Saturday, March 1, 2008

Report on St. Saviour's Protest

Present at the St. Saviour's rally yesterday were Councilman Tony Avella, citywide and boroughwide preservationists, the Queens press corps, about 35-40 townspeople and 6 police officers.

Notably absent were every elected official that represents the district - they didn't even send representatives or statements to be read. These include U.S. Rep Nydia Velazquez, State Senator Serphin Maltese, Assemblywoman Marge Markey and Councilman Dennis Gallagher.

Here are more photos from the Committee to Save St. Saviour's.

Work is expected to be shut down at the site through the weekend. In the meantime, Councilman Gallagher has been busy producing a mock flyer blaming the protesters for the impending demolition of the church. Can he get any lower than this?


Anonymous said...

Gallagher is now blaiming the protesters and people of Maspeth for the dastardly demolition ?
What was there to discuss with the devoloper if their friend Gallagher said he secured $1 million and the Cemetary would take it ?

LOL this guy is going down in flames faster then Nixon, steer clear of him he's crazy.

(I went to CTK HS with him)
I hope he doesnt have a gun !
When he cracks he's may try and take some hostages up to St.Peter with him. joke !

Anonymous said...

I like how Gallagher is saying the civic should have compromised with the developer. Since he was in on talks with the guy, shouldn't he have invited both parties to the table for a sit-down? I guess it's more fun to be a complete failure in the eyes of your community and then try to blame someone else. That's actually Pinky's standard modus operandus.

Anonymous said...

The best part was when Holden went off on the Queens Ledge. He had the entire crowd behind him. You have to wonder why the Ledge even sent a reporter down to the rally since they never report any of the names of the people involved with JPCA or the name of the civic in their rag of a paper.

Anonymous said...

Pinky's desperate to get the church knocked down at this point. The only thing he can do is blame others. It's all he's ever done his entire life.

Anonymous said...

How do you write a story where Gallagher says he doesn't have the money for moving the church, not verify this with anyone, and not get reaction from anyone to what he says? Cemetery wants to save St. Saviour's. This isn't a journalist, this is Pinky's press spokesman.

Anonymous said...

Did you get support from HDC at the rally?

Anonymous said...

"The best part was when Holden went off on the Queens Ledge. He had the entire crowd behind him."

The second best part was when Holden tried to be all tough guy but kept mispronouncing the reporter's name. Then the reporter corrected him in front of everybody. Priceless!

The third best part was when Holden got in the reporter's face, made threats to him, then walked away. The reporter's response? He quickly whipped out his camera, said, "Hey, Bob. Smile." and snapped a close-up of the JPCA president.

Anonymous said...

I've also seen that so-called journalist around. What's his name? He's so devilishly handsome I've just got to meet him.

verdi said...

Gallagher offering a compromise deal
to save St. Saviour's was as phony
as the million bucks he claimed he had secured .

Upon opening the cookie jar
and finding NOTHING INSIDE.....
one can only conclude

Pinky & Co. only wanted to buy JPCA's silence
and obedience with false hopes while they
completed their dirty work unnaposed.

But those savvy poker players
called his bet and stood their ground!

It turned out that Pinky is in cahoots
with the developer, Parside, Mayor Mike
and the whole motley crew.

See you in jail for rape
Mr. (soon to be former) Councilman !

Anonymous said...

I still want to know why the Cornell House and St Saviours are facing a different fate.

I still want to know why the preservation community doesn't feel the least bit angry over this.

I still want to know why the folks behind Cornell chose not to share this with Newtown Historical.

Just how much is going on behind the scenes with our preservation leadership?

Oh yes, least we forget, how does the platform of CREPP (or whatever) help St Saviours?

Anonymous said...

This whole thing stinks. And it seems as if the people in the community are being painted as the culprits.

The real bums are the politicans, the developers and the main stream preservationists.

I see no reason why we need to keep the landmarks law. I am tired of subsidizing the rich people protected by something they deny me.

Anonymous said...

How about the press? Why doesnt the preservation community look into the unfair characterization by the presss of grassroots preseravtionists?

And when will HDC demand back their award to Gallegher? By not doing so they validate his actions.

Anonymous said...

Holden never made a threat to the reporter. He informed him that he was getting sued for libel with malicious intent. Not a threat at all. The paperwork is being filed and the proof is all over the pages of the Queens Ledge. The best thing he can do now to lose the case would be to publish that photo as well as another derogatory story about the JPCA or Holden. Please, Phil, bring it on.

Queens Crapper said...

No more comments about Phil Guie, please. Sounds like he'll have his day in court, just like Pinky. It's simply outrageous that no elected officials attended the rally. I bet no reporters even call attention to that.

Anonymous said...

I bet no reporters even call attention to that.

The coverage of the press in preservation issues is scandalous.

The stiffeed neck resistance by the mainline preservation community to even discuss this is inexcusable.

(Of course, if you live in a landmark distict, what do you care? You do seminars on how massive development can be accomodated - in some one elses' neigbhorhood, of course!)

Anonymous said...

Yea, go Queens!

Kick Ass!

We are doormats no longer!

Anonymous said...

I saw in the description of the report that only Avella was there. That is true, he was the only elected official there. However, I did see 2 representatives there from Maltese's Office. I saw them talking to the press at the end and also to Tony Nunziato. It's a shame that no one else from the city was there though. I was suprised to hear that Maltese ($100,000) and Hevesi ($50,000)were trying to secure state money to help in the situation.

We have to make sure that the church is saved. Its an important part of Queen's and Maspeth's history. That is something that everyone should agree on.

Anonymous said...

"I like how Gallagher is saying the civic should have compromised with the developer"

Gallagher, Marshall and the rest of the clubhouse parasites will compromise any working class neighborhood where the people aren't likely to be campaign contributors. Rip a historic church down near one of their houses and they'd never stand for it. Its just another form of the caste system.

