese Business Association
- Member of Community Board 7
- Member of the Queens General Hospital Community Advisory Board
- Trustee of the LaGuardia Community College Foundation, Flushing Lions and American Cancer Society.

Toby Stavisky's qualifications:
- was married to Sen. Leonard Stavisky


Anonymous said...

Anyone running against Stavisky has my vote.

georgetheatheist said...

Thank you Phil Ragusa and Vinnie Tabone for FINALLY getting off your asses! Who's next?

Anonymous said...

He has a VERY good chance. Look at that district, it's changed so much since the Stavisky's took office. I hope he kicks her right in her politcal ass!

Anonymous said...

There's little choice between
the black pot and the black frying pan....
except into the fire!

Both candidates suck!

How about the president of Taiwan
running for this coveted city council seat?

This would make the transference
of this Flushing colony complete.

Anonymous said...

Chris (R-Fresh Meadows) He's got my vote!

Anonymous said...

Anon # 3 is a donkey's bum. Don't be jealous that an immigrant is successful and makes enough $ in the time it took you to write your rant to buy your house and your neighbor's house.

As they say, don't hate the player, hate the game.

Anonymous said...

Did you look at that district? The map alone speaks volumes about what's wrong with our system. The word is "gerrymander."

Anonymous said...

I was born in the year of the snake
not the "donkey".

One look around and you can understand why downtown Flushing is often referred to as
"little Taiwan" !

do not assume that the entire district
is composed of Asian voters.

According to census figures, they run
about neck in neck with the Latino population.


Your candidate will discover this

A republican doesn't stand a chance in this
heavily democratic voting district.

Look up the long history of that party's losers
who tried to make the run unsuccessfully!

John Liu made it in because he's a Stavisky
puppet and was heavily supported
by the Democratic party's clubhouse machine.

Anonymous said...

In the Queens Chronicle:

Stavisky’s spokesman, Joe Reuben, issued the following statement regarding Koo’s candidacy: “Toby Stavisky serves the people of Queens with distinction, having won landslide elections time and time again because of her hard work on the important issues which unite everyone in this diverse community. She is fighting to secure funding for local schools, to expand access to health care, and to preserve the quality of life of residential communities.
“In contrast, as a Republican Party leader and as a major financial supporter of George W. Bush, Peter Koo has proven himself to be out of touch with the people of Queens. The voters will reject his partisan political posturing.”

A rather deep-seated statement, don’t you think?

She serves the people of Queens with distinction all right… She’s the only representative who has an unidentifiable district office.

The Stavisky’s have done nothing to unite the community; in fact they do all they can to divide the people. Her statement above proves the point, accusing Koo of “…. partisan political posturing”, SHE said it.

I hope she also has a Democratic primary challenger. In the interim, good luck Peter Koo.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Team Stavisky is resorting to partisanship:

“As a Republican Party leader and as a major financial supporter of George W. Bush, Peter Koo has proven himself to be out of touch with the people of Queens.”

If Koo comes from the party of Bush- Stavisky comes from the party of Hevesi and McLaughlin. On the local level, the GOP is more trustworthy than the scandal-plagued Democratic clubhouse.

Stavisky's "guilt-by-association" attack on Koo will come back to bite her.

Anonymous said...

Besides George W. Bush, Peter Koo is also a financial supporter of Toby Stavisky. According to the State Board of Elections, he gave a $1,000.00 contribution to the Friends Of Toby Stavisky on 10/25/04.

He also supported Eliot Spitzer, John Liu, Barry Grodenchik, Jimmy Meng, George Pataki as well as others from both parties. Peter Koo has played an active role in the political arena for years.

Koo to Team Stavisky – BITE ME!

Anonymous said...

Is this the same "Koo"
that was involved in a prostitution scandal
that hit the press awhile back?

If so,
it's the "Koo de Grace" for him !

Anonymous said...

That was Peter Ko. Not Peter Koo.

Anonymous said...

Just because Koo is asian doesn't mean he has only been active with asians. Being
- Member of Community Board 7
- Member of the Queens General Hospital Community Advisory Board
- Trustee of the LaGuardia Community College Foundation, Flushing Lions and American Cancer Society.

I dont see anything "Taiwan" about any of that. I am a rotarian and when I met Koo at an event (not chinese) he mentioned that he was also involved in the Rotary.

I was also encouraged that I saw he said in the Chronicle “Let me be clear. I do not want to be an Asian or Chinese state senator, I want to be a New York state senator,”

So take your prejudice elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

It’s early in this race for us to be calling each other names. Not to worry, Team Stavisky will bring racism, prejudice, bigotry and divisiveness into this campaign soon enough.

Anonymous said...

The Stavisky team has been following Peter around for about the last six months, recording his comings and goings, getting on the train, driving to his house, parking the car and going inside. But again for almost a decade the stavisky brood didn't live in the district, their office wasn't in the district, and over the last 30 or so years they seem to have been connected to any and all Tammany like operations and gifting to the Queens Dems, follow the money, theres more.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Democrat and a resident of Stavisky's district but I think I'll pull the lever for Koo. It looks like he leaves much to be desired but he seems more sincere about the community than that corrupt, nepotistic old hag Stavisky. He has zero chance of winning but hell, if my vote will put even the tiniest dent in Stavisky's margin of victory it's a vote well spent.

Anonymous said...

Stavisky has a Democratic Primary, it's Robert Schwartz, a retired business owner. They have all been worried about Koo and his volunteers, Koo and his cash, well Koo has a minor problem, he lives in Port Washington, and this week he learned about what happens when you file a fraudelent voter registration to run for office. Suddenly your not. Tell the party the gravey train's been derailed.

Vicious said...

I just got back from voting from Peter Koo.


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