Wednesday, March 19, 2008

NYPD erases leap day crime stats

The NYPD has become so obsessed with trying to show an ever-lower crime rate that it erased February 29, 2008.

That day, however, was particularly bloody in the Ninth Precinct. Outside the East Village Key Food supermarket, a makeshift memorial still stands, weeks after a Leap Day slaying of one of the store's employees.

The NYPD Ignores Leap Day Crimes to Keep Stats Low

On February 29, inside the market at Avenue A and 4th Street, James Gonzalez, a 42-year-old ex-con known to store workers as "Crazy Jimmy," allegedly repeatedly stabbed his ex-girlfriend, Tina Negron, to death with a butcher's knife. Both worked at the market. Negron would have turned 25 years old on March 16.

It was the Ninth Precinct's first homicide of the year. But according to NYPD stats, it didn't happen. Check the NYPD website, and you discover that there have been no murders in the precinct this year.

You have to go to the fine print—an asterisk at the bottom of the stats—to get what's kind of an explanation: "Crime figures for February 29, 2008 . . . were excluded to ensure accurate comparisons."


Anonymous said...

New York IS NOT as safe a city as
Mayor Bumble-berg would have us believe.

The NYPD is still playing "Gucci facci"
with their crime stats; cranes are collapsing;
numerous construction accidents and deaths;
we're still (technically) under terrorist alert;
the financial market is severely cracked wide open;
add air pollution; congestion; over-expensive
on everything.....
(not to mention gambling, human trafficking, drug dealing, prostitution in our "outlying" areas).....!

Whew.....I'm running out of breath!

Visit "Fun City", as it was hyped in the 70s ,
in an attempt to dispel its "woes"back in the day!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the top brass of the NYPD.

Murder has erased the lives of the victims.....
now the police have rubbed out the stats!

Anonymous said...

NYPD learned accounting from Enron. When all you have are numbers to prove your worth, you need an army of accountants to make those numbers look good.

Anonymous said...

NY is by far a safe city NOT! I'm a crime victim in the Forest Hills/Rego Park, New York and our local precinct is unable to charge these criminals. Please see videos of the criminals in action who have never been charged for unknown reasons.

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