Monday, March 3, 2008

Poster protest at St. Saviour's

This morning residents of 57th Drive woke up to find a poster protest across the street from them along the fence at St. Saviour's.
Here are some photos. - Christina Wilkinson

Hey some of that artwork looks familiar!


Anonymous said...

I like the rodent bait sign above the Pink Pig's picture. Very appropriate!

Anonymous said...

What are those things his hands? Beer cans?

Queens Crapper said...


Anonymous said...

There should be rodent bait signs at 78-25 Metropolitan Avenue.

Anonymous said...

Good caricature in any event.

Anonymous said...

There should be one of Bloomberg crapping on all of Queens, which is exactly what he's done starting the day after his re-election.

Anonymous said...

Old "Pinky"Hubbard
said he'd stashed in the cupboard
a one million dollar bone.

But when Maspeth looked there
and the cupboard was bare...

They knew that crook
had always intended for St. Saviour's
to be gone!

Anonymous said...

In the middle pic, there's a reddish person-shaped outline on the fence that appears to be holding the for sale sign.

The ghosts of Maspeth have risen!

Anonymous said...

you're right.
A ghost. Ahhhhh!!! :-o

Anonymous said...

This demolition is Insano. Notice the developer's Ford has Georgia plates, that tax cheat!

Anonymous said...

I think they are Florida plates. I believe this is the notorious Tommy D, whose companies have defacated on communities across Brooklyn and Queens.

I wish I had been there with a crow bar when this prick drove up. There would be nothing left of his truck EXCEPT the Florida plates.

Anonymous said...

-I called this one weeks ago, I know that building and property.

Wait till the bones and rotted pine start showing up when they dig those foundations !

georgetheatheist said...

What's the point of these posters on the fencing? I drove by this PM and none of them were there anymore.

BTW, the asbestos clean-up might take a week. So the church still stands.

Queens Crapper said...

What's the point? It's to express outrage. It's not surprising that the posters are gone. I wouldn't be surprised if Jennifer Manley wasn't dispatched to the scene herself. Too late - they've been photographed.

Anonymous said...

And linked to by Curbed!!!

Anonymous said...

have a feeling more posters will up tomorrow. So get there a bit earlier, this time, George. ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the pic of Gallagher pooping on Maspeth. F@#$ing hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Pinky probably had lackey extrodinaire Humpty Cinimo take the signs down. Humpty hasn't been seen with the pink man much since the indictment but humpty still runs the Pinky civic assoc...

Anonymous said...

Cimino and Pinky sat on a wall....
drank a little too much and are likely to fall !

At least we know Pinky will be "taking the fall".

And Bubba will, no doubt, will be
teaching him the real meaning
of the rhyme"Humpty Dumpty".

Anonymous said...

There are no municipal laws
that prevent ANYONE
from using a construction fence to post a message, poster , artwork etc.

But I'm sure that the CAU
is already working on changing this....
eh Natzli....Ms. Manley ?

Oops ....
I think I just tipped off Don Pietro "junior" Vallone
on proposing a new intro bill.....sorry folks.

verdi said...

All aboard the "Red-Line Express".
Please have your tickets (uh....bribes) ready!

Pinky Gallagher
will be your acting "red cap" for today....
in case any developer needs "assistance"!

but it seems Maspeth will get stuck
with their baggage !

Anonymous said...

You know, it would be a really neat thing (I know its illegal) but construction fences like this around the city become billboards for antidevelopment.

Anonymous said...

Why was there no missing poster of Nazli - using the pic of her serving cake?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Pinky Civic Assoc, look what they state as goals on their website.

"Promote the importance of being respectful and considerate to those who represent us in government"

"be clear and concise when dealing with elected officials and will not utilize unscrupulous tactics to achieve our desired goals"

"Work with developers to ensure cooperation with the community"

Which of course translates into
"be nice to the developers that turn our towns into disgusting eyesores and kiss the asses of the corrupt politicians that line their pockets and allow it to happen"

Only Pinky and his buffoons would come up with this kind of laughably insulting drivel. Hacks like Pinky and Melinda Katz like to forget that they work for the people, not the other way around.

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