Anonymous said...

The Queens Ledge is the most laughable, biased and fictitious rag I have ever read. It was funny to hear Rob Holden rip them a new asshole.

I'm sure when the story is fabricated, it will have false statements, ommitted facts, and enough fiction to compete with shakespere.

And no wonder, it is run by Maspeth's village idiot, Mr. Shitchez, one of the most dumbest and most laughable failures in town history.

Anonymous said...

Serph's people did not introduce themselves to me or to any of the other JCPA members before the rally. They did not ask to address the crowd. We didn't even know they were there. Why did they do that?

Anonymous said...

How incredibly stupid. On election day, vote for Joe A.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the answers to that. But isn't Tony Nunziato a member?

Queens Crapper said...

Talking to the people holding the rally after it's over is pretty much like closing a barn door after the horse ran out.

Anonymous said...

If he wants to give money towards the saving of the church and that he is for St. Savior's being saved, I at least thank the guy. If we could get every elected from the area to pledge $100,000 or more, would there be enough money to move the church? What about Avella, can he get any money for us. I know he is vocal and was there yesterday, but we also need money to help.

I am sure this has been mentioned before, but have there been any private funds raised by supporters to save the church? A joint effort between city, state and private money.

Anonymous said...

one thing I have been wondering about; why was the restricive deed not upheld in the lawsuit? Doesn't the developer still need zoning variances to build housing there?

Anonymous said...

because the judge was a clubhouse hack?

Anonymous said...

Yes, he needs a zoning change to build houses there. But he is supposedly trying to sell the property now.

Anonymous said...

"The second best part was when Holden tried to be all tough guy but kept mispronouncing the reporter's name. Then the reporter corrected him in front of everybody. Priceless!"

A proper name may be spelled and pronounced however the speaker wishes it to be said. At least that's what I was taught in 2nd grade grammar. Therefore the reporter couldn't have corrected him. He wasn't wrong.

Queens Crapper said...

Fine, his official name is now Phil Goo-ey. No more, please.

Anonymous said...

This whole site should be shut down for the interim
until a REAL full fledged investigation
(and not just a token one by NYC's DEP stooges)
has been completed.

It looks to me like the developer
(with Gallagher & company's full knowledge)
might have been running an illegal (toxic?)
waste transfer station on this site!

And what are the long term effects
of materials such as friable asbestos
(biological? radioactive? etc. ?)
on the nearby residents ?

Anonymous said...

FYI: Walter Sanchez, publisher/editor of the Queens Ledge among other things, did not contribute to his workers' social security fund for 5 over years. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to scams that have backfired by this total loser.

Look at all the Federal Liens on him and his now defunct Midnight Communications. The total: $324,623.

This guy lives in a glass house and has the balls to throw stones? Bring it on Mr. Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

"A proper name may be spelled and pronounced however the speaker wishes it to be said. At least that's what I was taught in 2nd grade grammar. Therefore the reporter couldn't have corrected him. He wasn't wrong."

It's true. We demand apologies to Bob Heldon!

Anonymous said...

He should be called Phil Lie.

Queens Crapper said...

This is really intriguing stuff, Truman. Here's Walter Sanchez' federal liens and here's Midnight Communication's.

How the hell did this guy become vice chair of community board 5? How does he continue to do business?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hEy CrapPy, the SaNCheZ sTuFf sHoUld MAke fOr a GoOd toPiC. I wOuLd pOst tOns oF iNfO.

Anonymous said...

QC said:
"This is really intriguing stuff, Truman. Here's Walter Sanchez' federal liens and here's Midnight Communication's.

How the hell did this guy become vice chair of community board 5? How does he continue to do business?"

His presence on CB5 make me wonder (in light of these federal liens) if he's using his proximity to tax money and his use of the Queens Ledge, and his ass-kissing of various elected officials and developers to enrich himself to pay off the liens.

Isn't it time for an investigative agency to look into this cozy relation$hip - sorry, relation$hit?

Have anything to say Sanshit? How about you, city employee Gary Giordano? Crooked Gallagher? Helen Mar$hall?

Where's DOI? Where's the FBI? Where's the State AG? Where's DOJ (did you all see the report on the DOJ nailing the NYC Parks Department?)

Anonymous said...

it looks like Gallagher
can no longer afford Parkside's fancy fees.

So he's gone over to Sanchez the snake's
(what was it called?) the "midnight"
PR agency to get his cut rate fliers done!

Soon he wont even be able to pay him
after he gets his defense attorney's next monthly bill.

You're goin' down boy.....
maybe even before St. Saviour's!

Anonymous said...

Guie, Sanchez and Gallagher are reeling because they can't post on their inane Patriots blog until they go back to the office on Monday. So they are posting here.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say this; I agree it's a pathetic shame that not one local pol showed up. That said, at least Maltese (reputedly) sent two reps, to me this counts for something, if not enough. Begs the question,where was Joe A. when he is running for office here?

Anonymous said...

Guie is just a Sanchez waterboy who acts as a whore for the crooked publisher. The insignificant twerp has stayed at the Queens Ledger much too long and really couldn't get a job at a respectable paper.

He's not worth mentioning on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Also absent at the rally were potential Gallagher successors Liz Crowley and Tom Ognibene.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Guie is just a Sanchez waterboy who acts as a whore for the crooked publisher. The insignificant twerp has stayed at the Queens Ledger much too long and really couldn't get a job at a respectable paper."

Guie sounds like a jerk. Still, working as a photographer for a local paper ain't so bad. Like all the art feilds, photography is a tough racket and just getting a paying job in it is a pretty good accomplishment.

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